- git
- docker
- docker-compose
- golang:1.13
- dep
- mockgen
- protobuf-go
Clone this repo and go to repo folder
git clone https://github.com/fedjo/ori-app.git && cd deevio-project
- Compile proto files
cd pb
protoc -I . --go_out=plugins=grpc:. ./*.proto
- Download dependencies
cd ..
dep ensure -v
- Set environment variables BIND_PORT and SERVER_ADDRESS
export BIND\_PORT=3000
export SERVER\_ADDRESS=localhost:3000
- On a terminal run
go run -v srv/main.go
- On another terminal run to calculate the sum
go run -v client/main.go sum 12 30
go run -v client/main.go sqrt 1764
go run -v client/main.go gcd 168 546
- Build docker image of the developed web service
cd docker
$ ./build.sh latest
- Run docker-compose and examine logs
docker-compose up
Please read the docs