This repository contains PyTorch implementation for the paper titled "Anomaly Detection for Solder Joints Using β-VAE". If you find this repository useful, please give reference to the paper:
Ulger, Furkan, Seniha Esen Yuksel, and Atila Yilmaz. "Anomaly Detection for Solder Joints Using β-VAE." IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 11.12 (2021): 2214-2221.
In the assembly process of printed circuit boards (PCBs), most of the errors are caused by solder joints in surface mount devices (SMDs). In the literature, traditional feature extraction-based methods require designing hand-crafted features and rely on the tiered red green blue (RGB) illumination to detect solder joint errors, whereas the supervised convolutional neural network (CNN)-based approaches require a lot of labeled abnormal samples (defective solder joints) to achieve high accuracy. To solve the optical inspection problem in unrestricted environments with no special lighting and without the existence of error-free reference boards, we propose a new beta-variational autoencoder (beta-VAE) architecture for anomaly detection that can work on both integrated circuit (IC) and non-IC components. We show that the proposed model learns disentangled representation of data, leading to more independent features and improved latent space representations.We compare the activation and gradient-based representations that are used to characterize anomalies and observe the effect of different beta parameters on accuracy and untwining the feature representations in beta-VAE. Finally, we show that anomalies on solder joints can be detected with high accuracy via a model trained directly on normal samples without designated hardware or feature engineering.
git clone
cd Anomaly-detection-for-solder/
pip install -r requirements.txt
The dataset used in the paper is private, therefore you need to use your own dataset. The dataset folder structure should be as follows:
├── dataset
│ ├── train
│ ├── validation
│ └── test
│ ├── normal
│ ├── anomaly
│ ├──image1.png
│ ├──image2.png
│ .
│ .
└── ...
# To train Convolutional Autoencoder with reconstruction loss:
cd Anomaly-detection-for-solder/
python -m CAE -bs(optional) 8 -lr(optional) 1e-4 -e(optional) 100
# To train beta-Variational Autoencoder with ELBO objective:
python -m VAE -b(optional) 3 -bs(optional) 8 -lr(optional) 1e-4 -e(optional) 100
# To train Convolutional Autoencoder with gradient constraint:
python -m CAE -bs(optional) 8 -lr(optional) 1e-4 -e(optional) 100
# To train beta-Variational Autoencoder with gradient constraint:
python -m VAE -b(optional) 3 -bs(optional) 8 -lr(optional) 1e-4 -e(optional) 100
Type -h to get description of the parameters for each script ".py" as follows:
python -h
# To test Convolutional Autoencoder with reconstruction loss as an anomaly score:
cd Anomaly-detection-for-solder/
python -m CAE -p .\Results\Model_checkpoints\ -a Recon -th THRESHOLD_VALUE
# To test beta-VAE with ELBO as an anomaly score:
python -m VAE -p .\Results\Model_checkpoints\ -a ELBO -th THRESHOLD_VALUE -b 3
# To test Convolutional Autoencoder with gradient constraint as an anomaly score:
python -m CAE -p .\Results\Model_checkpoints\checkpoint_minVal.pth.tar -th THRESHOLD_VALUE
# To test beta-VAE with gradient constraint as an anomaly score:
python -m VAE -p .\Results\Model_checkpoints\checkpoint_minVal.pth.tar -th THRESHOLD_VALUE -b 3
Type -h to get description of the parameters for each script ".py" as follows:
python -h