ORCA SpeedTree v2 HDRP with Shader Graph
Adapts a copy of version 2 of the UE4 Sun Temple assets from the NVIDIA's ORCA Project, which can be found at https://developer.nvidia.com/orca.
Simply put, the assets aren't well formated for Unity, and I'm trying to change that. In this specific repo, I'm adapting the assets to Unity 2018.4 and HDRP. I used Unity's Shader Graph to create shaders that work with the supplied textures.
ORCA has some really nice assets, and I think that it's a shame that they don't work with Unity right out of the box.
Original Asset Citation:
title = SpeedTree, Open Research Content Archive (ORCA),
author = SpeedTree,
year = 2017,
month = July,
note = \small \texttt{http://developer.nvidia.com/orca/speedtree},
url = http://developer.nvidia.com/orca/speedtree