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The Flatcar Sysext Bakery

For information on using extensions availabe through the bakery please refer to

This document covers developer information, i.e. improving existing extensions, developing new extensions, and self-hosting your own bakery.

Working with the Bakery

There is no strict need for building extensions yourself; most extensions are hosted in this repo as Github releases. Check out for more information like guides and configuration snippets on using these extensions.

Build sysexts

If you want to build yourself, the following packages are required:

  • curl
  • docker
  • git
  • jq
  • squashfs-tools
  • xz-utils
  • yq

First, clone the repository. The script is used to interact with individual extension build scripts. Try

./ help

to get command line help.

List all extensions available to build:

./ list

To fetch all versions that can be built for a specific extension, run:

./ list <extension>

, e.g.

./ list kubernetes

This fetches version information directly from the corresponding release server.

To build e.g. an extension shipping Kubernetes release v1.29.8, run:

./ create kubernetes v1.29.8

This creates kubernetes.raw for x86-64 targets along with SHA256SUMS.kubernetes to be used in combination with systemd-sysupdate.

Speaking of sysupdate, you can generate a matching sysupdate.conf via

./ create kubernetes v1.29.8 --sysupdate true

To build for arm64 targets, use

./ create kubernetes v1.29.8 --arch arm64

Check out

./ create help

to see all options available for building extensions.

Some extensions, e.g. Docker, supply additional command line parameters. Use

./ create <extension> help

to display these; e.g.

./ create docker help

Build all sysext images in this repository

This builds x86-64 and arm64 versions of all sysext images listed in release_build_versions.txt. This takes some time.


Adding new Extensions

We're always interested in adding more extensions here, and to serve them to all Flatcar users. Adding extensions should be fairly easy. The bakery offers library functions for most boilerplate tasks. Extension builds just need to implement core logic functions to populate a directory tree with files to be shipped.

To add an extension:

  1. Copy the extension skeleton directory
cp -R _skel.sysext <my-extension-name>.sysext
  1. Put static files like configurations, systemd units etc. in the files/ sub-directory. The files will end up in the extension image at the same paths they were placed below files, e.g.. files/usr/lib/systemd/system/myservice.service will be /usr/lib/systemd/system/myservice.service in the extension image. If you want your service to start automatically when the sysext is merged, consider shipping a drop-in to usr/lib/systemd/system/ that adds Upholds=<your-service>.service to the [Unit] section.
  2. Implement the populate_sysext_root and list_available_versions function stubs in
    • list_available_versions prints a list of (upstream) available versions to build. Check out e.g. the list_github_releases function in lib/ for inspiration. (this function, and all other functions in lib/, are available when runs). This function plays a key role for the bakery release automation; implement it to benefit from automated releases of new versions.
    • populate_sysext_root populates the system extension root directory (available via $sysextroot). This function runs in a temporary directory; stuff can be downloaded / built in ./ and then moved to $sysextroot. The temporary directory will be removed when the extension build is complete (or when it errors out); no need to clean up manually.
  3. Add docs/<my-extension-name>.md with documentation and example configuration for the new extension, and reference the new file from the list of extensions in docs/
  4. Optionally add the new extension name to release_build_versions.txt to automatically build it when new upstream versions are released.
  5. File a PR.


Have a look at other extension builds for inspiration;

  • k3s and falco are fairly simple and straightforward ones.
  • containerd ships an Upholds=... drop-in.
  • docker is quite complex and even features its own command line build option.
  • keepalived is rather unusual in that it spawns an ephemeral Alpine docker container to statically compile keepalived (via a build script mounted into the container).

Hosting your own bakery

Just fork the Bakery, update lib/sysupdate.conf.tmpl to point to the correct URL, and start building and publishing!

In general, the extension images can be consumed straight from the respective GitHub releases download sections.

Releases structure in the bakery

Releases in the bakery are structured to ease consumption by both ignition and systemd-sysupdate. The bakery hosts extensions' individual releases, a per-extension metadata release, and a global metadata release for all extensions.

  • Individual releases: The actual extension image, in one specific version. Each individual release in the Bakery serves one extension in one specific version; e.g. docker-24.0.1 or kubernetes-1.22.0. Release artefacts include extension images for x86-64 and arm64, a SHA256SUMS file for both, and a sysupdate configuration.
    • These releases are named <extension>-<version>.
  • Extension Metadata releases: Version information metadata for all versions of one specific extension. Extension metadata releases ship a SHA256SUMS file that includes all versions of one specific extension. These can be seen as "inventory list" of versions available and are consumed by sysupdate. They also ship sysupdate configuration files to serve as a well-defined source URI for ignition configuration.
    • These releases are named <extension>. The metadata is updated automatically each time a new extension / extension version is published.
  • Global Metadata release: Version information metadata for all extensions. Global metadata releases ship one single SHA256SUMS file with all extensions' versions. This release can be seen as the inventory of the Bakery.
    • The release is named SHA256SUMS.

Making systemd-sysupdate work with GitHub releases

systemd-sysupdate uses a SHA256SUMS index file to learn about new releases. It expects all sysexts listed in that file to be available in the same path, e.g.:

  • .../SHA256SUMS
  • .../kubernetes-v1.32.0-x86-64.raw
  • .../kubernetes-v1.32.0-arm64.raw
  • .../kubernetes-v1.32.1-x86-64.raw
  • .../kubernetes-v1.32.1-arm64.raw

GitHub however publishes releases in URLs that include the release tag:

  • .../releases/download/kubernetes-v1.32.0/kubernetes-v1.32.0-x86-64.raw
  • .../releases/download/kubernetes-v1.32.0/kubernetes-v1.32.0-arm64.raw
  • .../releases/download/kubernetes-v1.32.1/kubernetes-v1.32.1-x86-64.raw
  • .../releases/download/kubernetes-v1.32.1/kubernetes-v1.32.1-x86-64.raw

To benefit from GitHub releases hosting, we work around that with a small web service that rewrites URLs following a static match pattern. Simplified, this looks like:

  • .../SHA256SUMS => /releases/SHA256SUMS/SHA256SUMS - index file
  • .../<extension>-<version>-<arch>.raw => /releases/<extension>-<version>/<extension>-<version>-<arch>.raw - The actual extension image.
  • .../<extension>.conf => /releases/<extension>/<extension>.conf - sysupdate configuration for that extension

This requires self-hosting, but is low traffic and low CPU load, as the only task this service has is to re-write HTTP URLs. Usually the smallest instance type of your favourite hoster suffices. Flatcar uses

A suitable deployment configuration are available in tools/http-url-rewrite-server. The Caddyfile contains comments on all redirect patterns.

Specialised tools for specialised / exotic extension builds

Flix and Flatwrap

The Flix and Flatwrap tools can be used to ship dynamically linked binaries w/o interfering with the host system. Both should be called from populate_sysext_root() via ${scriptroot}/tools/ and ${scriptroot}/tools/, respectively.

Both convert a root folder into a systemd-sysext image. You have to specify which files should be made available to the host.

The Flix tool rewrites specified binaries to use a custom library path. You also have to specify needed resource folders and you can specify systemd units, too.

Flatwrap, on the other hand, uses lightweight namespace isolation to create a private root for the sysext contents.

These tools can be used to safely ship library dependencies of OS libraries (like e.g. glibc) in a custom path. The custom path ("sysroot") avoids clashes with Flatcar's native OS libraries.

Flix example:

CMD="apk -U add b3sum" ./ alpine:latest /var/tmp/alpine-b3sum
./ /var/tmp/alpine-b3sum/ b3sum /usr/bin/b3sum /bin/busybox:/usr/bin/busybox
# got b3sum.raw

CMD="apt-get update && apt install -y nginx" ./ debian /var/tmp/debian-nginx
./ /var/tmp/debian-nginx/ nginx /usr/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service
# got nginx.raw

# Note: Enablement of nginx.service with Butane would happen as in the k3s example
# but you can also pre-enable the service inside the extension.
# Here a non-production nginx test config if you want to try the above:
$ cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user root;
pid /run/;

events {

http {
  access_log /dev/null;
  proxy_temp_path /tmp;
  client_body_temp_path /tmp;
  fastcgi_temp_path /tmp;
  uwsgi_temp_path /tmp;
  scgi_temp_path /tmp;
  server {
        server_name   localhost;

The Flatwrap tool generates entry point wrappers for a chroot with unshare or bwrap. You can specify systemd units, too. By default /etc, /var, and /home are mapped from the host but that is configurable (see --help).

Here examples with Flatwrap:

CMD="apk -U add b3sum" ./ alpine:latest /var/tmp/alpine-b3sum
./ /var/tmp/alpine-b3sum b3sum /usr/bin/b3sum /bin/busybox:/usr/bin/busybox
# got b3sum.raw

CMD="apk -U add htop" ./ alpine:latest /var/tmp/alpine-htop
# Use ETCMAP=chroot because alpine's htop needs alpine's /etc/terminfo
ETCMAP=chroot ./ /var/tmp/alpine-htop htop /usr/bin/htop
# got htop.raw

CMD="apt-get update && apt install -y nginx" ./ debian /var/tmp/debian-nginx
./ /var/tmp/debian-nginx/ nginx /usr/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service
# got nginx.raw

# Note: Enablement of nginx.service with Butane would happen as in the k3s example
# but you can also pre-enable the service inside the extension.
# (The "non-production" nginx test config above can be used here, too, stored on the host's /etc.)

For maintainers: how do I trigger a new release?

Releases are built automatically by the release-checker github action. Builds are based on release_build_versions.txt and a new release will be created for:

  • All sysext versions listed there that are not yet hosted on the bakery, i.e. not in
  • All latest versions sysexts that have latest listed in release_build_versions.txt and have a new version available that is not yet hosted on the Bakery.

The action runs on a timer (default: once per day) but can also be triggered manually.

What happens in a release build?

To scan for new releases:

  1. The release build script reads extensions and versions from release_build_versions.txt. a. For latest, it acquires the latest upstream release using list <extension> --latest true.
  2. It checks (via ./ list-bakery <sysext>) whether a respective Bakery release exists. a. If a respective bakery release exists, the action stops. b. If there is no Bakery release of the desired version, a new release build is dispatched.

A new release build is started.

  1. Artefacts are genreated using ./ create <extension> <version> --sysupdate true a. x86-64 and arm64 sysexts b. <extension>.conf sysupdate c. SHA256SUMS for extension images
  2. A new tag is created and pushed, to serve as release tag.
  3. A new release <extension>-<version> is generated, containing: a. Extension images b. sysupdate files c. SHA256SUMS
  4. The extension metadata update job is dispatched.

The bakery's metadata releases are updated.

  1. The metadata release .../<extension>/ will be re-generated from a. all releases' sysupdate files of this extension b. concatenated SHA256SUMS of all released versions
  2. The global metadata release in .../SHA256SUMS/SHA256SUMS will be re-generated. This is done by downloading all SHA256SUMS files of all .../<extension>/ metadata releases and merging them.