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Remove alt-ergo-lib pin and make it compile with 2.6.0
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By doing this we had to disable model generation for the alt-ergo solver
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filipeom committed Mar 7, 2025
1 parent ab18f81 commit 9331fc9
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Showing 7 changed files with 85 additions and 87 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(not %{lib-available:alt-ergo-lib})
(not %{lib-available:bitwuzla-cxx})
(not %{lib-available:colibri2.core})
(not %{lib-available:cvc5})))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(not %{lib-available:alt-ergo-lib})
(not %{lib-available:bitwuzla-cxx})
(not %{lib-available:colibri2.core})
(not %{lib-available:cvc5}))))
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion smtml.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "x86_32"
pin-depends: [
["colibri2.0.4.0" "git+"]
["colibrilib.0.4.0" "git+"]
["alt-ergo-lib.2.6.0" "git+"]
["" "git+"]
["" "git+"]
["extunix.0.4.3" "git+"]
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion smtml.opam.template
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "x86_32"
pin-depends: [
["colibri2.0.4.0" "git+"]
["colibrilib.0.4.0" "git+"]
["alt-ergo-lib.2.6.0" "git+"]
["" "git+"]
["" "git+"]
["extunix.0.4.3" "git+"]
Expand Down
153 changes: 79 additions & 74 deletions src/smtml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module Fresh = struct
if ConstMap.mem c sym_acc then sym_acc
let mk_res =
AEL.Translate.make dummy_file []
AEL.D_cnf.make dummy_file []
(mk_dstmt (`Decls [ `Term_decl c ]))
match mk_res with
Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module Fresh = struct
let mk_cmds sym_acc e_acc el =
let new_syms, stl = exprl_stmtl el in
let sym_acc = mk_decls new_syms sym_acc in
let mk_res = AEL.Translate.make dummy_file e_acc stl in
let mk_res = AEL.D_cnf.make dummy_file e_acc stl in
(sym_acc, mk_res)

let add s el =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,78 +245,83 @@ module Fresh = struct
Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: dvalue_to_value(%a)"
DM.Value.print v ) ) )

let cgraph_to_value hs g =
match (g : AEL.ModelMap.graph) with
| Free e -> e
| C c when AEL.ModelMap.M.cardinal c = 1 -> (
match AEL.ModelMap.M.min_binding c with [], e -> e | _ -> assert false )
| C c ->
(* Currently, there are no uninterpred functions in the tests/benchs,
therefore this is ok, but it should be fixed in the future *)
Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for %a (%a)" AEL.Id.pp hs
(fun fmt m ->
(fun k v -> fmt "[%a] -> %a; "
(Fmt.list ~sep:Fmt.comma AEL.Expr.print)
k AEL.Expr.print v )
m )

let value (Model ((module Sat), m) : model) (e : Expr.t) : Value.t =
match Sat.get_model m with
| None -> Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for (%a)" Expr.pp e
| Some AEL.Models.{ model; _ } ->
let m =
(fun ((hs, _, _) as id) g acc ->
let e = cgraph_to_value hs g in
let tcst = Dolmenexpr_to_expr.tcst_of_symbol (aeid_to_sym id) in
DM.Model.Cst.add tcst (ae_expr_to_dvalue e) acc )
model DM.Model.empty
let env = m
[ DM.Core.builtins
; DM.Bool.builtins
; DM.Int.builtins
; DM.Rat.builtins
; DM.Real.builtins
; DM.Bitv.builtins
(* ; Array.builtins
; Fp.builtins *)
] )
let v = DM.Eval.eval env (encode_expr e) in
dvalue_to_value (Expr.ty e) v

let values_of_model ?symbols (Model ((module Sat), m)) : Model.t =
match Sat.get_model m with
| None -> assert false
| Some AEL.Models.{ model; _ } -> (
let r = Hashtbl.create 17 in
match symbols with
| None ->
(fun ((hs, _, _) as aeid) g () ->
let sym = aeid_to_sym aeid in
Hashtbl.add r sym (ae_expr_to_value (cgraph_to_value hs g)) )
model ();
| Some syml ->
(fun sym ->
let ((hs, _, _) as aeid) = sym_to_aeid sym in
let e =
try cgraph_to_value hs (AEL.ModelMap.find aeid model)
with Not_found ->
Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for %a" AEL.Id.pp hs
Hashtbl.add r sym (ae_expr_to_value e) )
r )
let cgraph_to_value _hs _g =
(* match (g : AEL.ModelMap.graph) with *)
(* | Free e -> e *)
(* | C c when AEL.ModelMap.M.cardinal c = 1 -> ( *)
(* match AEL.ModelMap.M.min_binding c with [], e -> e | _ -> assert false ) *)
(* | C c -> *)
(* (1* Currently, there are no uninterpred functions in the tests/benchs, *)
(* therefore this is ok, but it should be fixed in the future *1) *)
(* Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for %a (%a)" AEL.Id.pp hs *)
(* (fun fmt m -> *)
(* AEL.ModelMap.M.iter *)
(* (fun k v -> *)
(* fmt "[%a] -> %a; " *)
(* (Fmt.list ~sep:Fmt.comma AEL.Expr.print) *)
(* k AEL.Expr.print v ) *)
(* m ) *)
(* c *)
assert false (* This function should never be reached *)

let value (Model ((module Sat), _m) : model) (_e : Expr.t) : Value.t =
(* match Sat.get_model m with *)
(* | None -> Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for (%a)" Expr.pp e *)
(* | Some AEL.Models.{ model; _ } -> *)
(* let m = *)
(* AEL.ModelMap.fold *)
(* (fun ((hs, _, _) as id) g acc -> *)
(* let e = cgraph_to_value hs g in *)
(* let tcst = Dolmenexpr_to_expr.tcst_of_symbol (aeid_to_sym id) in *)
(* DM.Model.Cst.add tcst (ae_expr_to_dvalue e) acc ) *)
(* model DM.Model.empty *)
(* in *)
(* let env = *)
(* m *)
(* ~builtins: *)
(* (DM.Eval.builtins *)
(* [ DM.Core.builtins *)
(* ; DM.Bool.builtins *)
(* ; DM.Int.builtins *)
(* ; DM.Rat.builtins *)
(* ; DM.Real.builtins *)
(* ; DM.Bitv.builtins *)
(* (1* ; Array.builtins *)
(* ; Fp.builtins *1) *)
(* ] ) *)
(* in *)
(* let v = DM.Eval.eval env (encode_expr e) in *)
(* dvalue_to_value (Expr.ty e) v *)
"Altergo_mappings: model generation is currently unsupported!"

let values_of_model ?symbols:_ (Model ((module Sat), _m)) : Model.t =
(* match Sat.get_model m with *)
(* | None -> assert false *)
(* | Some AEL.Models.{ model; _ } -> ( *)
(* let r = Hashtbl.create 17 in *)
(* match symbols with *)
(* | None -> *)
(* AEL.ModelMap.fold *)
(* (fun ((hs, _, _) as aeid) g () -> *)
(* let sym = aeid_to_sym aeid in *)
(* Hashtbl.add r sym (ae_expr_to_value (cgraph_to_value hs g)) ) *)
(* model (); *)
(* r *)
(* | Some syml -> *)
(* List.iter *)
(* (fun sym -> *)
(* let ((hs, _, _) as aeid) = sym_to_aeid sym in *)
(* let e = *)
(* try cgraph_to_value hs (AEL.ModelMap.find aeid model) *)
(* with Not_found -> *)
(* Fmt.failwith "Altergo_mappings: no value for %a" AEL.Id.pp hs *)
(* in *)
(* Hashtbl.add r sym (ae_expr_to_value e) ) *)
(* syml; *)
(* r ) *)
"Altergo_mappings: model generation is currently unsupported!"

let set_debug _ = ()
Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions test/solver/test_solver_altergo.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
(x int 0))
(w i32 4)
(x i32 1)
(y i32 2)
(z i32 3))
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions test/solver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let () =
assert Altergo_mappings.is_available;
let module Alt_ergo = Test_solver.Make (Altergo_mappings.Fresh.Make ()) in
Alt_ergo.test_params ();
Alt_ergo.test_cached ();
Alt_ergo.test ();
Alt_ergo.test_bv ();
Alt_ergo.test_lia ()
(* Alt_ergo.test_cached (); *)
(* Alt_ergo.test (); *)
(* Alt_ergo.test_bv (); *)
(* Alt_ergo.test_lia () *)

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