Typical is a series Experiments in typesafe data processing using category theory. Various examples using Typical can be found in the Test.scala files across the various branches of this repo
To build and use Typical in another project, currently you must clone this repo, into a subdirectory of your existing project. If you just want to try out Typical, you can clone this repository and start modifying the Test.scala file in the root folder, or build your own main class (see Test.scala as an example). To build Typical you should have the following installed:
- sbt
- scala 2.12.x
Typical is designed to enforce type safety across all levels of data processing, and will do so unless it's paradigms are heavily violated. It's primary way of achieving this is by forcing the programmer to specify transformations on types bound to data in an unambiguous manner.
If in these transformations, type structure is not respected and produces side effects, or becomes ambiguous, Typical will not allow the programmer to invoke these transformations in downstream processes. In practice what that amounts to is, if a calculation/transformation of data has dependencies on other data but that data is not guaranteed to be present, you will see these missing dependencies in your data transformation at compile time, where normally they would appear as a runtime error in most existing frameworks.
Most notably this is often an issue when refactoring monumental Spark jobs with unclear relationships between columns/dataframes. Typical makes it easy to take existing structures that normally have no inherrent notion of type at compile time (like a spark column that only gets typechecked at run time), and wrap typesafe structure around it with no loss in throughput. This is possible because Typical itself is not in any way an engine for data processing. You as the programmer still have all the control over how data is processed, using whatever toolkit you'd like. What Typical does instead is wrap your data transformations in a grammar that will enforce type safe processing at compile time. That means, for example, if you defined a spark job within Typical, at compile time you'll see issues with data dependencies, but at run time spark will still be doing all of the data processing as it normally would if not using Typical.
It should be noted that typesafe processing in the real world, has both advantages and disadvantages for the lay-programmer, which should be weighed carefully
- near complete reduction of runtime errors
- rigorous application structure with no side effects
- complete encapsulation of state
- extremely modular application structure which detects
inconsistencies at compile time
- very clean solutions for problems that are obviously recursive in nature
- provides a paradigm for distributed processing that's very intuitive to reason about
- Can be difficult to implement a 'loose', overly general api structure
- Supporting data injection/realtime data processing is not always obvious
when typesafety is enforced
- type-safe processing fundamentally requires different design paradigms
to arrive at clean solutions
Typical is designed to easily build up stateful behavior in a clean encapsulated way without side effects. To do this, in general the process is to start with some initial dataset 'dat', run a calculation on it to produce new data, then encapsulate those results in an updated version of dat. Those results are then propagated forward to later calculations like so
dat ----some calc ----> dat2 ------some calc ----> dat3 ...
Typical can verify at compile time for every calculation step all the data dependencies for that calculation are met.
The programmer has two main jobs when using typical. Binding data to types, and defining the calculation functions. Those are discussed in more detail in the next section, and more complex examples can be found throughout this repo (see see Test.scala or KnapSack/Orders packages).
It should be noted that because of how state encapsulation works, the way Typical builds state through the chaining described above, is immediately tail recursive in nature. In general this is a useful mental model to describe what a chain of Typical calculations is doing. Like tail recursion, Typicals calculations reduce to running the programmer-defined calculations on a previous iteration of data, then (possibly) updating some of that data in place. In further calculations down the chain, the updated data will be available and feed into future results.
The other piece of the puzzle Typical handles for us, is verifying whether we can actually execute a particular calculation on a given dataset. What that means is, loosely speaking, if we had a calculation defined as follows
dataset__A -----f:Calc_With_dependency_X ----> dataset_B
Where we're transforming dataset_A into dataset_B through f, where f has a dependency on some data X. Suppose then we had a concrete dataset 'dat' which does not contain data for X. Then if somewhere in our application we try to invoke f on dat (either within a Typical calculation defining further data transformations, or outside of one such as an application entry point), we will get a compile time error.
Typical uses 3 main structures to define it's calculations. They are: axiom, sim, and rsim. These types in their full functionality are imported like so:
import Typical.core.Typeable._
import Typical.core.impl._
import Typical.core.implicits._
Each of these structures are extensions of the more general type, dataset. In general every transformation defined in typical takes the form of
dataset[sometype] => dataset[othertype]
axiom's are simply typed data that requires no processing, or is processed outside of Typical.
Their type paramater structure follows:
where selfType should always be the class extending axiom.
For exaample, building an axiom that holds a Double is done like so:
class myaxiom extends axiom[Double,myaxiom](1d)
This axiom will always have the value 1 in any calculations that reference it and cannot be changed by a transformation.
sim's are data that have dependencies on other data via some transformation, but the transformation is not recursive (in contrast to rsims' with are recursive). They require you to specify their dependencies (a dataset or some combination of datasets) as well as the transformation from the dependency data.
Their type parameter structure is as follows:
where selfType should always be the class extending sim, and dependencyType is the combination of the types of our data dependencies. The base dependencies can be any axiom,sim,or rsim
For example, if we wanted to build a calculation with our above axiom as a dependency we would do so as follows:
class mySim extends sim[Double,myaxiom,mySim](
((src:dataset[myaxiom]) => {
val ax = src.fetch[Double,myaxiom].value
ax*1000 + 25
The function defined within mySim must be a function of type
f:dataset[myaxiom] => Double.
In general for sim's holding data of type T, you would provide a function of type
dataset[dependencies] => T.
The datatype for sim can be any type at all and does not have to match the datatype of it's dependencies. For example we could define a sim like so
class isEven extends sim[Boolean,myaxiom,isEven](
((src:dataset[myaxiom]) => {
val ax = src.fetch[Double,myaxiom].value
(ax%2) == 0
Additionally, we can include multiple dependencies in a sim by combining their types using 'with'
class otherAxiom extends axiom[Double,otheraxiom](20d)
class multiDependencySim extends sim[Double, myaxiom with otheraxiom, multiDependencySim](
((src:dataset[myaxiom with otheraxiom]) => {
val myax = src.fetch[Double,myaxiom].value
val otherax = src.fetch[Double,otherax].value
(myax + otherax)/2
In this example we've used two pieces of Typical's grammar to build our calculations. The first is the 'fetch' method which allows us to retrieve data from state, without transforming it. This is in contrast with the 'calc' method which transforms data, discussed below.
We also use the 'set' method on the sim's function argument to convert the function provided, which is just of type
dataset[myaxiom with otheraxiom] => Double,
to a function of type
dataset[myaxiom with otheraxiom] => dataset[multiDependencySim].
rsim's (or recursive sims) are essentially the same as sims, but their transformations are recursive in nature, meaning, they have themselves as a dependency.
Their type parameter structure is as follows:
where selfType should always be the class extending sim, and dependencyType is the combination of the types of our data dependencies. The base dependencies can be any axiom,sim,or rsim, and must include the selfType
class multiDependencyRecSim extends rsim[Double, myaxiom with mysim with multiDependencyRecSim, multiDependencyRecSim](
((src:dataset[myaxiom with mysim with multiDependencyRecSim]) => {
val myax = src.fetch[Double,myaxiom].value
val mysim = src.fetch[Double,otherax].value
val recsimval = src.fetch[Double,multiDependencyRecSim].value
(myax + otherax)*recsimval
Now that we have our data transformations defined, we can provide an entry point and process some data!
Recall that we already know of two methods from Typical for data interaction at our disposal; 'calc' and 'fetch'. There is also a third method, 'include' which allows the overwrite of state.
They are used as follows:
Suppose that
dat:dataset[<some combination of datasets through 'with'>]
- fetch
returns dataset A with the context of dat. It's 'value' paramater will
be the most recent value for A in dat's context. If dat is not of type dataset[A], i.e. dat does not contain A,
you will see a compile time error.
- calc
returns A after it's transformation function is applied
on dat. Conceptually can be thought of f_A(dat).fetch[<datatype_a>,A] where f_a is the function provided at A's
definition (as a axiom,sim,recsim,etc...). If dat does not have the dependencies to calculate A you will see a compile time error.
If used within a transformation, on a src dataset, the state produced by calc is encapsulated in the transformation.
- include
returns a dataset with the state of dat, but with
the value for type A overridden, if present, or newly included, if not present. If dat was not of type dataset[A]
i.e. dat did not contain A, the return type will be of type dataset[A] and include A's specified value.
If used within a transformation, on a src dataset, the state produced by calc is encapsulated in the transformation.
It should be noted that all three methods, 'calc','fetch', and 'include' can be used within the definitions of sims or rsims (like how we retrieved our values from state above through fetch). Using any of these within a transformation will not cause side effects, as the only value that will ever be changed after a transformation function is called is the one associated with the type the transformation is defined for. In this way, we can runsims within sims using various parameters without side effects. Fundamentally choosing when to use which, where, is up to the programmer and how they want to structure the flow of their data transformation exactly.
So while both 'fetch' and 'calc' could be chained together like so:
When we chain fetch multiple times, our result will contain the same values as our original dataset. But when we chain calc multiple times, if we have a recursive sim type in our dataset, then we may see it's value change. This is the method by which Typical encapsulates state. We begin with an initial dataset with some data, then we chain together calc calls to build up our state in a natural way.
So in the context of our above example that would look like the following:
Use the convenient data class to build an initial dataset from our types defined previously Start by including any data you want to calc plus it's dependencies
val dat = data[
myaxiom with
otheraxiom with
mySim with
multiDependencySim with
multiDependencyRecSim with
) //add any datasets for which we want to include the initial values in the context.
Suppose we want to calculate a value for multiDependencyRecSim. It has multiDependencySim as a dependency which is itself a sim type. Because we decided to use 'fetch' instead of 'calc' in multiDependencyRecSim's function definition, to retrieve the value for multiDependencySim, we need to calc multiDependencySim first, otherwise when it's fetched in multiDependencyRecSim it will just contain it's default starting value. If we wanted to avoid this necessity, we could replace the 'fetch' call on multiDependencySim to a 'calc' call, in the definition of multiDependencyRecSim. Recall however that 'calc' calls within a transformation are encapsulated and do not update state for any type that isn't the one they're defined for. So if multiDependencySim was itself recursive, and had values that changed after calls to 'calc', we would not be able to rely on this internal call to update it's global state.
val updatedDataset = dat.calc[Double,multiDependencySim].calc[Double,multiDependencyRecSim]
val updatedRecSimVal = updatedDataset.value //value of multiDependencyRecSim after transformation
We can then read values from our dataset with updated state with fetch, or we can continue to chain calc calls to further modify state.
And that should be all you need start building in Typical. So long as you understand axiom, sim, rsim, dataset, calc and fetch you can start building complex systems. Remember type-safe data processing comes with it's own hurtles and is not necessarily intuitive in every context. For more complex examples, look across this repo for implementations of sim and recSim. Good starting points are any of the Test.scala files across the various branches of this repo, or on master there are the KnapSack and Orders package which showcase more complex behavior, such as data input and real time processing.