This containers performs continuous cleanups on unused Docker resources on the host.
Basically it performs docker system prune --all
from time to time.
- To run it on a standalone host
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock flaviostutz/docker-janitor
- To run on all hosts of a Swarm Cluster
- docker-compose.yml
version: '3.5'
image: flaviostutz/docker-janitor
build: .
mode: global
- SLEEP_TIME=86400
- EXCLUDE_RESOURCES="do-not-remove"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml janitor
- TIME_BETWEEN_RUNS: time in seconds between janitor script runs (default: 86400 - once a day)
- SKIP_RANDOM_BACKOFF: On the first run, the container will sleep randomly between 0 and SLEEP_TIME before entering the loop (random backoff) so that the hosts won't run this script at the same time, possibly causing unecessary global pressure on the cluster (default: false)
- UNUSED_TIME: min age of resource creation before being pruned (default: 24h).
- PRUNE_VOLUMES: if 'true', remove unused volumes too (default: false)
- RUN_ON_STARTUP: if 'true', run system prune when starting Janitor (default: false)
- HOUR_OF_DAY_START: start hour of day in which Janitor is enabled to run (default: 0)
- HOUR_OF_DAY_END: end hour of day in which Janitor is enabled to run (default: 23)
- EXCLUDE_RESOURCES: comma seperated string contains resource labels to be excluded from removal by Janitor.