release #211
Triggered via schedule
March 21, 2025 01:01
Total duration
1d 0h 0m 32s
on: schedule
Prepare release
Release Docker
1d 0h
Matrix: release
Open an issue
7 errors and 2 warnings
aarch64-apple-darwin (macos-latest-large)
The job was not started because recent account payments have failed or your spending limit needs to be increased. Please check the 'Billing & plans' section in your settings
Release Docker / container
The job has exceeded the maximum execution time while awaiting a runner for 24h0m0s
aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (Linux-20.04)
The job has exceeded the maximum execution time while awaiting a runner for 24h0m0s
x86_64-apple-darwin (macos-12-large)
The job has exceeded the maximum execution time while awaiting a runner for 24h0m0s
x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (Windows)
The job has exceeded the maximum execution time while awaiting a runner for 24h0m0s
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (Linux-20.04)
The job has exceeded the maximum execution time while awaiting a runner for 24h0m0s
Open an issue
An error occurred while creating the issue. This might be caused by a malformed issue title, or a typo in the labels or assignees. Check .github/!
Issues are disabled for this repo
Prepare release
⚠️ No pull requests found
Prepare release
⚠️ No commits found between - nightly...nightly-19607a9647343cf1b997ed881b1fcbf02b15366d