Open the Command Prompt as administrator.
cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /upk
cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
Use KMS_VL_ALL_AIO-$version.7z to activate Windows by installing its auto-renewal.
To open a .7z archive on Windows, you need 7-Zip.
Download and run the latest release of W11Boost.
Only Windows 10 version 1803 and newer are officially supported, and your anti-virus must be disabled. -
Install Winaero Tweaker to set personal preferences.
Download toptout and open PowerShell as administrator:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
.\topout_directory\examples\toptout_pwsh.ps1 -Env -Exec
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope CurrentUser
Use UrBackup. You will need another computer to store backups on, but this will end up costing less long-term than services such as Backblaze, plus you completely own your data.
Optionally, you can also use Backblaze for extra redundancy in case of sudden natural disasters, or other situations where you cannot move your backups into a safe location in time.
Install Process Lasso and use
Active Power Profile → Bitsum Highest Performance
Setting this power profile is not recommended for laptops, however there are other benefits to using Process Lasso. -
Check if the default process priority located in "Performance Options" → "Advanced" → "Processor scheduling" is set to "Programs". You can search "performance of Windows" in the Start Menu to locate where to open "Performance Options".
Ensure Game Mode is on.
Also: Optimizations for windowed games.
To enable Multiplane Overlay on NVIDIA cards; which makes Borderless Windowed the same speed as Fullscreen:
Enable the following:
I/O APIC (IOAPIC 24-119 Entries)
Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR.
On ASRock motherboards: C.A.M. (Clever Access Memory)
HPET (High Precision Event Timer)
Keep the number of apps installed to a minimum, and remove unused apps. This reduces your chances of being impacted by supply chain attacks, prevents causing Windows more issues, and might improve FPS stability.
If you’re okay with installing more software:
Install StartAllBack to speed up Windows 11, and also restore old interface elements from Windows 7 or 10.
Install Icaros for better and faster image & video thumbnails.
Replace Consumer OEM apps with their Enterprise variant. Such as replacing Lenovo Vantage with Lenovo Commercial Vantage.
Third-party anti-malware programs provide better protection, but may have flaws such as slowing down your internet speeds. Be sure to test before and after.
Avoid Realtek 2.5Gbit adapters, as they are much more CPU intensive than Intel 2.5Gbit adapters.
My test results - with pictures
Buying an Intel i225-V PCIe card
The Intel i225-V PCIe card tested is IOCrest’s variant, which works well our 6700k and 12700k PCs.
I have not tested DERAPID’s Intel i226-V PCIe cards, which are similarly priced and rate well.
Lowers input delay and GPU usage; potentially higher FPS, depending on the game.
Much higher time to switch between the game and another app (Alt + Tab).
Increases chances of crashing games.
Unity engine; use the launch option:
-window-mode exclusive