SimpleModManager is an homebrew app for the Nintendo Switch CFW : Atmosphere. It allows to manage your mods (via LayeredFS).
- Place the .nro file in the
folder of your SDcard. - At the root of your SDcard, create a
folder. - Tree structure :
Example : /mods/The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild/First Person View/contents/01007EF00011E000/romfs/Actor/Pack/GameRomCamera.sbactorpack
- To download please refer to this link : Releases.
- Install XCode via the App Store
- Launch :
xcode-select --install
- Download DevKitPro :
sudo installer -pkg /path/to/devkitpro-pacman-installer.pkg -target /
- Define environment (add the following lines to your bashrc) :
function setup_devkitpro()
echo "Seting up DevKitPro..." >&2
export DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro
export DEVKITA64=${DEVKITPRO}/devkitA64
export PORTLIBS_PREFIX=${DEVKITPRO}/portlibs/switch
export PATH=${DEVKITPRO}/tools/bin:$PATH
export PATH=${DEVKITA64}/bin/:$PATH
source $DEVKITPRO/
export -f setup_devkitpro
- Source your bashrc and execute "setup_devkitpro"
- Install packages (all are not needed)
sudo dkp-pacman -Sy \
switch-bulletphysics switch-bzip2 switch-curl\
switch-examples switch-ffmpeg switch-flac switch-freetype\
switch-giflib switch-glad switch-glfw switch-glm\
switch-jansson switch-libass switch-libconfig\
switch-libdrm_nouveau switch-libexpat switch-libfribidi\
switch-libgd switch-libjpeg-turbo switch-libjson-c\
switch-liblzma switch-liblzo2 switch-libmad switch-libmikmod\
switch-libmodplug switch-libogg switch-libopus\
switch-libpcre2 switch-libpng switch-libsamplerate\
switch-libsodium switch-libtheora switch-libtimidity\
switch-libvorbis switch-libvorbisidec switch-libvpx\
switch-libwebp switch-libxml2 switch-mbedtls switch-mesa\
switch-miniupnpc switch-mpg123 switch-ode switch-oniguruma\
switch-opusfile switch-pkg-config switch-sdl2 switch-sdl2_gfx\
switch-sdl2_image switch-sdl2_mixer switch-sdl2_net\
switch-sdl2_ttf switch-smpeg2 switch-zlib switch-zziplib\
devkitA64 devkitpro-keyring general-tools pkg-config\
libnx libfilesystem switch-tools devkitpro-pkgbuild-helpers\
-r /System/Volumes/Data
sudo dkp-pacman -Suy -r /System/Volumes/Data
git clone
cd SimpleModManager
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../devkita64-libnx.cmake