is a collection of vector, matrix and quaternion classes written in Typescript with no dependencies.
Using npm
or yarn
npm install --save ts-matrix
yarn add ts-matrix
Or add the unpkg cdn link to your html
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ts-matrix">
The library is built as an ECMAScript module (.mjs
file), but it also exports a UMD version if needed.
Import the module, from Typescript or ES6 javascript.
import { Vector, Matrix } from 'ts-matrix';
Then use the methods as you want :)
const v1 = new Vector([1, 2]);
const v2 = new Vector([3, 1]);
// ==> [4, 3]
Most operation return a new Vector instance.
If you use typescript, the declarations files are available with self documentation.
Instance methods
method | description |
at(row: number) | Get the value of a cell |
rows() | Returns Vector's size |
values() | Returns Vector values as an array |
reset() | Sets all matrix values to 0 |
addAValue() | Add a new 0 to the Vector |
addARow() | Add a new empty row to the Matrix |
equals(vector: Vector) | Checks equality between two vectors |
negate() | Negates the Vector (change all cells arithmetic sign). Returns a new instance. |
length() | Returns the vectors length |
squaredLength() | Returns the vectors squared length |
add(vector: Vector) | Adds all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension. Mutates current instance. |
substract(vector: Vector) | Substracts all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension. Mutates current instance. |
multiply(vector: Vector) | Multiplies all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension. Mutates current instance. |
divide(vector: Vector) | Divides all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension. Mutates current instance. |
scale(scale: number) | Multiply all vector values by the given scale. Mutates current instance. |
normalize(scale: number) | Computes the normalized Vector. Mutates current instance. |
dot(vector: Vector) | Computes the dot product between two Vectors. |
cross(vector: Vector) | Computes the cross product between two Vectors. Returns new instance |
mix(vector: Vector, time: number) | Computes the mix product between two Vectors. Returns new instance |
Static methods
method | description |
get360angle(VectorA: Vector, VectorB: Vector) | Compute the angle between two Vectors. Both vectors must be of dimension 3 exactly. The returned angle is signed, thus -180º < angle < 180º |
Instance methods
method | description |
at(row: number, col: number) | Get the value of a cell |
rows() | Returns matrix rows as an array |
cols() | Returns matrix columns as an array |
values() | Returns matrix values as a bi-dimentional array |
reset() | Sets all matrix values to 0 |
addAColumn() | Add a new empty column to the Matrix |
addARow() | Add a new empty row to the Matrix |
equals(matrix: Matrix) | Checks equality between two matrices |
setAsIdentity() | Fills a squared matrix with the identity values (diagnonal 1) |
multiply(matrix: Matrix) | Multiply two matrices. Returns a new instance. |
determinant | Compute the determinant of the matrix. |
getCofactor(row: number, col: number) | Compute the cofactor of the matrix. Returns a new instance. |
transpose() | Transpose the matrix. Returns a new instance. |
inverse() | Inverse the matrix. Returns a new instance. |
Static methods
method | description |
identity(dimension: number) | Returns a new squared identity Matrix |
Any contribution is welcome, whether it is an issue, PullRequest, or just a comment!
Made with love by Florent Catiau-Tristant (@kapcash)