An Interactive Fiction Identifier (IFID) generating class and helper functions. Implements both RFC 4122 UUIDs (versions 1 and 4), as well as essentially all of the Treaty of Babel, revision 9, as it applies to IFIDs. This package relies on the uuid package for its generation of version 1 and version 4 UUIDs and crypto-js for its usage of MD5 and SHA256 hashing.
- Many of the generation methods utilize MD5. This is for historical compatibility with many aspects of the Treaty of Babel. However, MD5 has since proven to be dangerously inadequate as a hashing algorithm, and extreme caution should be taken by anyone intending to use it to create a permanently unique identifier.
- Generation of version 3 and version 5 UUIDs has been omitted from the IFID generator. If you want to generate these IDs, use uuid directly.