Releases: fsspec/tosfs
Releases · fsspec/tosfs
What's Changed
- Bump up tosfs version to 2024.11.3.dev0 by @yanghua in #290
- Remove Mac OS hidden file. by @yanghua in #292
- Add more test cases about fsspec integration by @yanghua in #295
- Change hns bucket name by @yanghua in #307
- Introduce endpoint arg and deprecate endpoint_url by @yanghua in #305
- Fix wrong link of CI badge by @yanghua in #304
- Make _get_bucket_type retryable by @yanghua in #300
- Add download stat badge in README file by @yanghua in #302
- Remove switch about testing special dir in hns bucket by @yanghua in #298
- Walk via multiple-threads by @yanghua in #250
- Provide a FileCredentialsProvider for assume role by @yanghua in #296
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Bump up tosfs version to 2024.11.2.dev0 by @yanghua in #281
- Bug: Fix the wrong flatten issue when path special char dir name by @yanghua in #283
- Use get_file_status API to reduce rpc requests by @yanghua in #286
- [feature] Support hns by @yanghua in #156
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Bump up tosfs version to 2024.11.1.dev0 by @yanghua in #271
- Add a switch to control if use glob search by @yanghua in #273
- Update repo url by @yanghua in #276
- Add new feature to feature list by @yanghua in #277
- Bug: Too many requests error missed retry by @yanghua in #279
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Bump up tos version to 2024.10.2.dev0 by @yanghua in #239
- Fix license classifier for pypi by @yanghua in #240
- Introduce DeletingObject model by @yanghua in #243
- Make TOS_SDK_LOGGING_LEVEL work for github action by @yanghua in #245
- Remove useless rstrip slash after _strip_protocol by @yanghua in #248
- Add new fsspec version into version matrix by @yanghua in #252
- Add test to verify put dir tree by @yanghua in #254
- Support recursive and batch yield for ls_iterate API by @yanghua in #256
- Bug: isdir API when not found should list it to check by @yanghua in #261
- Handle exception when get a empty file by @yanghua in #265
- Bump up tos python sdk version to 2.8.0 by @yanghua in #266
- Add user-agent to mark access source by @yanghua in #268
- Add ray example by @yanghua in #262
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Bump up tosfs version to 2024.10.1.dev0 by @yanghua (#200)
- Optimize log level print by @yanghua (#205)
- Remove TODO from installation by @yanghua (#202)
- Set tosfs default log level to warning by @yanghua (#207)
- Add warning log for all rm apis by @yanghua (#209)
- Test fsspec register and class import by @yanghua (#211)
- Add pytorch example by @yanghua (#213)
- Refactor README about Privacy Statement and integration usages by @yanghua (#215)
- Bump up tos version by @yanghua in #219
- Add more detail to pyproject toml by @yanghua in #217
- Remove open dir defensive inspection by @yanghua in #221
- Refactor dependency package versions by @yanghua in #223
- Add append to feature list by @yanghua in #225
- Refactor MPU logic by @yanghua in #227
- Remove unnecessary tag log by @yanghua in #229
- Introduce a compatible class to handle walk and find method by @yanghua in #231
- Remove unnecessary close when download file by @yanghua in #233
- Enhance the robustness about parse bucket by @yanghua in #236
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Implement ls API by @yanghua in #7
- [TOSFS #16] Generate a simple test issue template by @yanghua in #17
- Introduce ruff to check code style by @yanghua in #13
- Implement _rm inner API by @yanghua in #15
- Override fssepc#info default implementation to optimize performance by @yanghua in #21
- [TOSFS #10] Implement rmdir API by @yanghua in #23
- Core: Clean unnecessary logs by @yanghua in #27
- Core: Remove cache in all tosfs APIs by @yanghua in #29
- Core: Add touch API by @yanghua in #30
- Core: Implement isdir api by @yanghua in #34
- Core: Implement isfile API by @yanghua in #33
- Core: Implement exists api by @yanghua in #19
- Core: Implement mkdir API by @yanghua in #39
- Core: Implement put_file API by @yanghua in #40
- Core: Implement get_file API by @yanghua in #41
- Core: Implement write API by @yanghua in #42
- Core: Implement walk api by @yanghua in #47
- Core: Implement find api by @yanghua in #48
- Core: Implement read API by @yanghua in #51
- Core: Fix _rm API missed slash issue by @yanghua in #50
- Core: Implement cp_file API by @yanghua in #55
- Core: Implement expand_path API by @yanghua in #56
- Infra: Verify fsspec version compatibility by @yanghua in #59
- Core: Implement glob api by @yanghua in #62
- Core: Support append mode for write API by @yanghua in #63
- Core: Extract hard code numbers by @yanghua in #65
- Fsspec: Add fsspec compatibility test cases by @yanghua in #54
- Config tos client log to align tosfs by @yanghua in #67
- Infra: Fix make wheel command issue by @yanghua in #69
- Core: Add params supported by tos client by @yanghua in #71
- Core: Optimize rm API via batch delete by @yanghua in #72
- Core: Refactor exception writing method by @yanghua in #74
- Infra: introduce retry func warpper by @yanghua in #76
- Add line number and file name to log format by @yanghua in #78
- Core: Enhance retryability for TosFile by @yanghua in #81
- Core: Check MPU threshold by @yanghua in #84
- Performance: Read optimize by @yanghua in #88
- Performance: Reduce call exists in makedirs by @yanghua in #86
- Performance: Use iterator to optimize large dir list by @yanghua in #90
- Test: Use tosfs to replace tos client by @yanghua in #92
- Optimize: Introduce multiple disk write for MPU by @yanghua in #94
- MPU: Init staging dirs if not exist by @yanghua in #97
- Enhance retry sleep logic by @yanghua in #99
- Verify file content write via MPU by @yanghua in #100
- Extract mpu and staging part logic into by @yanghua in #102
- Add ChunkedEncodingError to retryable error set by @yanghua in #114
- Simplfy random file name in by @yanghua in #104
- Refactor workflow: rename file and jump CI for some special files suffix by @yanghua in #111
- Add more api test to align with pyproton by @yanghua in #109
- Refactor get_file API to reuse retry logic by @yanghua in #116
- Performance: fetch range optimize by @yanghua in #119
- Add TosFileSystem class into by @yanghua in #121
- Add more details for README by @yanghua in #107
- Disable version_aware feature by @yanghua in #117
- Workflow: Add scheduler workflow for stability by @yanghua in #125
- Catch exceptions in fetch method to enhance stability by @yanghua in #123
- Bug: Fix wrong judgement about retryable server error by @yanghua in #132
- Bug: Part is not full when multiple write by @yanghua in #130
- Add test cases for stability by @yanghua in #129
- Refactor scheduled workflow for stability by @yanghua in #134
- Bug: Fix rm api and walk api bug by @yanghua in #137
- Support tag the access source by @yanghua in #135
- Setting tos configs to tolerance network issue by @yanghua in #142
- Add fsspec and python version compatibility matrix to README by @yanghua in #145
- Set tos python sdk default log level to warning by @yanghua in #144
- API: ls support last_modified property by @yanghua in #149
- Bug: put api do not support local dir by @yanghua in #147
- Classification different methods by @yanghua in #150
- Fix quickstart wrong description about credentials_provider by @yanghua in #153
- Add test for mv source dir recursively by @yanghua in #155
- Bug: Fix isfile and isdir do not return bool value by @yanghua in #161
- Bug: Fix TOS_TAG_ENABLED does not take effort by @yanghua in #158
- Add more badge in by @yanghua in #169
- Expose more tos python client config items from tosfs by @yanghua in #166
- Refactor code for readable by @yanghua in #165
- Fix exists return non-bool value by @yanghua in #163
- Build doc infra by @yanghua in #167
- Missed check logic in some APIs by @yanghua in #171
- Support tag via session token by @yanghua in #173
- Refactor code for readable by @yanghua in #175
- Enhance doc infra by @yanghua in #177
- Add features to README file by @yanghua in #181
- Fix autodoc does not work by @yanghua in #183
- Add native example for tosfs by @yanghua in #178
- Evaluate package version and tosfs version by @yanghua in #187
- Fix release script by @yanghua in #189
- Introduce VOLC_REGION env for tag testing by @yanghua in #191
- Add more debug info for tagging by @yanghua in #198
- Add Privacy Statement to README file by @yanghua in #194
- Add test for size API by @yanghua in #196
Full Changelog: