This code provisions all the components that are required to quickly run CMDB in an EC2 Instance.
Tools and versions required to run the code:
- packer=>1.7.5: Create the AMIs
- terraform=>1.0.1: Create the ec2 instance with eip
- aws=>3.53.0: Cloud provider where infrastructure exists.
The Subnet ID and the VPC ID are the only parameters required to run this automation. They can be obtained from the AWS Web Console -> VPC -> Subnets
Once gotten is recommened to set it up using the following command
export TF_VAR_subnet_id=<your-subnet-id>
Setup your local AWS Profile.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-aws-access-key-id>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-aws-secret-access-key>
The implementation will make use of the following configuration:
instance size- 8080 port for the CMDBuild Service
cd packer
packer build -var subnet_id=<your-subnet-id> cmdbuild.pkr.hcl
In the AWS Console a new AMI Image named cmdbuild in the us-east-1 region should now be shown.
- subnet-id: Subnet to launch the resources in
- vpc-id: Subnet to launch the resources in, it must be the vpc that contains the subnet_id
terraform apply
- cmdbuild_public_ip: CMDBuild server public IP
- private_key_id: Ec2-Key that can be used to login into the instance
In your browser access the follwing address:
To make use of CMDBuild in this installation enter the following params:
- Type: Demo
- Name: testdb
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- Admin username: postgres
- Admin password: postgres
Click on Test connection, a success message should pop up. Click on Configure.
To access CMDB enter admin admin credentials.
To login execute the following command replacing accordingly:
ssh -i artifacts/private.pem ubuntu@<public-ip-address>