is a simple server status tracker that you can monitor TCP and HTTP services, with authentication, and get the health of applications. This services notify the status using email and you can enable an RSS Feed server to connect the status in Tracking Plugins.
Needs Golang instaled and adding gobin in your path.
Inside projects root directory execute.
go install .
Setting up the .env token and login infomration like the example in .env.example
sre-checker [flags]
--check-interval duration Check interval in seconds (default 5s)
--config string config file (default is $HOME/sre-checker.yaml)
--health-thresold int32 Consecutive success (default 5)
-h, --help help for sre-checker
--http-host string HTTP server host to be track
--http-port string HTTP server port to be track (default "80")
--notify-email string Email to get notifications
--rss-feed Enable RSS Feed server.
--rss-feed-host string RSS Feed server host (default "")
--rss-feed-port string RSS Feed server port (default "80")
--tcp-host string TCP server host to be track
--tcp-port string TCP server port to be track (default "80")
-t, --timeout duration Max timeout from service in seconds (default 30s)
--unhealth-thresold int32 Consecutive failures (default 5)
When you enable --rss-feed
you can reach a webserver in the address http://<rss-feed-host>:<rss-feed-port>/rss
to connect in a RSS tracker.
sre-checker --http-host --http-port 443 --tcp-host --tcp-port 3000 --health-thresold 5 --unhealth-thresold 5 --rss-feed --notify-email [email protected]
This repository has a github actions workflow for deploy this application on Heroku, you can use this workflow, but don't forget to set your own parameters in the file .github/workflows/heroku.yml
and create needed secrets.
You can find the url for reach the RSS Feed in my case on the repository information. The application has to be stoped to avoid email SPAMs, if you want to run, get in touch.