This application is designed to be user-friendly and allows users to easily create and view facts. It provides a categorized display of factual information along with their sources. Users can also participate in a voting system to express their preferences for each fact. Additionally, the application allows users to contribute their own facts, making it a dynamic platform for knowledge-sharing.
Today I Learned application main features:
- User-Friendly Interface: The application is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, ensuring a positive user experience.
- Fact Creation and Viewing: Users can effortlessly create and view facts within the application, promoting the discovery of new information.
- Categorized Display: The factual information is organized into categories, allowing users to browse and explore facts based on their interests.
- Source Attribution: Each fact is accompanied by its respective source of information, enhancing credibility and transparency.
- Voting System: Users have the ability to participate in a voting system, enabling them to express their preferences and opinions on each fact.
- User Contributions: The application provides a platform for users to contribute their own facts, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge-sharing.
- Dynamic Knowledge-Sharing: With the inclusion of user-contributed facts, the application offers a constantly evolving and diverse range of information.
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- Live on: Netlify
- ES6
- Supabase
- React.js
- CSS3
Some features and improvments that will be added to the Today I Learned app in the future:
- Sort the facts based on votes numbers (Under development)
- Implement an authentication system that allows only logged-in users to vote. (Under development)
In this project, I utilized Supabase to create the database and backend for this application.
- Linkedin - @parham-tavakolian