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Updating workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing from 1.0 to 1.1 #304

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base: main
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Hello! This is an automated update of the following workflow: workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing. I created this PR because I think one or more of the component tools are out of date, i.e. there is a newer version available on the ToolShed.

By comparing with the latest versions available on the ToolShed, it seems the following tools are outdated:

  • should be updated to
  • should be updated to
  • should be updated to
  • should be updated to
  • should be updated to

The workflow release number has been updated from 1.0 to 1.1.

@mvdbeek mvdbeek requested a review from lecorguille November 27, 2023 10:07
@gxydevbot gxydevbot changed the title Updating workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing from 1.0 to 1.1 Updating workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing from 1.0 to 1.1 Feb 5, 2024
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github-actions bot commented Feb 5, 2024

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/f/f/dataset_afffc0be-d01b-4fda-836d-5644f72aa0dc.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/f/f/dataset_afffc0be-d01b-4fda-836d-5644f72aa0dc.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/d/d/dataset_bdd4bc8b-4390-4eaf-ab8a-09e3c1ee0e3d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/d/d/dataset_bdd4bc8b-4390-4eaf-ab8a-09e3c1ee0e3d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/2/9/dataset_029bbb10-8fa8-489a-9641-6dbab7ac5fb7.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/2/9/dataset_029bbb10-8fa8-489a-9641-6dbab7ac5fb7.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/d/8/dataset_bd89c9c7-fc28-4602-b424-c900bc888195.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/d/8/dataset_bd89c9c7-fc28-4602-b424-c900bc888195.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/1/a/c/dataset_1ac7ea39-a892-4a85-9542-0cdef3096408.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/1/a/c/dataset_1ac7ea39-a892-4a85-9542-0cdef3096408.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/e/6/dataset_fe64af95-e31a-4b1d-84d3-ee31343461d3.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/e/6/dataset_fe64af95-e31a-4b1d-84d3-ee31343461d3.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:25 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7e5509f-5d3d-408c-bb7a-4b5c1feaf48f.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7e5509f-5d3d-408c-bb7a-4b5c1feaf48f.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/8/f/d/dataset_8fd48653-9b38-48a5-b649-f032ce8ae885.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/8/f/d/dataset_8fd48653-9b38-48a5-b649-f032ce8ae885.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:37 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/3/e/dataset_a3e61402-40b8-4213-9938-d6446e5df65d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/3/e/dataset_a3e61402-40b8-4213-9938-d6446e5df65d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/1/3/dataset_d13012b1-0fc8-4813-8641-db3abb425b17.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/1/3/dataset_d13012b1-0fc8-4813-8641-db3abb425b17.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/2/dataset_992b55d3-2839-484f-b46a-b621da4c7eca.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/2/dataset_992b55d3-2839-484f-b46a-b621da4c7eca.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/0/b/dataset_c0b9cd13-41b8-4068-af38-7f85c91031f3.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/0/b/dataset_c0b9cd13-41b8-4068-af38-7f85c91031f3.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/0/f/dataset_d0f50d43-3d00-4878-81a5-0fecb93dfff5.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/9/c/dataset_a9c9ea31-b1a7-46de-ad5d-e7489cdd42e6.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/6/d/dataset_d6d67eff-e6b3-465b-b7fb-d5ae5dbfee4d.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/5/f/b/dataset_5fb61c9e-e135-4849-ab0f-8c229378a89d.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/d/a/dataset_cda9709c-8831-46e9-bd16-6c69790e04ed.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/6/e/0/dataset_6e00451e-b3bf-4bd5-8a19-5f7b79e31b0e.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/3/b/dataset_d3b5e6a6-52d5-45ee-9dd6-09b74735cc38.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/0/3/dataset_f035ef6a-237e-4f1e-9ef2-6057fa37a4bf.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/d/0/dataset_2d0ffe0f-edd4-471b-9072-a0e445e59ef6.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/6/c/dataset_06c74b95-3c0b-4834-ad6d-9dbd532b6225.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/a/dataset_99ae2e6f-1592-43cb-9999-fb453c65a0c6.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/9/0/dataset_c907a317-a035-40e8-909d-5cbd63bc164f.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/f/8/dataset_bf86dcc5-728e-41ca-a1c3-9eab5d1d769a.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/0/f/dataset_d0f50d43-3d00-4878-81a5-0fecb93dfff5.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/9/c/dataset_a9c9ea31-b1a7-46de-ad5d-e7489cdd42e6.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/6/d/dataset_d6d67eff-e6b3-465b-b7fb-d5ae5dbfee4d.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/5/f/b/dataset_5fb61c9e-e135-4849-ab0f-8c229378a89d.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/d/a/dataset_cda9709c-8831-46e9-bd16-6c69790e04ed.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/6/e/0/dataset_6e00451e-b3bf-4bd5-8a19-5f7b79e31b0e.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/3/b/dataset_d3b5e6a6-52d5-45ee-9dd6-09b74735cc38.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/0/3/dataset_f035ef6a-237e-4f1e-9ef2-6057fa37a4bf.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/d/0/dataset_2d0ffe0f-edd4-471b-9072-a0e445e59ef6.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/6/c/dataset_06c74b95-3c0b-4834-ad6d-9dbd532b6225.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/a/dataset_99ae2e6f-1592-43cb-9999-fb453c65a0c6.dat", "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/9/0/dataset_c907a317-a035-40e8-909d-5cbd63bc164f.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/f/8/dataset_bf86dcc5-728e-41ca-a1c3-9eab5d1d769a.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb  5 05:16:22 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/0/f/dataset_d0f50d43-3d00-4878-81a5-0fecb93dfff5.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/0/f/dataset_d0f50d43-3d00-4878-81a5-0fecb93dfff5.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/9/c/dataset_a9c9ea31-b1a7-46de-ad5d-e7489cdd42e6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/a/9/c/dataset_a9c9ea31-b1a7-46de-ad5d-e7489cdd42e6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/6/d/dataset_d6d67eff-e6b3-465b-b7fb-d5ae5dbfee4d.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/6/d/dataset_d6d67eff-e6b3-465b-b7fb-d5ae5dbfee4d.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/5/f/b/dataset_5fb61c9e-e135-4849-ab0f-8c229378a89d.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/5/f/b/dataset_5fb61c9e-e135-4849-ab0f-8c229378a89d.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/d/a/dataset_cda9709c-8831-46e9-bd16-6c69790e04ed.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/d/a/dataset_cda9709c-8831-46e9-bd16-6c69790e04ed.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/6/e/0/dataset_6e00451e-b3bf-4bd5-8a19-5f7b79e31b0e.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/6/e/0/dataset_6e00451e-b3bf-4bd5-8a19-5f7b79e31b0e.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:25 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/3/b/dataset_d3b5e6a6-52d5-45ee-9dd6-09b74735cc38.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/d/3/b/dataset_d3b5e6a6-52d5-45ee-9dd6-09b74735cc38.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/0/3/dataset_f035ef6a-237e-4f1e-9ef2-6057fa37a4bf.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/0/3/dataset_f035ef6a-237e-4f1e-9ef2-6057fa37a4bf.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:37 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/d/0/dataset_2d0ffe0f-edd4-471b-9072-a0e445e59ef6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/d/0/dataset_2d0ffe0f-edd4-471b-9072-a0e445e59ef6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/6/c/dataset_06c74b95-3c0b-4834-ad6d-9dbd532b6225.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/6/c/dataset_06c74b95-3c0b-4834-ad6d-9dbd532b6225.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/a/dataset_99ae2e6f-1592-43cb-9999-fb453c65a0c6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/9/a/dataset_99ae2e6f-1592-43cb-9999-fb453c65a0c6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/9/0/dataset_c907a317-a035-40e8-909d-5cbd63bc164f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/9/0/dataset_c907a317-a035-40e8-909d-5cbd63bc164f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb  5 05:14:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/4/f/4/dataset_4f4f1cb2-50e2-4909-b385-f5e583f6cef2.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/8/c/7/dataset_8c7e7cfc-99a8-4715-8f46-511cf9ebcbbb.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/9/2/e/dataset_92e90fcc-236c-4d8c-bb42-83dd1dc83872.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/4/b/dataset_24be0b69-9a6e-463a-9d2f-1a7e77171aa3.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/7/5/dataset_f757b22b-a6aa-4a4a-8664-070bcdaac225.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/7/8/f/dataset_78fb7058-1787-4218-971d-4a9d14ae9477.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/6/9/6/dataset_6964c5dd-9819-4f49-8c48-18db1ac80049.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/3/4/dataset_f34649d1-f868-4441-9e0e-38e7430e8ab6.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/3/d/d/dataset_3dd91b5a-09b5-4c8b-9f1f-002c89a049aa.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/5/c/dataset_05cb7c16-338b-430e-9b9b-5da4752de21e.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/f/0/3/dataset_f039e9df-9b00-42a7-9ccb-d4f03a71333c.dat","/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/b/1/dataset_2b166ff1-6de7-4b24-ac26-878671ae10ca.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/f/8/dataset_bf86dcc5-728e-41ca-a1c3-9eab5d1d769a.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb  5 05:17:08 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/1/f/dataset_b1fcdbe9-9e49-4964-a36d-d0b8a2765226.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/1/f/dataset_b1fcdbe9-9e49-4964-a36d-d0b8a2765226.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb  5 05:17:08 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/0/6/4/dataset_064abcfb-52d2-41d6-99d2-e32c08dc7b79.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext ""
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/6/a/dataset_26a1ac9a-39ef-4c13-bb4a-7c685ff26a39.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/f/8/dataset_bf86dcc5-728e-41ca-a1c3-9eab5d1d769a.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/b/e/dataset_cbed2dc5-f5bf-45c5-8931-9637ba488e6c.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_befbc6b5-d670-474e-a014-f5994b06944a.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_de17f9c7-c395-4024-a1fc-c43b551179a2.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Mon 05 Feb 2024 05:18:29 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/2/6/a/dataset_26a1ac9a-39ef-4c13-bb4a-7c685ff26a39.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/b/f/8/dataset_bf86dcc5-728e-41ca-a1c3-9eab5d1d769a.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/files/c/b/e/dataset_cbed2dc5-f5bf-45c5-8931-9637ba488e6c.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_befbc6b5-d670-474e-a014-f5994b06944a.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_de17f9c7-c395-4024-a1fc-c43b551179a2.dat"

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "2f7ec747c3e511ee99c1f76adf52a35f"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpolpmb4qj/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • 14e11c8c1869c37e
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • 14e11c8c1869c37e
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • 14e11c8c1869c37e

Copy link

mvdbeek commented Feb 5, 2024

@lecorguille would you have some time to check why Step 9 failed ?

Copy link

github-actions bot commented Mar 5, 2024

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/b/0/dataset_db0c9f10-6894-4188-a432-09401a3aa3d0.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/b/4/dataset_0b4b6314-4b4f-40f7-9fc4-07148fa36a14.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/b/4/dataset_0b4b6314-4b4f-40f7-9fc4-07148fa36a14.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/5/dataset_e354fcf1-efc7-4efa-a394-56d0e801a3ef.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/5/dataset_e354fcf1-efc7-4efa-a394-56d0e801a3ef.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/f/dataset_2bf4f0a0-91de-4c67-a1fc-6dde387cfd07.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/f/dataset_2bf4f0a0-91de-4c67-a1fc-6dde387cfd07.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/3/5/dataset_4352e290-b61a-42ee-8690-7badaef641a6.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/3/5/dataset_4352e290-b61a-42ee-8690-7badaef641a6.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/8/2/1/dataset_8216bd3a-65e4-4c41-be8b-d129265a355c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/8/2/1/dataset_8216bd3a-65e4-4c41-be8b-d129265a355c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/5/6/dataset_0562fda2-40a5-4af3-9c50-803dc3f95de3.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/5/6/dataset_0562fda2-40a5-4af3-9c50-803dc3f95de3.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/f/a/dataset_1fab1857-e3d5-4368-9c8c-af04f52f1ac8.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/f/a/dataset_1fab1857-e3d5-4368-9c8c-af04f52f1ac8.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/0/a/dataset_30a9fdac-e83c-4235-b8e2-32631b1fc594.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/0/a/dataset_30a9fdac-e83c-4235-b8e2-32631b1fc594.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/5/a/dataset_05aac847-ea1f-4a69-b956-e631b4a6f419.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/0/5/a/dataset_05aac847-ea1f-4a69-b956-e631b4a6f419.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/a/9/dataset_ea907959-d0d7-4bb7-885f-aec5f7a09c2d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/a/9/dataset_ea907959-d0d7-4bb7-885f-aec5f7a09c2d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22e02e8-d68b-44f7-b799-ffd1e68027d5.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22e02e8-d68b-44f7-b799-ffd1e68027d5.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/7/9/6/dataset_796f0b45-cc1c-4b96-b19f-6e10d2af3e09.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/7/9/6/dataset_796f0b45-cc1c-4b96-b19f-6e10d2af3e09.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/6/a/dataset_66ad71b5-e6c2-4d63-b7f9-d08764f43a80.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/4/dataset_2b49aef1-a019-4fdc-a171-037ba1fdad93.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/b/9/dataset_4b9bfd3f-0e96-4426-9376-9ed9bbbdb68c.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/6/f/dataset_16fb4920-d630-4b43-86e1-37c1bf5f85be.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/d/dataset_e3d8b41c-0035-479a-848a-6d45989c7d85.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0487a3-63e4-45b5-bda7-e93b1db5c1b6.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/0/a/dataset_20a4cfe3-edb3-41aa-9e4b-3c3a4bd85de0.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/c/9/2/dataset_c927e195-2c0a-4fe7-bdbc-50566a167fc9.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/3/2/dataset_9322f591-2f73-4be8-8641-698674c57d08.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/f/b/dataset_3fbc5bfc-a610-4e95-a1c3-5a33cf5d827f.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/7/8/dataset_478f0630-bbc3-4210-a3ea-86af1b6f0486.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/5/5/dataset_455250a3-ff7d-433f-bac9-025bbbbe03c1.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/6/a/dataset_66ad71b5-e6c2-4d63-b7f9-d08764f43a80.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/4/dataset_2b49aef1-a019-4fdc-a171-037ba1fdad93.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/b/9/dataset_4b9bfd3f-0e96-4426-9376-9ed9bbbdb68c.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/6/f/dataset_16fb4920-d630-4b43-86e1-37c1bf5f85be.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/d/dataset_e3d8b41c-0035-479a-848a-6d45989c7d85.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0487a3-63e4-45b5-bda7-e93b1db5c1b6.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/0/a/dataset_20a4cfe3-edb3-41aa-9e4b-3c3a4bd85de0.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/c/9/2/dataset_c927e195-2c0a-4fe7-bdbc-50566a167fc9.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/3/2/dataset_9322f591-2f73-4be8-8641-698674c57d08.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/f/b/dataset_3fbc5bfc-a610-4e95-a1c3-5a33cf5d827f.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/7/8/dataset_478f0630-bbc3-4210-a3ea-86af1b6f0486.dat", "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/5/5/dataset_455250a3-ff7d-433f-bac9-025bbbbe03c1.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Mar  5 23:09:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/6/a/dataset_66ad71b5-e6c2-4d63-b7f9-d08764f43a80.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/6/a/dataset_66ad71b5-e6c2-4d63-b7f9-d08764f43a80.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/4/dataset_2b49aef1-a019-4fdc-a171-037ba1fdad93.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/b/4/dataset_2b49aef1-a019-4fdc-a171-037ba1fdad93.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/b/9/dataset_4b9bfd3f-0e96-4426-9376-9ed9bbbdb68c.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/b/9/dataset_4b9bfd3f-0e96-4426-9376-9ed9bbbdb68c.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/6/f/dataset_16fb4920-d630-4b43-86e1-37c1bf5f85be.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/6/f/dataset_16fb4920-d630-4b43-86e1-37c1bf5f85be.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/d/dataset_e3d8b41c-0035-479a-848a-6d45989c7d85.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/3/d/dataset_e3d8b41c-0035-479a-848a-6d45989c7d85.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:48 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0487a3-63e4-45b5-bda7-e93b1db5c1b6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0487a3-63e4-45b5-bda7-e93b1db5c1b6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/0/a/dataset_20a4cfe3-edb3-41aa-9e4b-3c3a4bd85de0.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/2/0/a/dataset_20a4cfe3-edb3-41aa-9e4b-3c3a4bd85de0.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/c/9/2/dataset_c927e195-2c0a-4fe7-bdbc-50566a167fc9.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/c/9/2/dataset_c927e195-2c0a-4fe7-bdbc-50566a167fc9.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/3/2/dataset_9322f591-2f73-4be8-8641-698674c57d08.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/3/2/dataset_9322f591-2f73-4be8-8641-698674c57d08.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:08:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/f/b/dataset_3fbc5bfc-a610-4e95-a1c3-5a33cf5d827f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/3/f/b/dataset_3fbc5bfc-a610-4e95-a1c3-5a33cf5d827f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/7/8/dataset_478f0630-bbc3-4210-a3ea-86af1b6f0486.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/7/8/dataset_478f0630-bbc3-4210-a3ea-86af1b6f0486.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/5/5/dataset_455250a3-ff7d-433f-bac9-025bbbbe03c1.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/5/5/dataset_455250a3-ff7d-433f-bac9-025bbbbe03c1.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Mar  5 23:07:36 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/e/8/1/dataset_e814a721-2267-4fee-808e-444860a4e8c9.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/4/8/c/dataset_48c27aa5-ebb0-4a6f-a599-8ac0261477b3.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/d/7/dataset_1d76350c-97a3-4981-8c0a-545be88aebff.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/a/5/c/dataset_a5c690af-518d-4f9a-999f-aa3aa5f1e3d9.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/f/7/dataset_9f7d70fc-e456-41e0-9ab6-587c4b0392aa.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/8/d/0/dataset_8d0e3b61-25ac-4cc7-b5f0-9372d58a214c.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/f/2/5/dataset_f25b0c18-28c7-4d8d-b211-2f029c9cd881.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/9/a/c/dataset_9ac655a1-c8b4-422c-9db8-f5b1dd2fbb83.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/1/f/e/dataset_1feb3f6f-d168-4afd-8943-3df576fa88bc.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/8/5/0/dataset_8507bcea-7c70-4ce9-9fef-31be4e0337bb.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/5/e/4/dataset_5e444b83-e093-4631-9152-5c28058a4fcb.dat","/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/5/1/a/dataset_51aece37-d666-4d54-a6dd-d6fa712a1073.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Mar  5 23:10:21 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/c/d/dataset_dcd7f856-d612-4af0-af6a-559a2d2e9402.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/c/d/dataset_dcd7f856-d612-4af0-af6a-559a2d2e9402.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Mar  5 23:10:21 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/b/8/4/dataset_b8485ffd-900c-4aa7-9538-7e286f6fc1e2.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Performing retention time correction using 673 peak groups.
              Applying retention time adjustment to the identified chromatographic peaks ... OK
              Warning message:
              Adjusted retention times had to be re-adjusted for some files to ensure them being in the same order than the raw retention times. A call to 'dropAdjustedRtime' might thus fail to restore retention times of chromatographic peaks to their original values. Eventually consider to increase the value of the 'span' parameter. 
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/b/8/4/dataset_b8485ffd-900c-4aa7-9538-7e286f6fc1e2.dat
              method	PeakGroups
              minFraction	0.7
              extraPeaks	1
              smooth	loess
              span	0.2
              family	gaussian
              			Alignment/Retention Time correction
              Object of class:  PeakGroupsParam 
               minFraction: 0.7 
               extraPeaks: 1 
               smooth: loess 
               span: 0.2 
               family: gaussian 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.42 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: -1:58 - 19:2 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Mar  5 23:10:21 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              Alignment/retention time adjustment:
               method: peak groups 
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 1.1-1141.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.58 MB

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext ""
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/5/3/dataset_653b05bc-700f-4178-bbf7-71034823edbb.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/a/e/3/dataset_ae34c05e-74fa-496e-aaf1-2ba86c47d6b2.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_cdc69457-c2d3-4b76-9a40-cd03dcdaffff.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_34799a28-4e4e-4eb7-b86e-fb1e7c7d3d5b.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Tue 05 Mar 2024 23:11:39 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/6/5/3/dataset_653b05bc-700f-4178-bbf7-71034823edbb.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/a/e/3/dataset_ae34c05e-74fa-496e-aaf1-2ba86c47d6b2.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_cdc69457-c2d3-4b76-9a40-cd03dcdaffff.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_34799a28-4e4e-4eb7-b86e-fb1e7c7d3d5b.dat"

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/b/0/dataset_db0c9f10-6894-4188-a432-09401a3aa3d0.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmptw1g002h/files/d/4/2/dataset_d426f901-cdff-4eb6-a9de-3eff147e364e.dat'

            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "f1d8f463db4411ee84112707bdfa1d03"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmptw1g002h/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • 12d52e1a62cbb92c
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • 12d52e1a62cbb92c
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • 12d52e1a62cbb92c

Copy link

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/f/7/dataset_5f76b8c8-c5d2-4fca-8efd-4c17f71d1ac6.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/f/7/dataset_5f76b8c8-c5d2-4fca-8efd-4c17f71d1ac6.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/f/6/dataset_ef6c1f58-3b0e-40cf-93e8-90268b51cb4c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/f/6/dataset_ef6c1f58-3b0e-40cf-93e8-90268b51cb4c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/c/e/0/dataset_ce023dc8-9636-4889-9f90-2ac376e8785b.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/c/e/0/dataset_ce023dc8-9636-4889-9f90-2ac376e8785b.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/b/d/d/dataset_bdd8ed4e-41c4-4500-8645-c50c87cc81dc.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/b/d/d/dataset_bdd8ed4e-41c4-4500-8645-c50c87cc81dc.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/9/2/dataset_0923c68a-58be-4828-ad23-2595142f018e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/9/2/dataset_0923c68a-58be-4828-ad23-2595142f018e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/3/7/dataset_f37ff8b1-e6bb-42e1-a9ff-4089c20ad2e5.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/3/7/dataset_f37ff8b1-e6bb-42e1-a9ff-4089c20ad2e5.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/c/b/0/dataset_cb0575e1-3ceb-40bb-b163-57ed6c48ddc9.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/c/b/0/dataset_cb0575e1-3ceb-40bb-b163-57ed6c48ddc9.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/d/1/5/dataset_d15ecd46-e8f7-4058-b50e-44f417289856.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/d/1/5/dataset_d15ecd46-e8f7-4058-b50e-44f417289856.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e2249c0a-ad4c-4701-8583-634b7ed3fdd2.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e2249c0a-ad4c-4701-8583-634b7ed3fdd2.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:23 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/c/8/dataset_5c8234f6-139e-48a5-909f-3f4083310c81.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/c/8/dataset_5c8234f6-139e-48a5-909f-3f4083310c81.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/7/0/1/dataset_70132338-4c43-4b30-884d-dae992eb0b5e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/7/0/1/dataset_70132338-4c43-4b30-884d-dae992eb0b5e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/2/0/dataset_620cf584-8e1d-4d68-815c-e4a422263c45.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/2/0/dataset_620cf584-8e1d-4d68-815c-e4a422263c45.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/0/e/dataset_90e0b4d4-a655-4699-b8bc-d57b190ff50a.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/7/e/dataset_17ea1043-056a-46bc-b302-3f86337a7258.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/a/1/dataset_0a1930f2-050e-4176-afbf-4598224c8336.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/d/2/dataset_6d2d4e56-811f-4bbb-99e0-5d0e606104c7.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/2/d/a/dataset_2da61f03-84bc-4685-adfe-0256b21c2cbe.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22d899b-3371-447c-982c-43a54cf48b30.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/4/b/7/dataset_4b7235f7-89d3-450b-ac16-41888b7ca9a8.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7ef7bec-5f84-4845-bdc7-701181aa5f43.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/3/b/dataset_03bc10b8-dcb3-4e33-850f-ff06ea56f6ed.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/3/f/2/dataset_3f200a6e-2040-46a1-b6d7-c678d4b7c489.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/7/b/dataset_f7bb8dcd-d3e7-40e8-9574-09397131865e.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/c/8/dataset_6c8364b5-c47b-4fde-b8e1-131b2f078f30.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/1/0/dataset_6105e3e1-c987-4253-a1c3-6c831898bd73.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/0/e/dataset_90e0b4d4-a655-4699-b8bc-d57b190ff50a.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/7/e/dataset_17ea1043-056a-46bc-b302-3f86337a7258.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/a/1/dataset_0a1930f2-050e-4176-afbf-4598224c8336.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/d/2/dataset_6d2d4e56-811f-4bbb-99e0-5d0e606104c7.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/2/d/a/dataset_2da61f03-84bc-4685-adfe-0256b21c2cbe.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22d899b-3371-447c-982c-43a54cf48b30.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/4/b/7/dataset_4b7235f7-89d3-450b-ac16-41888b7ca9a8.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7ef7bec-5f84-4845-bdc7-701181aa5f43.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/3/b/dataset_03bc10b8-dcb3-4e33-850f-ff06ea56f6ed.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/3/f/2/dataset_3f200a6e-2040-46a1-b6d7-c678d4b7c489.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/7/b/dataset_f7bb8dcd-d3e7-40e8-9574-09397131865e.dat", "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/c/8/dataset_6c8364b5-c47b-4fde-b8e1-131b2f078f30.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/1/0/dataset_6105e3e1-c987-4253-a1c3-6c831898bd73.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Mar 18 04:46:01 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/0/e/dataset_90e0b4d4-a655-4699-b8bc-d57b190ff50a.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/0/e/dataset_90e0b4d4-a655-4699-b8bc-d57b190ff50a.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/7/e/dataset_17ea1043-056a-46bc-b302-3f86337a7258.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/7/e/dataset_17ea1043-056a-46bc-b302-3f86337a7258.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/a/1/dataset_0a1930f2-050e-4176-afbf-4598224c8336.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/a/1/dataset_0a1930f2-050e-4176-afbf-4598224c8336.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/d/2/dataset_6d2d4e56-811f-4bbb-99e0-5d0e606104c7.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/d/2/dataset_6d2d4e56-811f-4bbb-99e0-5d0e606104c7.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:43:56 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/2/d/a/dataset_2da61f03-84bc-4685-adfe-0256b21c2cbe.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/2/d/a/dataset_2da61f03-84bc-4685-adfe-0256b21c2cbe.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22d899b-3371-447c-982c-43a54cf48b30.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/2/dataset_e22d899b-3371-447c-982c-43a54cf48b30.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/4/b/7/dataset_4b7235f7-89d3-450b-ac16-41888b7ca9a8.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/4/b/7/dataset_4b7235f7-89d3-450b-ac16-41888b7ca9a8.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7ef7bec-5f84-4845-bdc7-701181aa5f43.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/7/e/dataset_e7ef7bec-5f84-4845-bdc7-701181aa5f43.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/3/b/dataset_03bc10b8-dcb3-4e33-850f-ff06ea56f6ed.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/3/b/dataset_03bc10b8-dcb3-4e33-850f-ff06ea56f6ed.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:23 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/3/f/2/dataset_3f200a6e-2040-46a1-b6d7-c678d4b7c489.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/3/f/2/dataset_3f200a6e-2040-46a1-b6d7-c678d4b7c489.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/7/b/dataset_f7bb8dcd-d3e7-40e8-9574-09397131865e.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/7/b/dataset_f7bb8dcd-d3e7-40e8-9574-09397131865e.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/c/8/dataset_6c8364b5-c47b-4fde-b8e1-131b2f078f30.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/c/8/dataset_6c8364b5-c47b-4fde-b8e1-131b2f078f30.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Mar 18 04:44:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/c/7/8/dataset_c7814db4-293d-4466-a694-455903d8f952.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/9/8/dataset_19849591-c73f-4c29-b563-2a5dca243306.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/b/9/f/dataset_b9f4a726-cb9f-4281-8f9a-7d147b5ef857.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/b/7/dataset_9b782b25-94d7-439e-9fd4-8c721f4a4699.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/f/e/dataset_ffef702c-44e0-45c8-9f30-8a36e20718a0.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/4/6/dataset_546c2d46-019d-4503-bdbd-183196bf5104.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/a/d/7/dataset_ad7f27ff-fe7c-4501-b04d-696b67f4442a.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/f/5/8/dataset_f58fa73b-e356-44eb-b412-7793a46c98ac.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/e/2/7/dataset_e2719675-25d6-46a5-b829-1973c63a71cf.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/4/c/6/dataset_4c60a385-fe0c-4fcc-b229-c77ca0c82a24.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/c/3/dataset_9c3c35c2-d306-43e0-9a99-1c7e38ddc214.dat","/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/8/5/e/dataset_85ef2a80-f85a-46a3-b31f-6d77e24fa6d6.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/1/0/dataset_6105e3e1-c987-4253-a1c3-6c831898bd73.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Mar 18 04:46:54 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/5/8/dataset_958d67e3-326e-465b-8224-a1fc6dc9f015.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/9/5/8/dataset_958d67e3-326e-465b-8224-a1fc6dc9f015.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Mar 18 04:46:54 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/5/f/6/dataset_5f693b87-b36c-45f2-bbe7-f635bf640d16.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/a/8/dataset_1a815c21-a341-43a0-860a-3d177581b690.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/1/0/dataset_6105e3e1-c987-4253-a1c3-6c831898bd73.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/1/f/dataset_01f3ccc4-40a5-4a14-a83e-571049aa4ae4.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_2848c544-d3f7-45b5-a8d7-551938d2a69e.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_24668f62-38cc-4967-a31b-d86ddba4a85b.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Mon 18 Mar 2024 04:48:12 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/1/a/8/dataset_1a815c21-a341-43a0-860a-3d177581b690.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/6/1/0/dataset_6105e3e1-c987-4253-a1c3-6c831898bd73.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/files/0/1/f/dataset_01f3ccc4-40a5-4a14-a83e-571049aa4ae4.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_2848c544-d3f7-45b5-a8d7-551938d2a69e.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_24668f62-38cc-4967-a31b-d86ddba4a85b.dat"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "02592018e4e211eea9a10d1bb53774e3"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpw9zp4gid/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • 91e652251c7b9518
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • 91e652251c7b9518
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • 91e652251c7b9518

Copy link
Contributor Author

There are new updates, they have been integrated to the PR, check the file diff.

@gxydevbot gxydevbot force-pushed the workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing branch from 1b3998c to df56aec Compare September 23, 2024 14:34
Copy link

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/8/d/dataset_78d9b231-b3e8-4238-8afd-424adda365f9.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/8/8/c/dataset_88c65385-a076-420d-9151-8d9a0cf9486a.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/8/8/c/dataset_88c65385-a076-420d-9151-8d9a0cf9486a.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/3/1/dataset_031afa2e-2cbb-4d68-8734-6d88bf428f94.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/3/1/dataset_031afa2e-2cbb-4d68-8734-6d88bf428f94.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/9/4/dataset_394d48cc-fce3-4b9a-9c25-da08e7a331d0.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/9/4/dataset_394d48cc-fce3-4b9a-9c25-da08e7a331d0.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/a/8/c/dataset_a8cf4a89-c752-49c4-8288-1c05f76b805e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/a/8/c/dataset_a8cf4a89-c752-49c4-8288-1c05f76b805e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/b/dataset_f9b432b9-9804-47a8-ac5a-86e9c3feb5da.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/b/dataset_f9b432b9-9804-47a8-ac5a-86e9c3feb5da.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/1/b/3/dataset_1b37bfe3-2079-412e-adce-262570d9ad4e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/1/b/3/dataset_1b37bfe3-2079-412e-adce-262570d9ad4e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/4/a/d/dataset_4ada6d0f-718e-4ef1-840d-1ce170d66361.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/4/a/d/dataset_4ada6d0f-718e-4ef1-840d-1ce170d66361.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:25 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/e/2/a/dataset_e2a7edcd-8f66-4c16-976d-94b798a81639.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/e/2/a/dataset_e2a7edcd-8f66-4c16-976d-94b798a81639.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/4/9/dataset_349ae0d4-2cad-4a65-be67-3944cb13c8cf.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/4/9/dataset_349ae0d4-2cad-4a65-be67-3944cb13c8cf.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/5/d/dataset_35dc94f6-fe3a-4d7f-8333-c4930efd7bbe.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/5/d/dataset_35dc94f6-fe3a-4d7f-8333-c4930efd7bbe.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:39 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/1/d/dataset_b1daca58-a038-4ef9-90de-2c761e7e5f7c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/1/d/dataset_b1daca58-a038-4ef9-90de-2c761e7e5f7c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/d/9/6/dataset_d96606a6-31b8-4327-bbbc-fb0f93a3c4d8.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/d/9/6/dataset_d96606a6-31b8-4327-bbbc-fb0f93a3c4d8.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:39 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/0/dataset_f90b4b0c-c6ce-4250-b383-bec0c5a082a6.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/b/6/dataset_7b65d959-eee0-49c6-8297-8fc6bdfe299e.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/6/a/3/dataset_6a3243cb-388e-4da8-9f66-43c89ddb9ce9.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/d/f/dataset_bdf8d13b-7455-4521-89cc-aa7ecc6a7911.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/0/2/dataset_902fc413-f961-414f-b3ba-7539ec6cfb2f.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0c4db5-e8c3-4121-aa4d-aabf56d60e64.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/f/e/dataset_3fe0e0ba-5ef6-46a1-9b32-666820de1a36.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/d/f/dataset_fdf05a0e-539c-4a87-9578-5965290faca7.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/5/7/2/dataset_57203c35-98d9-46b1-b327-998f42aa3ba4.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/f/dataset_b8ffef55-1e3e-4e43-b20d-939dd1d4ab3e.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/f/f/dataset_0ff3e77e-44b2-4c69-ba89-4a73ce332b14.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/6/e/dataset_96e44204-9da5-4afd-8952-4ed342791c8d.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/0/dataset_f90b4b0c-c6ce-4250-b383-bec0c5a082a6.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/b/6/dataset_7b65d959-eee0-49c6-8297-8fc6bdfe299e.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/6/a/3/dataset_6a3243cb-388e-4da8-9f66-43c89ddb9ce9.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/d/f/dataset_bdf8d13b-7455-4521-89cc-aa7ecc6a7911.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/0/2/dataset_902fc413-f961-414f-b3ba-7539ec6cfb2f.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0c4db5-e8c3-4121-aa4d-aabf56d60e64.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/f/e/dataset_3fe0e0ba-5ef6-46a1-9b32-666820de1a36.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/d/f/dataset_fdf05a0e-539c-4a87-9578-5965290faca7.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/5/7/2/dataset_57203c35-98d9-46b1-b327-998f42aa3ba4.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/f/dataset_b8ffef55-1e3e-4e43-b20d-939dd1d4ab3e.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/f/f/dataset_0ff3e77e-44b2-4c69-ba89-4a73ce332b14.dat", "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/6/e/dataset_96e44204-9da5-4afd-8952-4ed342791c8d.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 23 15:20:19 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/0/dataset_f90b4b0c-c6ce-4250-b383-bec0c5a082a6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/9/0/dataset_f90b4b0c-c6ce-4250-b383-bec0c5a082a6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/b/6/dataset_7b65d959-eee0-49c6-8297-8fc6bdfe299e.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/b/6/dataset_7b65d959-eee0-49c6-8297-8fc6bdfe299e.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/6/a/3/dataset_6a3243cb-388e-4da8-9f66-43c89ddb9ce9.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/6/a/3/dataset_6a3243cb-388e-4da8-9f66-43c89ddb9ce9.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/d/f/dataset_bdf8d13b-7455-4521-89cc-aa7ecc6a7911.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/d/f/dataset_bdf8d13b-7455-4521-89cc-aa7ecc6a7911.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:11 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/0/2/dataset_902fc413-f961-414f-b3ba-7539ec6cfb2f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/0/2/dataset_902fc413-f961-414f-b3ba-7539ec6cfb2f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0c4db5-e8c3-4121-aa4d-aabf56d60e64.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/c/0/dataset_3c0c4db5-e8c3-4121-aa4d-aabf56d60e64.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/f/e/dataset_3fe0e0ba-5ef6-46a1-9b32-666820de1a36.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/3/f/e/dataset_3fe0e0ba-5ef6-46a1-9b32-666820de1a36.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:25 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/d/f/dataset_fdf05a0e-539c-4a87-9578-5965290faca7.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/f/d/f/dataset_fdf05a0e-539c-4a87-9578-5965290faca7.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:24 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/5/7/2/dataset_57203c35-98d9-46b1-b327-998f42aa3ba4.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/5/7/2/dataset_57203c35-98d9-46b1-b327-998f42aa3ba4.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/f/dataset_b8ffef55-1e3e-4e43-b20d-939dd1d4ab3e.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/f/dataset_b8ffef55-1e3e-4e43-b20d-939dd1d4ab3e.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:39 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/f/f/dataset_0ff3e77e-44b2-4c69-ba89-4a73ce332b14.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/f/f/dataset_0ff3e77e-44b2-4c69-ba89-4a73ce332b14.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:38 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/6/e/dataset_96e44204-9da5-4afd-8952-4ed342791c8d.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/6/e/dataset_96e44204-9da5-4afd-8952-4ed342791c8d.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 23 15:18:39 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/c/2/a/dataset_c2a477c6-a673-446a-96b3-2439802bbc5b.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/8/c/b/dataset_8cb8b90b-f6a0-415e-9c08-41508c28be70.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/a/7/4/dataset_a746af4c-3551-4025-bdea-f6bf667c9e20.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/b/2/dataset_bb23355d-cbb5-4dbb-a02d-873010b63218.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/4/b/1/dataset_4b100ad2-09c8-4a0e-ab97-ea4fb4c83045.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/4/4/dataset_b44b8059-e989-4b79-8f8d-6c8336d1eb2a.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/9/c/7/dataset_9c76fcfd-ab42-48d3-a932-ab09c049bffb.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/1/a/c/dataset_1ac8c9f9-c79c-4a40-82fd-f7815714adad.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/8/3/4/dataset_834b57df-e6a5-4168-829d-5bbf729a384a.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/7/2/dataset_772aec34-3928-49cb-ad9c-c33939e1d294.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/c/7/f/dataset_c7f036a6-d953-4891-abf3-0c4996221af6.dat","/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/4/7/dataset_0479a929-0b34-468c-b316-a840b4b85a12.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 23 15:21:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/b/8/dataset_bb86c1d4-7a2d-441e-8d4e-2a66c9bc7c11.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/b/8/dataset_bb86c1d4-7a2d-441e-8d4e-2a66c9bc7c11.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 23 15:21:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/1/dataset_b813d8a4-9ceb-45f1-9cbd-3b0a3c79a6bc.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Performing retention time correction using 673 peak groups.
              Applying retention time adjustment to the identified chromatographic peaks ... OK
              Warning message:
              Adjusted retention times had to be re-adjusted for some files to ensure them being in the same order than the raw retention times. A call to 'dropAdjustedRtime' might thus fail to restore retention times of chromatographic peaks to their original values. Eventually consider to increase the value of the 'span' parameter. 
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/b/8/1/dataset_b813d8a4-9ceb-45f1-9cbd-3b0a3c79a6bc.dat
              method	PeakGroups
              minFraction	0.7
              extraPeaks	1
              smooth	loess
              span	0.2
              family	gaussian
              			Alignment/Retention Time correction
              Object of class:  PeakGroupsParam 
               minFraction: 0.7 
               extraPeaks: 1 
               smooth: loess 
               span: 0.2 
               family: gaussian 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.42 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: -1:58 - 19:2 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 23 15:21:12 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              Alignment/retention time adjustment:
               method: peak groups 
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 1.1-1141.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.58 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/a/4/8/dataset_a48f0d1f-a5eb-436b-95c9-1fa291e521dd.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/c/b/2/dataset_cb24f800-aa1e-4055-bda2-868c8bf65201.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_6aa83e0c-11c6-4457-91a2-de7aecdbd23d.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_73da446d-a069-40f6-a194-891ae41b7541.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Mon 23 Sep 2024 15:22:36 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/a/4/8/dataset_a48f0d1f-a5eb-436b-95c9-1fa291e521dd.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/c/b/2/dataset_cb24f800-aa1e-4055-bda2-868c8bf65201.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_6aa83e0c-11c6-4457-91a2-de7aecdbd23d.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_73da446d-a069-40f6-a194-891ae41b7541.dat"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/7/8/d/dataset_78d9b231-b3e8-4238-8afd-424adda365f9.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/files/0/9/9/dataset_09983ba4-dc66-4a8d-9f7b-ea6027e72a5a.dat'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "d7cb261c79be11ef9f1f8917b8bf0f41"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwmzokdvc/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • f93a7f878bb06be7
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • f93a7f878bb06be7
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • f93a7f878bb06be7

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Contributor Author

There are new updates, they have been integrated to the PR, check the file diff.

@gxydevbot gxydevbot force-pushed the workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing branch from df56aec to fb210dc Compare September 24, 2024 14:10
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Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/4/1/dataset_141b4597-7223-418c-a39e-ea3c7f72460d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/4/1/dataset_141b4597-7223-418c-a39e-ea3c7f72460d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/c/3/dataset_0c38cdb4-754a-4ccd-bac9-0092b6059df3.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/c/3/dataset_0c38cdb4-754a-4ccd-bac9-0092b6059df3.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/8/8/5/dataset_885112a7-66b4-4887-afbd-e71286da2e5f.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/8/8/5/dataset_885112a7-66b4-4887-afbd-e71286da2e5f.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/8/3/f/dataset_83f92a09-9cd8-449d-825b-97736fff0f3f.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/8/3/f/dataset_83f92a09-9cd8-449d-825b-97736fff0f3f.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/2/5/7/dataset_257dcb5f-e182-4425-a158-6407f7082330.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/2/5/7/dataset_257dcb5f-e182-4425-a158-6407f7082330.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/9/4/8/dataset_9480f18e-400c-44a3-9abe-08322e17657f.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/9/4/8/dataset_9480f18e-400c-44a3-9abe-08322e17657f.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/5/d/5/dataset_5d534724-b419-4fe6-b6fd-75e1a03e959c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/5/d/5/dataset_5d534724-b419-4fe6-b6fd-75e1a03e959c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:01 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/9/3/d/dataset_93d20602-624c-4934-89fb-472d663f2522.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/9/3/d/dataset_93d20602-624c-4934-89fb-472d663f2522.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:01 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/d/4/dataset_6d486c89-1f68-42e7-9b0e-8d420cc96ba3.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/d/4/dataset_6d486c89-1f68-42e7-9b0e-8d420cc96ba3.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/5/3/dataset_c53fe935-68b3-47e7-9c24-d6b93ceeda03.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/5/3/dataset_c53fe935-68b3-47e7-9c24-d6b93ceeda03.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/d/1/dataset_1d155be1-107f-4b7b-8e98-284b07bb1c0d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/d/1/dataset_1d155be1-107f-4b7b-8e98-284b07bb1c0d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/c/e/dataset_0ce27be0-0852-4c35-a15b-25dabd1a581e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/c/e/dataset_0ce27be0-0852-4c35-a15b-25dabd1a581e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:16 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/c/e/dataset_dced0966-7e4a-4512-b3ab-33cc0c4aac01.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/3/2/9/dataset_3295e5c6-3c17-4229-91cd-e40f3b4c899f.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/8/6/dataset_a86bb529-65ba-4f79-839a-2885c4584ca1.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/1/5/dataset_c156f8ea-5ee7-4832-b878-5892be31d67a.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/e/3/dataset_1e3ac738-873e-4f82-8abd-1a57abf74370.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/7/5/b/dataset_75b36e99-2081-4f36-95dc-2d1147d4251d.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/0/4/dataset_a044f1ed-a0a0-408a-8c5b-29f2abc6dcb0.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/2/e/dataset_62eda48a-eb34-48e4-98ca-824c19964f9b.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/2/a/dataset_42a1dd2b-32a1-492b-a958-cb58d90dcab4.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/a/3/dataset_0a3fb949-5144-474c-90d0-894143fff8d6.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/e/e/1/dataset_ee177b97-ae00-48a0-b834-086e06c8f71f.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/9/6/dataset_496745ba-5bac-434c-8828-a0cb864835cb.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/6/c/dataset_a6c70e61-80fb-49b3-9be6-a8946429e92d.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/c/e/dataset_dced0966-7e4a-4512-b3ab-33cc0c4aac01.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/3/2/9/dataset_3295e5c6-3c17-4229-91cd-e40f3b4c899f.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/8/6/dataset_a86bb529-65ba-4f79-839a-2885c4584ca1.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/1/5/dataset_c156f8ea-5ee7-4832-b878-5892be31d67a.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/e/3/dataset_1e3ac738-873e-4f82-8abd-1a57abf74370.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/7/5/b/dataset_75b36e99-2081-4f36-95dc-2d1147d4251d.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/0/4/dataset_a044f1ed-a0a0-408a-8c5b-29f2abc6dcb0.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/2/e/dataset_62eda48a-eb34-48e4-98ca-824c19964f9b.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/2/a/dataset_42a1dd2b-32a1-492b-a958-cb58d90dcab4.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/a/3/dataset_0a3fb949-5144-474c-90d0-894143fff8d6.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/e/e/1/dataset_ee177b97-ae00-48a0-b834-086e06c8f71f.dat", "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/9/6/dataset_496745ba-5bac-434c-8828-a0cb864835cb.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/6/c/dataset_a6c70e61-80fb-49b3-9be6-a8946429e92d.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Sep 24 14:22:55 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/c/e/dataset_dced0966-7e4a-4512-b3ab-33cc0c4aac01.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/c/e/dataset_dced0966-7e4a-4512-b3ab-33cc0c4aac01.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/3/2/9/dataset_3295e5c6-3c17-4229-91cd-e40f3b4c899f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/3/2/9/dataset_3295e5c6-3c17-4229-91cd-e40f3b4c899f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/8/6/dataset_a86bb529-65ba-4f79-839a-2885c4584ca1.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/8/6/dataset_a86bb529-65ba-4f79-839a-2885c4584ca1.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/1/5/dataset_c156f8ea-5ee7-4832-b878-5892be31d67a.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/c/1/5/dataset_c156f8ea-5ee7-4832-b878-5892be31d67a.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:20:46 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/e/3/dataset_1e3ac738-873e-4f82-8abd-1a57abf74370.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/e/3/dataset_1e3ac738-873e-4f82-8abd-1a57abf74370.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/7/5/b/dataset_75b36e99-2081-4f36-95dc-2d1147d4251d.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/7/5/b/dataset_75b36e99-2081-4f36-95dc-2d1147d4251d.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/0/4/dataset_a044f1ed-a0a0-408a-8c5b-29f2abc6dcb0.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/0/4/dataset_a044f1ed-a0a0-408a-8c5b-29f2abc6dcb0.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:01 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/2/e/dataset_62eda48a-eb34-48e4-98ca-824c19964f9b.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/6/2/e/dataset_62eda48a-eb34-48e4-98ca-824c19964f9b.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:01 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/2/a/dataset_42a1dd2b-32a1-492b-a958-cb58d90dcab4.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/2/a/dataset_42a1dd2b-32a1-492b-a958-cb58d90dcab4.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/a/3/dataset_0a3fb949-5144-474c-90d0-894143fff8d6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/a/3/dataset_0a3fb949-5144-474c-90d0-894143fff8d6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/e/e/1/dataset_ee177b97-ae00-48a0-b834-086e06c8f71f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/e/e/1/dataset_ee177b97-ae00-48a0-b834-086e06c8f71f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/9/6/dataset_496745ba-5bac-434c-8828-a0cb864835cb.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/9/6/dataset_496745ba-5bac-434c-8828-a0cb864835cb.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Tue Sep 24 14:21:16 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/5/e/e/dataset_5eefa46a-a958-4abe-9ee6-21210a2f409c.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/2/f/dataset_42f23be3-b666-472f-b096-6150d29876fe.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/2/a/8/dataset_2a8ace5f-df57-4e1d-92fe-82d4cf4faa69.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/5/0/8/dataset_5081202c-0556-4204-bf57-86f8cacba8da.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/8/f/dataset_d8f14e09-6502-4f6b-91d4-b49ed7f6cfe6.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/a/e/dataset_1ae54427-8d5e-40ba-9fba-36e32255afbb.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/5/1/d/dataset_51d2debe-53a0-43e4-b4d9-1dfe9c7129f4.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/0/b/e/dataset_0be413c2-fbc9-4a92-ba5e-186a0d5055a1.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/5/3/dataset_1530db92-cf73-45c6-b6ec-dd22f3d554a7.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/e/c/a/dataset_eca5db85-cba0-4ae5-ac11-73803bec6cd7.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/6/4/dataset_d6402b84-fdbc-499f-b277-6acea4873a55.dat","/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/4/9/4/dataset_4942068e-a929-490a-b98e-9451e7e58476.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/6/c/dataset_a6c70e61-80fb-49b3-9be6-a8946429e92d.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Sep 24 14:23:54 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/c/9/dataset_1c968265-18ac-49e5-b409-7c19db085ece.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/1/c/9/dataset_1c968265-18ac-49e5-b409-7c19db085ece.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Tue Sep 24 14:23:54 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/3/4/6/dataset_3461d14b-ce86-4f1a-8cb3-e9a130d6685d.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/3/1/dataset_d313bd6a-b186-4f2a-a011-4d757b8be3a4.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/6/c/dataset_a6c70e61-80fb-49b3-9be6-a8946429e92d.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/2/1/dataset_a21902b8-08b5-4cc5-9c0b-18ee8f5eab11.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_4d359cdf-5fe3-4307-ac67-4b4e1234174c.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_aadde65b-8add-454d-9a98-4a074c283401.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Tue 24 Sep 2024 14:25:17 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/d/3/1/dataset_d313bd6a-b186-4f2a-a011-4d757b8be3a4.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/6/c/dataset_a6c70e61-80fb-49b3-9be6-a8946429e92d.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/files/a/2/1/dataset_a21902b8-08b5-4cc5-9c0b-18ee8f5eab11.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_4d359cdf-5fe3-4307-ac67-4b4e1234174c.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_aadde65b-8add-454d-9a98-4a074c283401.dat"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "180869da7a8011efb26b670a8ce15a90"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpwxlciaii/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • e4ce6b62d9663a00
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • e4ce6b62d9663a00
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • e4ce6b62d9663a00

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Contributor Author

There are new updates, they have been integrated to the PR, check the file diff.

@gxydevbot gxydevbot force-pushed the workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing branch from fb210dc to 44ebf4f Compare September 30, 2024 15:19
Copy link

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/9/1/dataset_c9124ce2-f494-4205-bff1-709bcff13820.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/9/1/dataset_c9124ce2-f494-4205-bff1-709bcff13820.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/0/3/e/dataset_03e69214-5138-49b1-b521-d1e46d924c80.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/0/3/e/dataset_03e69214-5138-49b1-b521-d1e46d924c80.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/4/d/dataset_74d2a9e7-cec2-4366-9bcb-70357d9801be.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/4/d/dataset_74d2a9e7-cec2-4366-9bcb-70357d9801be.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/f/e/dataset_ffeca88a-64a0-4171-a9eb-aeb140a9a3a2.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/f/e/dataset_ffeca88a-64a0-4171-a9eb-aeb140a9a3a2.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/8/d/7/dataset_8d728dea-eb8f-4ff6-bedb-e23fdb7eeb61.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/8/d/7/dataset_8d728dea-eb8f-4ff6-bedb-e23fdb7eeb61.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/8/c/8/dataset_8c8fdbc8-40d9-494e-ba1c-6d6659aba383.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/8/c/8/dataset_8c8fdbc8-40d9-494e-ba1c-6d6659aba383.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/e/d/2/dataset_ed28b896-e9d0-4c7a-a5c8-f699da5f00bb.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/e/d/2/dataset_ed28b896-e9d0-4c7a-a5c8-f699da5f00bb.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/0/0/dataset_90070b8c-6fb1-43d7-89d6-1312ec0fbf61.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/0/0/dataset_90070b8c-6fb1-43d7-89d6-1312ec0fbf61.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/0/d/dataset_f0d0101c-e11b-4aac-a53b-e7e579ef0464.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/0/d/dataset_f0d0101c-e11b-4aac-a53b-e7e579ef0464.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/1/f/8/dataset_1f89d39d-e325-4d5c-ba39-685c71546592.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/1/f/8/dataset_1f89d39d-e325-4d5c-ba39-685c71546592.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/1/7/dataset_217d8ab3-f58c-4401-95e2-de24c6b650bb.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/1/7/dataset_217d8ab3-f58c-4401-95e2-de24c6b650bb.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/4/2/dataset_54270698-9567-445c-a627-4d53537335d8.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/4/2/dataset_54270698-9567-445c-a627-4d53537335d8.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/2/d/dataset_b2d1c7c3-fcb6-40c1-b099-7b76d3562b4b.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/f/2/dataset_bf23a57b-7c3d-4ace-bbfb-2f06629f9b9f.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/5/6/dataset_c567290c-4b5a-4153-8aad-1a09191f5919.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/a/d/5/dataset_ad5e2392-4cd6-4561-9d42-4d71cecfebfa.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/c/9/dataset_bc9d2dbf-c6c5-4437-b510-bf7c9afb8498.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/d/d/a/dataset_ddacb721-f3b9-4c37-a5f5-50a0bf97ea1a.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/e/8/dataset_be83891b-1c14-448a-85d9-a70b7589bd5e.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/5/1/dataset_f516958a-7103-458b-a1ba-15b10df06409.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/3/6/f/dataset_36fb4b73-e207-4e8a-96e9-30449c4a4ac5.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/4/a/dataset_24aec5c0-4166-4e08-8b96-dde934cae7f6.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/f/c/dataset_7fcdf7d1-9a2b-49c5-9510-dab13c9cf581.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/1/1/dataset_411ea825-f4a7-4c57-87c5-da1be0f4d742.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/e/5/dataset_9e5af8dc-406b-408f-921f-bb284ccf25a7.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/2/d/dataset_b2d1c7c3-fcb6-40c1-b099-7b76d3562b4b.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/f/2/dataset_bf23a57b-7c3d-4ace-bbfb-2f06629f9b9f.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/5/6/dataset_c567290c-4b5a-4153-8aad-1a09191f5919.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/a/d/5/dataset_ad5e2392-4cd6-4561-9d42-4d71cecfebfa.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/c/9/dataset_bc9d2dbf-c6c5-4437-b510-bf7c9afb8498.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/d/d/a/dataset_ddacb721-f3b9-4c37-a5f5-50a0bf97ea1a.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/e/8/dataset_be83891b-1c14-448a-85d9-a70b7589bd5e.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/5/1/dataset_f516958a-7103-458b-a1ba-15b10df06409.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/3/6/f/dataset_36fb4b73-e207-4e8a-96e9-30449c4a4ac5.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/4/a/dataset_24aec5c0-4166-4e08-8b96-dde934cae7f6.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/f/c/dataset_7fcdf7d1-9a2b-49c5-9510-dab13c9cf581.dat", "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/1/1/dataset_411ea825-f4a7-4c57-87c5-da1be0f4d742.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/e/5/dataset_9e5af8dc-406b-408f-921f-bb284ccf25a7.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 30 15:33:10 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/2/d/dataset_b2d1c7c3-fcb6-40c1-b099-7b76d3562b4b.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/2/d/dataset_b2d1c7c3-fcb6-40c1-b099-7b76d3562b4b.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/f/2/dataset_bf23a57b-7c3d-4ace-bbfb-2f06629f9b9f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/f/2/dataset_bf23a57b-7c3d-4ace-bbfb-2f06629f9b9f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/5/6/dataset_c567290c-4b5a-4153-8aad-1a09191f5919.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/5/6/dataset_c567290c-4b5a-4153-8aad-1a09191f5919.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/a/d/5/dataset_ad5e2392-4cd6-4561-9d42-4d71cecfebfa.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/a/d/5/dataset_ad5e2392-4cd6-4561-9d42-4d71cecfebfa.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:44 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/c/9/dataset_bc9d2dbf-c6c5-4437-b510-bf7c9afb8498.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/c/9/dataset_bc9d2dbf-c6c5-4437-b510-bf7c9afb8498.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/d/d/a/dataset_ddacb721-f3b9-4c37-a5f5-50a0bf97ea1a.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/d/d/a/dataset_ddacb721-f3b9-4c37-a5f5-50a0bf97ea1a.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/e/8/dataset_be83891b-1c14-448a-85d9-a70b7589bd5e.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.
              Exception in thread Thread-39 (run_postfork):

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/b/e/8/dataset_be83891b-1c14-448a-85d9-a70b7589bd5e.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:30:59 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/5/1/dataset_f516958a-7103-458b-a1ba-15b10df06409.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/5/1/dataset_f516958a-7103-458b-a1ba-15b10df06409.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:00 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/3/6/f/dataset_36fb4b73-e207-4e8a-96e9-30449c4a4ac5.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/3/6/f/dataset_36fb4b73-e207-4e8a-96e9-30449c4a4ac5.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/4/a/dataset_24aec5c0-4166-4e08-8b96-dde934cae7f6.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/4/a/dataset_24aec5c0-4166-4e08-8b96-dde934cae7f6.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:14 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/f/c/dataset_7fcdf7d1-9a2b-49c5-9510-dab13c9cf581.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/7/f/c/dataset_7fcdf7d1-9a2b-49c5-9510-dab13c9cf581.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/1/1/dataset_411ea825-f4a7-4c57-87c5-da1be0f4d742.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/1/1/dataset_411ea825-f4a7-4c57-87c5-da1be0f4d742.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Sep 30 15:31:15 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/f/0/3/dataset_f03aac1e-d479-4028-accb-b39a36fdac9c.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/c/9/dataset_5c9e2378-ae27-42cc-8007-d5040a157dfb.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/c/7/a/dataset_c7ab322b-b1e2-4d05-ad2b-3f84dbf6b945.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/6/8/5/dataset_68574124-b56b-4af7-afb9-4ecdde49db9e.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/d/2/dataset_5d25d242-a5bc-45c3-8e27-e555a761cc9a.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/1/3/1/dataset_131e2704-b2a0-4159-92ce-e2b017f20a91.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/1/5/4/dataset_154b317c-8f6b-4ec8-81a1-cd2edd1b4aea.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/8/e/2/dataset_8e20c687-7b7f-4aa3-9760-57f7cd1b8a4b.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/f/9/dataset_4f942188-65fa-41fa-92b7-6f2f86f37a9f.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/2/3/6/dataset_2360d599-3674-4060-bd5d-850d99837f8e.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/6/b/7/dataset_6b725282-b573-4951-99d3-cd2febaa37dd.dat","/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/0/2/c/dataset_02cd6537-00ea-4250-8db8-c7240efb3cd0.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/e/5/dataset_9e5af8dc-406b-408f-921f-bb284ccf25a7.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 30 15:33:58 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/a/4/dataset_5a4b67eb-6ad9-4133-8c55-03bd48c6978f.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/a/4/dataset_5a4b67eb-6ad9-4133-8c55-03bd48c6978f.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Sep 30 15:33:58 2024] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/a/8/b/dataset_a8b2a212-9011-4b47-88cc-bcc4f007d376.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/e/6/dataset_4e67e193-6d09-44e2-acf9-0d2c8d026f1b.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/e/5/dataset_9e5af8dc-406b-408f-921f-bb284ccf25a7.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/a/2/dataset_5a252cfa-10d4-4d61-8af2-42daacffbcb1.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_16076dba-c033-4cee-b660-c9f9db39f598.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_a866487b-0924-4efb-b352-538224340ef6.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Mon 30 Sep 2024 15:35:21 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/4/e/6/dataset_4e67e193-6d09-44e2-acf9-0d2c8d026f1b.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/9/e/5/dataset_9e5af8dc-406b-408f-921f-bb284ccf25a7.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/files/5/a/2/dataset_5a252cfa-10d4-4d61-8af2-42daacffbcb1.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_16076dba-c033-4cee-b660-c9f9db39f598.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_a866487b-0924-4efb-b352-538224340ef6.dat"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "da8e527a7f4011ef8b79a9e5563bb41d"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpq4ok05f5/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • e55d3a09175504c6
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • e55d3a09175504c6
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • e55d3a09175504c6

@gxydevbot gxydevbot force-pushed the workflows/metabomics/lcms-preprocessing branch from 44ebf4f to ff03431 Compare February 10, 2025 05:16
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Contributor Author

There are new updates, they have been integrated to the PR, check the file diff.

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Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests
  • ❌ Mass_spectrometry__LC-MS_preprocessing_with_XCMS.ga_0

    Execution Problem:

    • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.

    Workflow invocation details

    • Invocation Messages

      • Defined workflow output 'dataMatrix' was not found in step 12.
    • Steps
      • Step 1: SampleMetadata:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 2: Mass-spectrometry Dataset Collection:

        • step_state: scheduled
      • Step 11:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 12:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              Adv {"expandMz": "0", "expandRt": "0", "ppm": "0"}
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              peaklist {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2", "peaklistBool": "True"}
      • Step 13:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "rdata.xcms.fillpeaks"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              diffreport {"options": {"__current_case__": 1, "option": "hide"}}
              export {"convertRTMinute": true, "intval": "into", "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "2"}
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              findgeneral {"mzabs": "0.015", "ppm": "5"}
              findisotopes {"maxcharge": "2", "maxiso": "4", "minfrac": "0.5"}
              groupfwhm {"perfwhm": "0.6", "sigma": "6"}
              quick_block {"__current_case__": 1, "polarity": "quick", "quick": "TRUE"}
      • Step 3:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/c/8/dataset_1c832f50-2b65-4110-804f-8c48d8145bd1.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc05.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/c/8/dataset_1c832f50-2b65-4110-804f-8c48d8145bd1.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc05.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML     Blanc05            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/8/8/dataset_e8828632-69fd-4dc5-b432-b6d14caa605c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc10.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/8/8/dataset_e8828632-69fd-4dc5-b432-b6d14caa605c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc10.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc10.mzML     Blanc10            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/7/f/dataset_f7f82d12-f148-42fc-a34b-74cab143a215.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'Blanc16.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/7/f/dataset_f7f82d12-f148-42fc-a34b-74cab143a215.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	Blanc16.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.57 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              Blanc16.mzML     Blanc16            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/0/d/dataset_20d68db2-bc02-429e-9e97-afbed5b2c125.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_048.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/0/d/dataset_20d68db2-bc02-429e-9e97-afbed5b2c125.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_048.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/1/6/dataset_b16f9271-5d8e-4060-ad15-0407718eb40c.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_090.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/1/6/dataset_b16f9271-5d8e-4060-ad15-0407718eb40c.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_090.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.76 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/a/5/dataset_4a5256e1-f79a-4fbe-b4c8-a943c6f3dd9e.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_123.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/a/5/dataset_4a5256e1-f79a-4fbe-b4c8-a943c6f3dd9e.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_123.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/7/dataset_8373c4a9-0f92-4107-9377-ea9fee7c2f31.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_157.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/7/dataset_8373c4a9-0f92-4107-9377-ea9fee7c2f31.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_157.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.68 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/4/e/dataset_e4eb9b7e-8123-4a87-a78b-31fe69dcafc9.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_173.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/4/e/dataset_e4eb9b7e-8123-4a87-a78b-31fe69dcafc9.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_173.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.66 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/a/3/dataset_ba3c10f0-863d-4981-af9f-98d838ada6b5.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'HU_neg_192.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/a/3/dataset_ba3c10f0-863d-4981-af9f-98d838ada6b5.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	HU_neg_192.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.63 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:47 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                              sample_name sample_group
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/b/4/dataset_8b44995c-9a9e-42b4-a2fd-06e1f92e3539.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_002.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/b/4/dataset_8b44995c-9a9e-42b4-a2fd-06e1f92e3539.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_002.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_002.mzML     QC1_002            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/9/c/e/dataset_9ce5655c-b6a0-44e3-a0c8-0038483adb7d.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_008.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/9/c/e/dataset_9ce5655c-b6a0-44e3-a0c8-0038483adb7d.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_008.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.72 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_008.mzML     QC1_008            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  singlefile_galaxyPath '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/c/9/a/dataset_c9a9244a-afdf-487a-aaca-e59146cc9530.dat' singlefile_sampleName 'QC1_014.mzML'   ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              pillar 1.6.0 	compiler 4.0.5 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	plyr 1.8.6 	iterators 1.0.13 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	tibble 3.1.1 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	gtable 0.3.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	rlang 0.4.11 	foreach 1.5.1 	IRanges 2.24.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	grid 4.0.5 	glue 1.4.2 	impute 1.64.0 	R6 2.5.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	XML 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	limma 3.46.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	magrittr 2.0.1 	scales 1.1.1 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	mzID 1.28.0 	colorspace 2.0.1 	utf8 1.2.1 	affy 1.68.0 	doParallel 1.0.16 	munsell 0.5.0 	vsn 3.58.0 	crayon 1.4.1 	affyio 1.60.0 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              singlefile_galaxyPath	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/c/9/a/dataset_c9a9244a-afdf-487a-aaca-e59146cc9530.dat
              singlefile_sampleName	QC1_014.mzML
              Compute md5 checksum...
              			Create a phenodata data.frame
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .
              			Load Raw Data
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	MSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.59 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
                           sample_name sample_group
              QC1_014.mzML     QC1_014            .


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "mzml"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
      • Step 4:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/4/b/dataset_24b2d315-0530-4b7a-8f33-ad93f6586b31.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/6/6/dataset_66609f29-cdd1-46e0-9b67-9f3f072edc80.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/d/d/dataset_fdde05dc-7d7d-462a-9c1a-0819de7795cd.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/b/b/dataset_5bb7e1d8-a478-4b11-95de-9ab5da7e2eca.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/8/8/dataset_b88d77d5-4f44-4e13-bca4-4f587c95e804.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/8/6/dataset_486c9f9c-44c4-44d6-9dea-e4ffde101ed0.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/3/2/dataset_b327fa33-bb16-4b48-881c-21740e4d1b2a.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/3/6/dataset_53656d3a-d8d6-4002-a14f-7e7c28c4e180.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/8/1/dataset_58103ff7-ae6a-4fb0-b1ff-40a184ec2dc4.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/8/dataset_83833600-c386-43f5-a53d-c2d832545b8f.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/8/7/dataset_387a2118-00b3-4245-8313-ac2e2c6705a1.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/5/f/dataset_15fc3f7c-1005-48ff-9781-ec7f4f4aab6b.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/8/6/dataset_6866e39c-6a03-4d6a-bfbe-22ce8ead3f1c.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
              There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              images	c("/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/4/b/dataset_24b2d315-0530-4b7a-8f33-ad93f6586b31.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/6/6/dataset_66609f29-cdd1-46e0-9b67-9f3f072edc80.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/d/d/dataset_fdde05dc-7d7d-462a-9c1a-0819de7795cd.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/b/b/dataset_5bb7e1d8-a478-4b11-95de-9ab5da7e2eca.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/8/8/dataset_b88d77d5-4f44-4e13-bca4-4f587c95e804.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/8/6/dataset_486c9f9c-44c4-44d6-9dea-e4ffde101ed0.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/3/2/dataset_b327fa33-bb16-4b48-881c-21740e4d1b2a.dat", 
              "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/3/6/dataset_53656d3a-d8d6-4002-a14f-7e7c28c4e180.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/8/1/dataset_58103ff7-ae6a-4fb0-b1ff-40a184ec2dc4.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/8/dataset_83833600-c386-43f5-a53d-c2d832545b8f.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/8/7/dataset_387a2118-00b3-4245-8313-ac2e2c6705a1.dat", "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/5/f/dataset_15fc3f7c-1005-48ff-9781-ec7f4f4aab6b.dat")
              sampleMetadata	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/8/6/dataset_6866e39c-6a03-4d6a-bfbe-22ce8ead3f1c.dat
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              			Compute TIC
              			Compute BPI
              null device 
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("OnDiskMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.23 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb 10 05:36:34 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 5:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/4/b/dataset_24b2d315-0530-4b7a-8f33-ad93f6586b31.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5041 regions of interest ... OK: 767 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/4/b/dataset_24b2d315-0530-4b7a-8f33-ad93f6586b31.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2022 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2022 (2022 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               767 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 767 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.6-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 63.6207-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 767 (about 767 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2022 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.434 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 2:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/6/6/dataset_66609f29-cdd1-46e0-9b67-9f3f072edc80.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 4136 regions of interest ... OK: 770 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/6/6/dataset_66609f29-cdd1-46e0-9b67-9f3f072edc80.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1882 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc10.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1882 (1882 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               770 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 770 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.7-1139 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2842-963.063 m/z
              Peaks: 770 (about 770 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1882 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.413 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 3:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/d/d/dataset_fdde05dc-7d7d-462a-9c1a-0819de7795cd.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 977 regions of interest ... OK: 848 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/d/d/dataset_fdde05dc-7d7d-462a-9c1a-0819de7795cd.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.58 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1485 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:59 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc16.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1485 (1485 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               848 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 848 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.1-1138.6 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 65.2841-963.0739 m/z
              Peaks: 848 (about 848 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1485 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.364 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 4:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/b/b/dataset_5bb7e1d8-a478-4b11-95de-9ab5da7e2eca.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8869 regions of interest ... OK: 3343 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/b/b/dataset_5bb7e1d8-a478-4b11-95de-9ab5da7e2eca.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.78 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2031 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:17 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_048.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2031 (2031 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3343 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3343 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 10.2-1139.3 seconds (0.2-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-988.5896 m/z
              Peaks: 3343 (about 3343 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2031 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.809 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 5:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/8/8/dataset_b88d77d5-4f44-4e13-bca4-4f587c95e804.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 9690 regions of interest ... OK: 3868 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/8/8/dataset_b88d77d5-4f44-4e13-bca4-4f587c95e804.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.77 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1991 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_090.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1991 (1991 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3868 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3868 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 5.1-1139.5 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.5531 m/z
              Peaks: 3868 (about 3868 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1991 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.879 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 6:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/8/6/dataset_486c9f9c-44c4-44d6-9dea-e4ffde101ed0.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7597 regions of interest ... OK: 3408 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/4/8/6/dataset_486c9f9c-44c4-44d6-9dea-e4ffde101ed0.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1892 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_123.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1892 (1892 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3408 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3408 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6-1136 seconds (0.1-18.9 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0516 m/z
              Peaks: 3408 (about 3408 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1892 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.797 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 7:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/3/2/dataset_b327fa33-bb16-4b48-881c-21740e4d1b2a.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6220 regions of interest ... OK: 3590 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/b/3/2/dataset_b327fa33-bb16-4b48-881c-21740e4d1b2a.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.69 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1767 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_157.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1767 (1767 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3590 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3590 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.5-1138.9 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0747 m/z
              Peaks: 3590 (about 3590 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1767 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.805 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 8:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/3/6/dataset_53656d3a-d8d6-4002-a14f-7e7c28c4e180.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5440 regions of interest ... OK: 3051 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/3/6/dataset_53656d3a-d8d6-4002-a14f-7e7c28c4e180.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.67 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1710 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:32 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_173.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1710 (1710 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3051 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3051 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4.4-1139.2 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-774.0387 m/z
              Peaks: 3051 (about 3051 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1710 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.718 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 9:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/8/1/dataset_58103ff7-ae6a-4fb0-b1ff-40a184ec2dc4.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 6293 regions of interest ... OK: 4264 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/5/8/1/dataset_58103ff7-ae6a-4fb0-b1ff-40a184ec2dc4.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.64 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1647 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:47 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: HU_neg_192.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1647 (1647 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               4264 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 4264 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 6.2-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-963.0566 m/z
              Peaks: 4264 (about 4264 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1647 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.884 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 10:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/8/dataset_83833600-c386-43f5-a53d-c2d832545b8f.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 8700 regions of interest ... OK: 3327 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/3/8/dataset_83833600-c386-43f5-a53d-c2d832545b8f.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.79 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 2039 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_002.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S2039 (2039 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3327 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3327 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 4-1139.1 seconds (0.1-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0398 m/z
              Peaks: 3327 (about 3327 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.808 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 11:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/8/7/dataset_387a2118-00b3-4245-8313-ac2e2c6705a1.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 7872 regions of interest ... OK: 3881 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/8/7/dataset_387a2118-00b3-4245-8313-ac2e2c6705a1.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.73 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1879 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_008.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1879 (1879 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3881 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3881 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.3 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-987.0559 m/z
              Peaks: 3881 (about 3881 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1879 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.864 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
          • Job 12:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/5/f/dataset_15fc3f7c-1005-48ff-9781-ec7f4f4aab6b.dat'  BPPARAM ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}   method CentWave   ppm 3.0 peakwidth "c(5,20)"  snthresh 10 prefilter "c(3,5000)" mzCenterFun wMean integrate 1 mzdiff -0.001 fitgauss FALSE noise 1000 verboseColumns FALSE  peaklist FALSE        ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Detecting mass traces at 3 ppm ... OK
              Detecting chromatographic peaks in 5007 regions of interest ... OK: 3599 found.
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/1/5/f/dataset_15fc3f7c-1005-48ff-9781-ec7f4f4aab6b.dat
              BPPARAM	1
              method	CentWave
              ppm	3
              peakwidth	c(5, 20)
              snthresh	10
              prefilter	c(3, 5000)
              mzCenterFun	wMean
              integrate	1
              mzdiff	-0.001
              fitgauss	FALSE
              noise	1000
              verboseColumns	FALSE
              peaklist	FALSE
              			Apply filter[s] (if asked)
              			Chromatographic peak detection
              Object of class:  CentWaveParam 
               ppm: 3 
               peakwidth: 5, 20 
               snthresh: 10 
               prefilter: 3, 5000 
               mzCenterFun: wMean 
               integrate: 1 
               mzdiff: -0.001 
               fitgauss: FALSE 
               noise: 1000 
               verboseColumns: FALSE 
               roiList length: 0 
               firstBaselineCheck TRUE 
               roiScales length: 0 
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 0.6 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 1533 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Data loaded [Mon Feb 10 05:34:48 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: QC1_014.mzML
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S1533 (1533 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               3599 peaks identified in 1 samples.
               On average 3599 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 1 samples
              Time range: 2.1-1138.8 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.0321-963.0639 m/z
              Peaks: 3599 (about 3599 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: . 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 1533 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 0.77 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              filterSection {"filterAcquisitionNum": "", "filterMz": "", "filterRt": ""}
              methods {"CentWaveAdv": {"CentWaveAdvROI": {"firstBaselineCheck": true, "roiList": null, "roiScales": ""}, "fitgauss": false, "integrate": "1", "mzCenterFun": "wMean", "mzdiff": "-0.001", "noise": "1000", "peaklist": false, "prefilter": "3,5000", "snthresh": "10", "verboseColumns": false}, "__current_case__": 0, "method": "CentWave", "peakwidth": "5,20", "ppm": "3.0"}
      • Step 6:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  images 'c("/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/0/c/6/dataset_0c663119-e2ef-422e-8bb1-1cb0db6bcb46.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/c/a/0/dataset_ca02dd8a-ba84-4254-a31d-6ff7ce79e13a.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/7/6/2/dataset_76244f72-679b-4e8b-b20c-347d24f8c288.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/c/0/dataset_6c08d9e0-2d9a-4f10-8a65-697a82505943.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/b/7/dataset_6b76f812-d035-408f-a88e-3900f16dd24e.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/5/0/dataset_650cbc23-bb42-405b-9b53-2c0cdc8a9ff0.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/f/a/8/dataset_fa8130a8-071c-4d4e-b466-663fedd5833b.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/8/4/dataset_284e35cd-f34a-44fe-8853-36565f138071.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/0/2/dataset_202a1949-f554-4802-a747-b97a1dba9cfa.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/0/2/0/dataset_020cb387-4d27-407b-803e-31a7bb802db1.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/a/5/a/dataset_a5a77fd9-a9b8-4ba8-8464-b3f453c9c631.dat","/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/2/c/7/dataset_2c7363ac-bc4b-40c5-a94c-797ada674bd0.dat")'  sampleMetadata '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/8/6/dataset_6866e39c-6a03-4d6a-bfbe-22ce8ead3f1c.dat'

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	XSET MERGING...
              	XSET PHENODATA SETTING...
              Creating the sampleMetadata file...
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb 10 05:37:28 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
                              sample_name sample_group  class
              Blanc05.mzML        Blanc05          blk    blk
              Blanc10.mzML        Blanc10          blk    blk
              Blanc16.mzML        Blanc16          blk    blk
              HU_neg_048.mzML  HU_neg_048       sample sample
              HU_neg_090.mzML  HU_neg_090       sample sample
              HU_neg_123.mzML  HU_neg_123       sample sample
              HU_neg_157.mzML  HU_neg_157       sample sample
              HU_neg_173.mzML  HU_neg_173       sample sample
              HU_neg_192.mzML  HU_neg_192       sample sample
              QC1_002.mzML        QC1_002           QC     QC
              QC1_008.mzML        QC1_008           QC     QC
              QC1_014.mzML        QC1_014           QC     QC
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 0 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.47 MB
              	SAVE RData


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
      • Step 7:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is ok

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/a/3/dataset_8a3cae88-c03d-4010-aa98-526ec8ce17ca.dat'  method PeakDensity bw 5.0 minFraction 0.9 minSamples 1 binSize 0.01 maxFeatures 50   convertRTMinute FALSE numDigitsMZ 4 numDigitsRT 0 intval into naTOzero TRUE       ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"

            Exit Code:

            • 0

            Standard Error:

            • Processing 187837 mz slices ... OK
              There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
              Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.

            Standard Output:

            • 	SESSION INFO
              R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) 
              Main packages:
              RColorBrewer 1.1.2 	batch 1.1.5 	xcms 3.12.0 	MSnbase 2.16.1 	ProtGenerics 1.22.0 	S4Vectors 0.28.1 	mzR 2.24.1 	Rcpp 1.0.6 	BiocParallel 1.24.1 	Biobase 2.50.0 	BiocGenerics 0.36.0 	
              Other loaded packages:
              SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 	lattice 0.20.44 	colorspace 2.0.1 	vctrs 0.3.8 	vsn 3.58.0 	utf8 1.2.1 	XML 	rlang 0.4.11 	pillar 1.6.0 	glue 1.4.2 	affy 1.68.0 	affyio 1.60.0 	matrixStats 0.58.0 	GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.4 	foreach 1.5.1 	lifecycle 1.0.0 	plyr 1.8.6 	mzID 1.28.0 	robustbase 0.93.7 	zlibbioc 1.36.0 	MatrixGenerics 1.2.1 	munsell 0.5.0 	pcaMethods 1.82.0 	gtable 0.3.0 	codetools 0.2.18 	IRanges 2.24.1 	doParallel 1.0.16 	GenomeInfoDb 1.26.4 	MassSpecWavelet 1.56.0 	fansi 0.4.2 	preprocessCore 1.52.1 	DEoptimR 1.0.8 	scales 1.1.1 	BiocManager 1.30.15 	DelayedArray 0.16.3 	limma 3.46.0 	XVector 0.30.0 	MsCoreUtils 1.2.0 	RANN 2.6.1 	impute 1.64.0 	ggplot2 3.3.3 	digest 0.6.27 	ncdf4 1.17 	GenomicRanges 1.42.0 	grid 4.0.5 	tools 4.0.5 	bitops 1.0.7 	magrittr 2.0.1 	RCurl 	tibble 3.1.1 	crayon 1.4.1 	pkgconfig 2.0.3 	Matrix 1.3.2 	MASS 7.3.54 	ellipsis 0.3.2 	iterators 1.0.13 	R6 2.5.0 	MALDIquant 1.19.3 	compiler 4.0.5 	
              	ARGUMENTS INFO
              image	/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/8/a/3/dataset_8a3cae88-c03d-4010-aa98-526ec8ce17ca.dat
              method	PeakDensity
              bw	5
              minFraction	0.9
              minSamples	1
              binSize	0.01
              maxFeatures	50
              convertRTMinute	FALSE
              numDigitsMZ	4
              numDigitsRT	0
              intval	into
              naTOzero	TRUE
              			Perform the correspondence
              Object of class:  PeakDensityParam 
               sampleGroups: character of length 12 
               bw: 5 
               minFraction: 0.9 
               minSamples: 1 
               binSize: 0.01 
               maxFeatures: 50 
              		DRAW GRAPHICS
              null device 
              	XCMSnExp OBJECT INFO
              MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
              Object size in memory: 6.31 Mb
              - - - Spectra data - - -
               MS level(s): 1 
               Number of spectra: 21878 
               MSn retention times: 0:1 - 18:60 minutes
              - - - Processing information - - -
              Concatenated [Mon Feb 10 05:37:28 2025] 
               MSnbase version: 2.16.1 
              - - - Meta data  - - -
                rowNames: Blanc05.mzML Blanc10.mzML ... QC1_014.mzML (12 total)
                varLabels: sample_name sample_group
                varMetadata: labelDescription
              Loaded from:
                [1] Blanc05.mzML...  [12] QC1_014.mzML
                Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
              protocolData: none
                featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F12.S1533 (21878 total)
                fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (35 total)
                fvarMetadata: labelDescription
              experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
              - - - xcms preprocessing - - -
              Chromatographic peak detection:
               method: centWave 
               34716 peaks identified in 12 samples.
               On average 2893 chromatographic peaks per sample.
               method: chromatographic peak density 
               2228 features identified.
               Median mz range of features: 0.00028788
               Median rt range of features: 1.747
              	xcmsSet OBJECT INFO
              An "xcmsSet" object with 12 samples
              Time range: 2-1139.5 seconds (0-19 minutes)
              Mass range: 50.025-989.2024 m/z
              Peaks: 34716 (about 2893 per sample)
              Peak Groups: 2228 
              Sample classes: blk, sample, QC 
              Feature detection:
               o Peak picking performed on MS1.
               o Scan range limited to  1 - 2039 
              Profile settings: method = bin
                                step = 0.1
              Memory usage: 8.98 MB


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"PeakDensityAdv": {"maxFeatures": "50"}, "__current_case__": 0, "binSize": "0.01", "bw": "5.0", "method": "PeakDensity", "minFraction": "0.9", "minSamples": "1"}
              peaklist {"__current_case__": 0, "convertRTMinute": false, "intval": "into", "naTOzero": true, "numDigitsMZ": "4", "numDigitsRT": "0", "peaklistBool": "true"}
      • Step 8:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is running

            Command Line:

            • LC_ALL=C Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/ image '/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/c/c/7/dataset_cc7cb9a9-ee6f-47f0-9c6c-83edaad9d127.dat'  method PeakGroups minFraction 0.7 extraPeaks 1 smooth loess span 0.2 family gaussian      ; return=$?; cat 'log.txt'; sh -c "exit $return"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
              methods {"__current_case__": 0, "extraPeaks": "1", "method": "PeakGroups", "minFraction": "0.7", "smooth_cond": {"PeakGroupsSmoothLoessAdv": {"family": "gaussian", "span": "0.2"}, "__current_case__": 0, "smooth": "loess"}}
      • Step 9:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is error

            Command Line:

            • Rscript /tmp/shed_dir/  dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/6/c/dataset_36cc716e-3b67-47b1-82a4-b8ac50c25854.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/8/6/dataset_6866e39c-6a03-4d6a-bfbe-22ce8ead3f1c.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/7/6/dataset_e764c6c2-22b7-4101-bd6b-6286c76cb7a3.dat"  method "each_class"  chosen_stat "NA"  class_col "2" test_fold "No"   variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_0b6f5789-9d68-4ab6-a95a-f63fefeb41dc.dat" graphs_out "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_7a053d68-a01e-4a3f-84e0-096616504cbb.dat"

            Exit Code:

            • 1

            Standard Error:

            • Error in intens_check(args$dataMatrix_in, args$sampleMetadata_in, args$variableMetadata_in,  : 
              - - - - - - - - -
              The 2 column is not found in the specified sample metadata file.
              - - - - - - - - -
              Execution halted

            Standard Output:

            • Job starting time:
               Mon 10 Feb 2025 05:38:49 
              Intensity Check parameters:
              [1] "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/3/6/c/dataset_36cc716e-3b67-47b1-82a4-b8ac50c25854.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/6/8/6/dataset_6866e39c-6a03-4d6a-bfbe-22ce8ead3f1c.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/files/e/7/6/dataset_e764c6c2-22b7-4101-bd6b-6286c76cb7a3.dat"
              [1] "each_class"
              [1] "NA"
              [1] 2
              [1] "No"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_0b6f5789-9d68-4ab6-a95a-f63fefeb41dc.dat"
              [1] "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/job_working_directory/000/42/outputs/dataset_7a053d68-a01e-4a3f-84e0-096616504cbb.dat"


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "tabular"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              method_cond {"__current_case__": 1, "chosen_stat": ["NA"], "class_col": "2", "method": "each_class", "test_fold_cond": {"__current_case__": 1, "test_fold": "No"}}
      • Step 10:

        • step_state: scheduled

        • Jobs
          • Job 1:

            • Job state is new


            Job Parameters:

            • Job parameter Parameter value
              __input_ext "input"
              __workflow_invocation_uuid__ "79e228a0e77011efb46f000d3a595d5a"
              chromInfo "/tmp/tmpls_88v2a/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len"
              dbkey "?"
              file_load_section {"file_load_conditional": {"__current_case__": 0, "file_load_select": "no"}}
    • Other invocation details
      • error_message

        • Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state.
      • history_id

        • c10baa3d514d36d7
      • history_state

        • error
      • invocation_id

        • c10baa3d514d36d7
      • invocation_state

        • scheduled
      • messages

        • [{'output_name': 'dataMatrix', 'reason': 'workflow_output_not_found', 'workflow_step_id': 11}]
      • workflow_id

        • c10baa3d514d36d7

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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

2 participants