This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Next.js has many data fetching strategies. Although initially Next.js was well known to be a Server-Side Rendering Framework, it turns out that Next.js has 4 methods of Data Fetching. Here is the short explanation each so you get familiar with the abbreviation of CSR, SSR, SSG, ISR.
CSR - Client-Side Rendering, this is the usual kind of data fetching using useEffect, it will fetch the data from the API every single page request on the client-side (after the page is rendered, then the function will run).
SSR - Server-Side Rendering, will run a special function to fetch data from API every page request on the server-side (before the page is loaded, that special function will run first, creating a delay, then after that, it will serve the page).
SSG - Static Site Generation, will run a special function to fetch data once when that page builds.
ISR – Incremental Static Regeneration, this is a new thing, shortly put, a combination of SSG, and SSR, where it served statically, but at a certain time and certain condition that page will rebuild and fetch the data from the API again.
This project is a quick demo of each of the above methods.
Clone repository
yarn install
- Run app
yarn dev