Step1: Prepare the environemnt Populate variables.json or edit to generate environment variables for vsphere. To update isos url and chksum run (Windows chksum takes some time)
Variables that needs to be changed:
variables.json |
"vcenter_username":"[email protected]",
"vsphere_cluster": "vspherecluster",
"vsphere_datacenter": "vspherepool",
"vsphere_datastore": "vspheredatastore",
"vsphere_network": "vspherevlan"
Or edit and run to set temp env variables |
. ./ |
Remember both dots |
Step2: Build the template of your choosing | |
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/ubuntu/ubuntu1804.json
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/ubuntu/ubuntu2004.json
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/windows/10/win10.json
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/windows/2012/gui.json
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/windows/2019/core.json
packer build -force -only=vsphere-iso -var-file variables.json -var-file isovars.json ./linux/windows/2019/gui.json
Linux Username: packer Password: packer
Windows Username: Administrator Password: packer
Virtual Box Builder There is also a virtualbox builder for some of the OS it may or may not work.
Packer Windows Update Provisioner This image uses the windows update provisioner for packer read more here: