Package for BlueROV1 simulation.
The robot can be simulated either with Gazebo or UWSim rendering (uwsim:=true
in launch files).
The GUIs use the slider_publisher package.
Control can be done either at the thruster or at the velocity level.
Thruster control:
roslaunch bluerov_ffg thruster_cmd.launch
Once the robot is spawned in Gazebo, it waits for thruster inputs on
(JointState message using the effort field). By default a GUI is displayed to control the thruster inputs, it can be diabled by addinggui:=false
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Velocity control:
roslaunch bluerov_ffg velocity_cmd.launch
This launch file runs Gazebo and also a PID control to map velocity setpoints to thruster commands. By default a GUI is displayed to give velocity setpoints, it can be diabled by adding
. The gains of the PID are inconfig/brov.yaml
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To visualize the thruster forces:
roslaunch bluerov_ffg rviz.launch