"discordpy_basics" is a public repo where you can set-up your custom Discord Bot with Python, just changing a few things.
The main purpose of these scripts is making them with few modules, most of them natives from Python libraries, such as sqlite3, os, etc.
At this moment, the repo consists of:
- Cog's classes (to make the project be loose coupling and avoid changes in many files).
- SQL implementation.
- Economy System based on SQL Database.
- Poll implementation to allow users to make interactive polls.
- Embed format to all bot's messages.
I'll make a lot of comments ( using # ) on the scripts to make it easier to understand when you read them.
Keep in mind that, although GitHub allows me to make this type of "Readme" files, it is not easy for me to explain specific segments of the script and I must resort to make comments inside the code.