This is a project mainly to explore OpenCV. Since I don't know how to play sudoku at all, it would be nice if I could create something that can do it for me. Here it is.
Make sure you have Python 2.7. Does not work with Python 3.
pip install -r requirements.txt
That should bring you all the dependencies.
cd src
This takes a while. I am using a simple NN to do the digit recognition. The result is not quite satisfactory. So here is a TODO.
First thing is of course get the video buffer from the camera, like this:
Then extract the contours, try to find a sudoku board. If a qualified square contour is found, project it as an orthophoto, and do some pre-processing to it.
After successfully extract the board, run Hough line transformation on it. If everything goes right, effectively each cell is determined. Then we can do the digit recognition on each cell. Empty cells are denoted as 0.
Once we have a grid of digits, we can use the solver to solve it! In this project, a Z3 solver is used. Basically model the problem as a CSP, then Z3 can give the arrangment efficiently. Which bring us to the final result: