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Standup Notes 2020 05 11
Participants (alphabetical): Allie, Conor, Erik, Jen, John, Kevin, Kushal, Mickael, Ro
- SecureDrop 1.3.0 Update
1U testing in progress, no upgrade or kernel issues
Translation / Review Status
Reviewers were unable to find strings for review due to upstream issue (can be resolved via Weblate update)
- Access changes to i18n repo required?
SecureDrop Workstation Testing Status
- QA scenario TBD - will be part of regular test process for 1.4.0
- Kev to do basic testing as part of documenting said process
Final release messaging: Erik to share draft by EOD
LM: - Due to a bug in the our weblate https://github.com/freedomofpress/infrastructure/issues/2595 reviewers could not officially review. Manually reviewed the languages with help from Erin. John created the translation PR.
- SecureDrop Workstation Client/Proxy/RPM Release Check-In
- Mickael did some research on naming, added to blockers -- having some issues with using ~ character. Would appreciate guidance there.
- https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/issues/540
Yesterday: (Friday)
- Updated Qt upstream bug and added more in-depth notes on the bug, how to repro it, avoid it, and have followup questions for the group in there: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/273#issuecomment-625915894
- Kushal/Jen will comment further
- Added more developer notes to the README: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1089
- Continued to add styles tests to get full coverage, and started on checking styles between different states, e.g. active state, disabled state: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1082
- Cleaned up logs around crypto and decryption errors: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1090 (I noticed that we log that we can't delete the decryption folder after a decryption error becuase of the existing file in the folder, which I think we could just assume is correct behavior)
Today: -Continue to add styles tests to get full coverage: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1082
- Review Kushal's steps on https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1089#issuecomment-626688779
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- Sat in on pilot research interview
- Non-SD work
- Investigate RPM packaging version string syntax (flagged by Mickael as blocker)
Blockers or Asks:
- None
Yesterday: (Friday)
- Poked at setting up SD staging setup on Qubes (useful for large # of sources testing)
- Long session w/ Internews (w/ Jen and Mickael) re: possible SD fellowship, would likely have significant focus on open source community engagement
- Finish up release notes for tomorrow
- More work on custom development proposal, based on last week's discussion and recent feedback
- More poking at SD staging setup on Qubes
Blockers or Asks: Release notes review when ready
- 0.5 day learning
- spent most of the day in the internews thing discussed earlier
- To review Allie's comment on the qt upstream bug
- feedback https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1022
- review https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1090
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- 1.3.0 i18n merge PR
- Finishing testing/PR for https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/issues/5233
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- Reinstalled 1.2.2 on 1U servers, added instance deets in Confluence, began cron-apt update testing
- Reviewed and began fixing
make docs-linkcheck
failures (cause of weekly CI job failure)
- Finish linkcheck fixes
- Finish 1U QA
- backport Tails 4.6 docs update
- review, merge, backport i18n PR: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/pull/5243
Blockers or Asks: None
- Reviewed and approved https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1090
- researched about a better way to get exact debug symbols for our PyQt code https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/pull/1089#issuecomment-626688779
- LM work, manually reviewed the new strings due to a bug in the weblate. Tomorrow: Sprint tasks and review as required
Blockers or Asks:
- None
- meetings
- Completed QA on mac minis (Extended API TBD, if coverage needed)
- logout behavior with two tabs (not a regression) described in the report: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/issues/5205#issuecomment-624654242
- Help with release tasks if needed
- https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/issues/990
- workstations rcs
Blockers or Asks:
- Naming for securedrop-workstation rcs: https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation/issues/540#issuecomment-625896428
- QA
- Report finalization
- Catch up on support comms, a couple specific instances to check on
- Configure Qubes laptop, decommission + ship MBP to David
- Rebuild workstation prod since onion urls etc changed during QA
Blockers or Asks:
- no blockers; Allie, if you want to sync up on our small sprint task this wk just ping me, calendar is up to date :)