Patch sources for Sony Ericsson phones A1 and A2 platform
More details
git clone
If you don't have git on your machine, install it.
using IAR IDE
- Open root projects directory
- Open iar project file (.eww) and compile to elf with iccarm (IAR Embedded Workbench 4.2)
- Select configuration.
- build project.
using VSCode
- install vscode extension IAR For Visual Studio Code v1.3.1
- Configure the extension and set the IAR directory in "iarvsc.iarInstallDirectories".
- Open root projects directory
- Select project and configuration.
- build project.
Convert elf to vkp using elf2vkpex 1.03 (c) den_po
supported firmware formats:
- raw
- mbn/ssw/babe
- cxc
A2 Platform
- DB3150, DB32XX, and DB3350 Tutorial
├── PatchName/
│ ├── asm/ # asm files
│ ├── Target/ # configuration files
│ ├── xcl/ # linker files
│ ├── snapshots/ # screenshot files
│ │ ├── Exe/
│ │ │ └── PatchName.elf # build files
│ │ ├── List/
│ │ │ └── *
│ │ └── Obj/
│ │ └── *
│ ├── *.c
│ ├── *.h
│ ├── PatchName.ewp # iar project config
│ ├── PatchName.eww # iar project
│ └──
├── ...
├── include/
│ ├── book/
│ ├── classes/
│ ├── types/
│ └── *.h
└── ...
VKP (V_Klay Patch) is format for patch file on Siemens and Sony Ericsson phones firmware.
- A2 Walkman Skinner
- AdvButton
- Book Manager Mod
- DBItemText
- DBPlayer A2
- EXIF Info
- Flash Menu Picker
- FM Radio Layout
- Goto Shortcut
- ManualEqualizer on DB3350
- PNG Info
- Replace File
- Screen Shooter
- Shutdown Menu DB3350
- Volume Redraw
- more patches added soon
;Device and Firmware
;Patch name
;Patch description
;(i) `Additional info` ;optional
;(!) `Conflict with Patch xxx` ;optional
;(c) Patch creator
;(p) Patch porter
;(e) Patch editor
;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;optional
+base_address ;optional
patch_address: old_bytes new_bytes
;C510 SW-R1HA035
;Fix int2strID, Str2ID
;(i) Needed by some patches and elves (eg: BookManager)
;(c) IronMaster
1401F5C2: 0D1C 0025
141818EE: 1D1C 0025
Open PR to request port a patch to certain device
Feature requests are welcome. Please provide as much detail and context as possible.
Migrate the projects to Arm GNU Toolchain from IAR Build Tools for Arm
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.