An enhanced remote serial debugger/monitor for the mega65 project
I'll try to document my various goals/ambitions/ideas here.
- Provide disassembly of output from remote serial output
- I can use m or d command and parse the resulting memory dump output to generate and display the equivalent assembly commands
- I might need to use Ophis source to (perhaps as a reference) to help out with accomplishing this disassembly
- allow uploading of compiled data directly into memory via the serial monitor interface
- provide some ability to assess the stack easily, perhaps with up/down commands as in gdb (if possible)
- make use of .map files output from Ophis, to try substitute address values with symbol-names
- How about live assembly, direct into the mega65's memory?
- Offer redirection of command output to a file
- This could provide an easy way to dump current memory contents to a file