graph LR
A[CS50AI 2023] --> B[Search]
A --> C[Knowledge]
A --> D[Uncertainty]
A --> E[Optimization]
A --> F[Learning]
A --> G[Neural Networks]
A --> H[Language]
graph TD
A[Agent] -->|Interacts with| B[Environment]
B -->|Has| C[State]
A -->|Perceives| C
A -->|Chooses| D[Actions]
C -->|Results in| E[New State]
D -->|Impacts| E
C -->|Forms| F[State Space]
F -->|Subset of| G[State Space]
G -->|Satisfies| H[Goal Test]
D -->|Incurs| I[Path Cost]
J[Search Algorithm] -->|Uses| F
J -->|Explores| G
J -->|Applies| H
J -->|Evaluates| I
K[Search Algorithms]
K -->|DFS| L[Depth-First Search]
K -->|BFS| M[Breadth-First Search]
K -->|Greedy Best First Search| N[Greedy Best-First Search]
K -->|A* Search| O[A* Search]
K -->|Adversarial Search| P[Adversarial Search]
P -->|Uses| Q[Minimax]
P -->|Optimized by| R[Alpha-Beta Pruning]
P -->|Limited Depth| S[Depth-Limited Minimax]
represents an entity interacting with the environment.Environment
is the space in which the agent interacts and induces changes.State
is the current condition of the environment.Actions
are the steps or behaviors that the agent can perform.State Space
is the collection of all possible states.Goal Test
is the criterion to check if a state achieves the objective.Path Cost
is the cost associated with a sequence of actions.Search Algorithm
refers to the algorithm used to explore the state space.
graph LR
A[Knowledge-Based Agents]
C[Propositional Logic]
D[Logical Connectives]
F[Knowledge Base]
I[Inference Rules]
J[Modus Ponens]
K[And Elimination]
L[Double Negation Elimination]
M[Implication Elimination]
N[Biconditional Elimination]
O[De Morgan's Law]
P[Distributive Property]
R[First Order Logic]
S[Universal Quantification]
T[Existential Quantification]
A -->|Leads to| B
B -->|Is a part of| C
C -->|Includes| D
C -->|Involves| E
C -->|Contains| F
C -->|Implies| G
B -->|Relates to| H
H -->|Uses| I
I -->|Includes| J
I -->|Utilizes| K
I -->|Applies| L
I -->|Employs| M
I -->|Derives| N
I -->|Utilizes| O
I -->|Applies| P
H -->|Utilizes| Q
B -->|Involves| R
R -->|Utilizes| S
R -->|Involves| T
graph TD
C[Possible Worlds]
C -->|Described by| D[Axioms of Probability]
C -->|Includes| E[Unconditional Probability]
B -->|Involves| F[Conditional Probability]
G[Random Variables]
G -->|Related to| H[Independence]
I[Bayes's Rule]
J[Joint Probability]
K[Probability Rules]
K -->|Include| L[Negation]
K -->|Include| M[Inclusion-Exclusion]
K -->|Include| N[Marginalization]
K -->|Include| O[Conditioning]
P[Bayesian Networks]
P -->|Utilize| Q[Inference]
Q -->|Implemented by| R[Inference by Enumeration]
S -->|Involves| T[Likelihood Weighting]
U[Markov Models]
U -->|Based on| V[Markov Assumption]
U -->|Describes| W[Markov Chain]
X[Hidden Markov Models]
X -->|Assumes| Y[Sensor Markov Assumption]
A -->|Comprises| B
B -->|Includes| C
B -->|Involves| G
B -->|Utilizes| I
B -->|Describes| J
B -->|Utilizes| K
B -->|Utilizes| P
B -->|Involves| U
B -->|Involves| X
G -->|Involves| H
I -->|Involves| J
I -->|Involves| G
P -->|Involves| Q
S -->|Utilizes| Q
S -->|Utilizes| T
U -->|Based on| V
U -->|Describes| W
X -->|Assumes| Y
graph LR
B[Local Search]
C[Objective Function]
D[Cost Function]
E[Current State]
F[Neighbor State]
B -->|Involves| C
B -->|Involves| D
B -->|Utilizes| E
B -->|Involves| F
G[Hill Climbing]
H[Local and Global Minima and Maxima]
I[Hill Climbing Variants]
I -->|Include| J[Steepest-Ascent]
I -->|Include| K[Stochastic]
I -->|Include| L[First Choice]
I -->|Include| M[Random Restart]
I -->|Include| N[Local Beam Search]
O[Simulated Annealing]
O -->|Applied to| P[Traveling Salesman Problem]
Q[Linear Programming]
R[Constraint Satisfaction]
S[Hard Constraint]
T[Soft Constraint]
U[Unary Constraint]
V[Binary Constraint]
W[Node Consistency]
X[Arc Consistency]
Y[Backtracking Search]
Y -->|Utilizes| Z[Inference]
Y -->|Uses| AA[MRV]
Y -->|Uses| AB[Degree Heuristic]
Y -->|Involves| AC[Constraining Values]
A -->|Includes| B
A -->|Includes| G
G -->|Describes| H
G -->|Includes| I
O -->|Applies to| P
A -->|Involves| Q
A -->|Involves| R
R -->|Involves| S
R -->|Involves| T
R -->|Involves| U
R -->|Involves| V
R -->|Utilizes| W
R -->|Utilizes| X
R -->|Involves| Y
Local Search:
- Objective Function: A function describing the "quality" of a solution.
- Cost Function: An expression evaluating the cost of a solution.
- Current State: The current state of the system.
- Neighbor State: States adjacent to the current state.
Hill Climbing:
- Local and Global Minima and Maxima: Local and global optimal points.
- Hill Climbing Variants:
- Steepest-Ascent
- Stochastic
- First Choice
- Random Restart
- Local Beam Search
Simulated Annealing:
- Traveling Salesman Problem: An optimization problem where a salesperson needs to find the shortest route through multiple cities.
Linear Programming:
- A optimization method using a linear objective function and linear constraints.
Constraint Satisfaction:
- Hard Constraint: A constraint that cannot be violated.
- Soft Constraint: A constraint that can be violated with a cost.
- Unary Constraint: A constraint on a single variable.
- Binary Constraint: A constraint between two variables.
Node Consistency: A method to ensure that each variable satisfies all its constraints.
Arc Consistency: A method to ensure that every value assigned to each variable satisfies all constraints with other variables.
Backtracking Search:
- Inference: Using information from assigned variables to reduce search space.
- MRV (Minimum Remaining Values): Choosing a variable with the fewest remaining values.
- Degree Heuristic: Choosing a variable related to the most constraints.
- Constraining Values: Prioritizing values with the fewest choices.
graph LR
B[Machine Learning]
C[Supervised Learning]
D[Nearest Neighbor Classification]
E[Perceptron Learning]
F[Perceptron Learning Rules]
G[Hard Threshold]
H[Soft Threshold]
I[Support Vector Machine]
K[Loss Functions]
O[Reinforcement Learning]
P[Markov Decision Process]
R[Unsupervised Learning]
T[K-Means Clustering]
A -->|Involves| B
B -->|Includes| C
C -->|Utilizes| D
C -->|Involves| E
E -->|Includes| F
E -->|Describes| G
E -->|Describes| H
B -->|Involves| I
B -->|Involves| J
J -->|Includes| K
J -->|Describes| L
J -->|Involves| M
B -->|Involves| N
A -->|Involves| O
O -->|Describes| P
O -->|Involves| Q
A -->|Involves| R
R -->|Involves| S
S -->|Includes| T
Machine Learning: A field of study in artificial intelligence where systems learn from data.
Supervised Learning: A machine learning method where a model is trained on a labeled dataset.
Nearest Neighbor Classification: A classification method based on labeling data points based on their nearest neighbors.
Perceptron Learning:
- Perceptron Learning Rules: Rules for updating weights in a perceptron.
- Hard Threshold: A threshold used to determine the perceptron's output.
- Soft Threshold: A variation of a soft threshold in a perception.
Support Vector Machine: A machine learning model using a separating line with maximum margin between classes.
Regression: A method for predicting continuous values.
- Loss Functions: Functions measuring the difference between prediction and actual values.
- Overfitting: The phenomenon of a model overly emphasizing noise in training data.
- Regularization: Techniques to reduce overfitting, including holdout cross-validation, training set, test set, and k-hold cross-validation.
Scikit-Learn: An open-source library for machine learning in Python.
Reinforcement Learning: A type of machine learning where a system interacts with an environment and learns from experience.
Markov Decision Process: A decision model based on the Markov process.
Q-Learning: A reinforcement learning algorithm using a strategy of greedy decision making, exploration, and exploitation.
Unsupervised Learning: A machine learning method that does not require labeled training data.
Clustering: A method automatically classifying data points into groups.
K-Means Clustering: A popular clustering method assuming a certain number, k, of groups.
graph TD
A[Activation Functions]
B[Neural Network Structure]
C[Gradient Descent]
D[Multilayer Neural Networks]
I[Computer Vision]
J[Image Convolution]
K[Convolutional Neural Networks]
O[Recurrent Neural Networks]
P[Feedforward Neural Networks]
U[Stochastic Gradient Descent]
V[Mini-Batch Gradient Descent]
A --> B
C --> D
D --> E
D --> F
F --> G
F --> H
C --> U
C --> V
D --> T
D --> U
D --> V
I --> J
K --> L
K --> M
K --> N
O --> P
P --> Q
P --> R
P --> S
graph TD
A[Natural Language Processing]
B[Syntax and Semantics]
E[Context-Free Grammar]
F[Formal Grammar]
I[Character n-gram]
J[Word n-gram]
L[Word Tokenization]
M[Sentence Tokenization]
N[Markov Models]
O[Bag-of-Words Model]
P[Naive Bayes]
Q[Word Representation]
S[Neural Networks]
V[Position Encoding]
A --> B
B --> C
B --> D
C --> E
E --> F
D --> G
G --> H
H --> I
H --> J
D --> K
K --> L
K --> M
D --> N
N --> O
G --> P
P --> Q
Q --> R
S --> T
S --> U
U --> V
U --> W