42 Piscine (Paris)
This project is based on examshell levels.
n | Subject | Status |
1 | aff_a | ✅ |
2 | aff_first_param | ✅ |
3 | aff_last_param | ✅ |
4 | aff_z | ✅ |
5 | maff_alpha | ✅ |
6 | maff_revalpha | ✅ |
7 | only_z | ✅ |
8 | strlen_sh | ✅ |
n | Subject | Status |
1 | first_word | ✅ |
2 | ft_countdown | ✅ |
3 | ft_print_numbers | ✅ |
4 | ft_putstr | ✅ |
5 | ft_strcpy | ✅ |
6 | ft_strlen | ✅ |
7 | ft_swap | ✅ |
8 | hello | ✅ |
9 | repeat_alpha | ✅ |
10 | rev_print | ✅ |
11 | rot_13 | ✅ |
12 | rotone | ✅ |
13 | search_and_replace | ✅ |
14 | ulstr | ✅ |
This is a gift for you, after level 1 you have to swim on your own ;)
n | Subject |
1 | alpha_mirror |
2 | do_op |
3 | ft_atoi |
4 | ft_strcmp |
5 | ft_strdup |
6 | ft_strrev |
7 | inter |
8 | is_power_of_2 |
9 | last_word |
10 | max |
11 | print_bits |
12 | reverse_bits |
13 | swap_bits |
14 | union |
15 | wdmatch |
n | Subject |
1 | add_prime_sum |
2 | epur_str |
3 | expand_str |
4 | ft_atoi_base |
5 | ft_list_size |
6 | ft_range |
7 | ft_rrange |
8 | hidenp |
9 | lcm |
10 | paramsum |
11 | pgcd |
12 | print_hex |
13 | rstr_capitalizer |
14 | str_capitalizer |
15 | tab_mult |
n | Subject |
1 | fprime |
2 | ft_itoa |
3 | ft_list_foreach |
4 | ft_list_remove_if |
5 | ft_split |
6 | rev_wstr |
7 | rostring |
8 | sort_int_tab |
9 | sort_list |
n | Subject |
1 | brackets |
2 | brainfuck |
3 | check_mate |
4 | ft_itoa_base |
5 | options |
6 | print_memory |
7 | rpn_calc |
Each level is designed by Staff 42.
This work is published under the terms of 42 Unlicense.
Donations are accepted at:
- BTC: 152pyNwPRr22XWYdTuyHormznzu4PvPrWg