MQTT Wifi SPIFFS Thing utility
Implement sensors and actuators on MQTT in just a few lines.
- Selects the access point with the best signal automatically.
- Reconnects when the access point disconnects.
- Stores access points settings on SPIFFS.
- Stores MQTT settings on SPIFFS.
- Uses lambda for callbacks.
- Uses a generic Value class as data type.
Create a data folder with two files: mqtt.txt and wifi.txt. Write mqtt settings in mqtt.txt 1st line: server 2nd line: port 3rd line: username 4th line: password
Write access point settings in wifi.txt odd lines: ssid even lines: password
Set callback onStateChange.
Add sensor and actuator topic callbacks.
Call begin() inside setup() Call handle() inside loop()
#include "Thing.h"
using namespace g3rb3n;
Thing thing;
int count = 0;
void setup()
thing.onStateChange([](const String& msg){
thing.addSensor("sensor/test", 1000, [](Value& v){
v = count++;
thing.addActuator("display/test", [](Value& v){
String msg = v;
void loop()