- copy the contents inside of all-keybindings-telescope-picker.lua and add it to your init.lua
- you can add common_keybindings.lua into your
folder under your nvim config dir, or to get a (possibly) more updated version you can run the following commands to parse `:h index" yourself
- open nvim in whatever directory you want to create an
in:nvim .
- run
:h index
to open the help window followed by:w! index.txt
to write the current buffer toindex.txt
- run
python3 index_txt_parser.py
to compile a newcommon_keybindings.lua
- perform step 1 (adding the the picker code to your init.lua) and step 2 (adding the new common_keybindings.lua to your nvim config lua/ folder)
Note: some keybindings might be missing, but hopefully not any very common ones. I think the parser has some issues parsing lines that don't have a tag, which i might fix someday.