FIMProject requires Python 3.7 or newer, and the easiest way to install it is via
pip install fimproject
- Apriori Algorithm
- Eclat Algorithm
- H-Mine Algorithm
- Fp-Growth Algorithm
- Association Rules(confidince, lift, kulc)
- Add GSP Algorithm
- Add Spade Algorithm
- Add PrefixSpan Algorithm
- Add SP-Tree Algorithm
from FIM import apriori
from FIM import association_rules
from FIM.utils import TransactionEncoder
# The apriori function expects data in a one-hot encoded pandas DataFrame.
# Suppose we have the following transaction data:
data = [['onion', 'beer', 'crisps', 'beef'],
['beer', 'tomato', 'crisps', 'eggs'],
['onion', 'crisps', 'eggs'],
['beer', 'eggs', 'beef'],
['onion', 'beer', 'carrot', 'crisps'],
['onion', 'eggs', 'beef'],
['onion', 'beer', 'carrot', 'crisps', 'eggs', 'beef'],
['onion', 'beer', 'crisps', 'eggs'],
['beer', 'tomato', 'carrot', 'eggs'],
['onion', 'crisps', 'eggs', 'beef'],
['beer', 'carrot', 'crisps', 'eggs']]
# We can transform it into the right format via the TransactionEncoder as follows:
te = TransactionEncoder()
df = te.fit_transform(data, set_pandas=True)
# Now, let us return the items and itemsets with at least 30% support:
freq_items = apriori(df, min_support=0.3)
# Now, let us return the association rules with freq_items df:
rules = association_rules(freq_items, metric="confidence", min_threshold=0.7)
df is a pandas dataframe. It is a table of transactions. Each row is a transaction and each column is an item. The value of each cell is the number of items in the transaction.
We would be delighted to receive contributions to this library. We openly welcome all kinds of feedback and are pleased to have contributions to address possible issues or add new features to the development process. Please contribute or raise issues through the GitHub repository.