k-omega SST IDDES model adapted to OF-5.0 version
01- Create $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/src under the OpenFOAM directory and extract the TurbulenceModels.tar.gz into this folder.
02- Tarball basically includes OpenFOAM-5.0/src/TurbulenceModels directory with its subfolders. It also contains two new models kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES inside TurbulenceModels/turbulenceModels/LES
03- Initially you need to compile the entire TurbulenceModels directory EXCLUDING kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES. So move them somewhere else temporarily before you start compiling.
04- Also, before running TurbulenceModels/Allwmake open TurbulenceModels/incompressible/turbulentTransportModels/turbulentTransportModels.C and comment-out parts related to kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES.
05- Run TurbulenceModels/Allwmake. This will compile all turbulence models and write .so files to $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN
06- Now we should add kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES to compilation.
07- Move back kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES to their location in TurbulenceModels/turbulenceModels/LES
08- Add compilation macros back in the file TurbulenceModels/incompressible/turbulentTransportModels/turbulentTransportModels.C for kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDDES
09- Run wmakeLnInclude -u turbulenceModels
10- Run TurbulenceModels/Allwmake again.
11- It will not write that it compiles kOmegaSSTDDES and kOmegaSSTIDD explicitly that it does. You can assume they are compiled successfully unless it fails with an error.
12- Create $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/run directory and extract motorBike_kOmegaSST_IDDES.tar.gz and then see Allrun file in it.