Plugins for most source engine games. Make server more fun, and more useful plugins for adm.
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- Sourcemod 1.11 (or newer)
- Metamod 1.11 (or newer)
>>Click here to see my private plugin list<<
Apply to most source engine games
- smd_DynamicHostname: Server name with txt file (Support any language)
- 伺服器房名可以寫中文的插件
- smd_god: Create a convar, so all players don't take damage
- 創造一個指令,讓所有玩家無敵不受到任何傷害
- smd_teleport_player: Teleport an alive player in game
- 傳送玩家到其他玩家身上或準心上
- smd_restartmap_command: Admin say !restartmap to restart current map
- 管理員輸入!restartmap能重新地圖關卡
- simple_chatprocessor: Process chat and allows other plugins to manipulate chat.
- 輔助插件,控制玩家在聊天窗口輸入的文字與顏色
- cannounce: Replacement of default player connection message, allows for custom connection messages
- 顯示玩家進來遊戲或離開遊戲的提示訊息 (IP、國家、Steam ID 等等)
- smd_texture_manager_block: Kicks out clients who are potentially attempting to enable mathack
- 遊戲中頻繁檢測每一位玩家並踢出試圖使用作弊指令的客戶
- sm_translator: Translate chat message via Google API
- 翻譯你的句子給其他玩家 (玩家對應的語言)
- helpmenu: In-game Help Menu (Support Translation)
- 輸入!helpmenu顯示選單,用來幫助玩家瞭解你的伺服器內容
- advertisements: Display advertisements
- 廣告&公告欄插件,每隔一段時間於聊天框自動顯示一段公告內容
- bequiet: Please be Quiet! Block unnecessary chat or announcement.
- 阻擋一些非必要提示的訊息在聊天框 (指令更改、名字更改)
- chat_responses: Displays chat advertisements when specified text is said in player chat.
- 玩家在聊天框輸入特地文字,伺服器會顯示廣告或提示
- GagMuteBanEx: Gag & Mute & Ban - Ex
- 封鎖/禁音/禁言-強化版
- games: Let's play a game, Duel!
- 小遊戲,大家玩! Duel 決鬥!!
- lerptracker: Keep track of players' lerp settings
- 顯示玩家的Lerp值
- lfd_noTeamSay: Redirecting all 'say_team' messages to 'say'
- 沒有團隊聊天頻道只有公開聊天頻道
- linux_auto_restart: Make server restart (Force crash) when the last player disconnects from the server
- 最後一位玩家離開伺服器之後自動關閉Server並重啟
- map-decals: Allows admins to place any decals into the map that are defined in the the config and save them permanently for each map.
- 允許管理員將任何塗鴉放置在配置中定義的地圖中,並為每個地圖永久保存它們
- match_vote: Type !match/!load/!mode to vote a new mode
- 輸入!match/!load/!mode投票執行cfg文件,用於更換模式或玩法
- server_loader: Executes cfg file on server startup
- 開服只執行一次的cfg檔案
- firebulletsfix: Fixes shooting/bullet displacement by 1 tick problems so you can accurately hit by moving.
- 修復子彈擊中與伺服器運算相差 1 tick的延遲
- sm_downloader: SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher
- SM 文件下載器 (玩家連線伺服器的時候能下載自製的檔案)
Apply to Counter-Strike: Source
- css_drop_weapon: Player can drop knife and HE Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Flash Bang
- 可以丟棄手中的刀、閃光彈、高爆手榴彈、煙霧彈
- css_teleport_player: Teleport an alive player in game
- 傳送玩家到其他玩家身上或準心上
- css_respawn_player: Allows players to be respawned at one's crosshair.
- 復活死亡的玩家並傳送
- css_savechat_command: Records player chat messages and commands to a file
- 紀錄玩家的聊天紀錄與指令到文件裡
Apply to No More Rooms In Hell
- nmrih_giveweapons: Give weapons and items
- 給予武器與物資
- nmrih_HUD: Display health, stamina, speed, infected status, ammo on hud
- 顯示HUD在玩家的螢幕上: 血量、體力、感染狀態、速度、武器彈藥...
- sourcemod v1.11 compiler: scripting folder
- L4D1_2-Plugins: L4D1/2 general purpose and freaky-fun plugins.
- Sourcemod-Server: Setup your own sourcemod servers.
- Game-Private_Plugin: Private Plugin List.