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ServiceTitan to Geckoboard dataset

Push ServiceTitan reports into Geckoboard datasets


1. Download the app

Make it executable (macOS / Linux)

On macOS and Linux you'll need to open a terminal and run chmod u+x path/to/file (replacing path/to/file with the actual path to your downloaded app) in order to make the app executable.

2. Create an oauth app

From the developer console the application key field in the image below (ak1...) maps to the servicetitan app_id in the config. developer_oauth_app

From the integrations page under the settings section those fields map nicely to the config. integrations_api_app_admin

3. Generate a config and update the values

Open up a terminal (on linux/max) or a command prompt (on windows), and run your script.

./servicetitan-to-dataset config --generate

This will generate an example config and create a file called config.yml by default. Open this file and replace the servicetitan values with your specific values.

Geckoboard API

Hopefully this is obvious, but this is where your Geckoboard API key goes. You can find yours here.

4. List categories and possible reports

Now we need to list all the reports and categories in your account. This is required so that we can store what category and report we want to push to Geckoboard.

Run the following command

./servicetitan-to-dataset reports list

If the servicetitan config values was setup correctly you should see something similar to the below, depending on the number categories you have you might see more output.

2022/10/14 16:10:27 Fetching categories...
2022/10/14 16:10:41 Fetching reports for category Accounting...
2022/10/14 16:10:41 Fetching reports for category Other...
| REPORT ID |     CATEGORY ID      |    CATEGORY NAME     |       REPORT NAME       |
|  1234     | accounting           | Accounting           | Revenue by employee     |
|           |                      |                      |                         |
|  2345     | performance-reports  | Performance Reports  | Sales by technician     |
|           |                      |                      |                         |

5. Query the report fields and parameters

Now you have a category ID and report ID (lets take the second example above). Now we need to query the report fields and parameters

./servicetitan-to-dataset reports parameters --report 2345 --category performance-reports

That should output something like the following;

Report id:  2345
Report name: Sales by technician

Report fields:
|        FIELD NAME        |         LABEL          |  TYPE  |
| Technician Name          | TechnicianName         | String |
| Completed Jobs           | CompletedJobs          | Number |
| Total revenue            | TotalRevenue           | Number |

Report parameters:
|  PARAMTER NAME  |            LABEL             | DATA TYPE | ARRAY? | REQUIRED? |
| From            | From                         | Date      | FALSE  | TRUE      |
| To              | To                           | Date      | FALSE  | TRUE      |
| JobTypes        | Job Type                     | String    | FALSE  | FALSE     |
| IncludeInactive | Include Inactive Technicians | Boolean   | FALSE  | FALSE     |

6. Add a new entry to the config

With all the information now about the report and the fields and parameters we can add an entry to the config.

When pushing data to Geckoboard at least one required field is expected. This could be a ID field or a date creation field, or a name field that is always present.

In our example the "Technician Name" will always be present so we add that to the config.

In our report example as well we have 2 required parameters (you might have none in which case you can omit the parameters section) However if you have required parameters then they must be supplied in the config.

Here we use NOW and NOW-1 a special keyword for date parameters - that are dynamic based on the current datetime.

  - report:
      id: 2345
      category_id: performance-reports
        - name: From
          value: "NOW-1"
        - name: To
          value: "NOW"
        - Technician Name


Custom dataset name

By default the default name is automatically implied from the report name and converted to ensure it is safe.

You may provide a dataset name in the config as such if you want to use the same report with different params for instance

  - report:
      name: "My custom dataset name"

Please note that in some cases the dataset name you input will be converted based on the rules of what a valid dataset name is but all letters and numbers are valid values

Dataset type

By default when pushing data to Geckoboard - we query just the first page of data and always replace the dataset contents with the latest report data returned from ServiceTitan.

In some very rare cases - it maybe preferred to have the dataset append data, however for this to work you must have a required and unique column or multiple columns..

For instance if you report contains a Date, Name and Number fields, the required fields would be Date and Name as these are the unique constraints. By doing this we can build up data overtime if the query only returns data for "today"

To support appending data - you need to specify the dataset type as "append"

  name: ...
  type: append
    - Date
    - Name

Dynamic date parameters

If you're report requires a date parameter, you can hardcode a specific date such as 2022-10-19 (today) however you would need update the configuration every day.

To support a dynamic date value - you can use one of the following - the report param type must be type of Date

Keyword Description
NOW Replaces with today date
NOW-1 Replaces with yesterday date
NOW+1 Replaces with tomorrow date (should never require this)
CURRENT_MONTH_DAY1 Replaces with the 1st of the current month to allow reporting for the current month progress

Please note that by default it uses the time from your machine to determine "TODAY", if this is being run on a server running in UTC time - you can specify the time_location at the top of the config and specify a time location local to you. Refer to the time_location section of the readme for more info

    - name: From
      value: "NOW-1"
    - name: To
      value: "NOW"
    - name: From
      value: "CURRENT_MONTH_DAY1"
    - name: To
      value: "NOW"

Refresh time

Once started, it can query ServiceTitan periodically and push the results to Geckoboard. Use this field to specify the time, in seconds, between refreshes.

Unfortunately due to some limitations with the new reports (beta) endpoint, ServiceTitan only allow query 1 report every 5 minutes. This means that if you have;

  • 2 entries - then they will update every 10 minutes + the refresh time.
  • 10 entries - then they will update every 50 minutes + the refresh time.

If you do not wish for it to run on a schedule, omit this option from your config and it will run only once after it has completed all entries.

refresh_time: 60

Environment variables

If you wish, you can provide any of the options under servicetitan and geckoboard as environment variables - to prevent storing secrets in the config. This is possible using the following syntax "{{YOUR_CUSTOM_ENV}}". Make sure to keep the quotes in there! For example:

  api_key: "{{GB_APIKEY}}"

Time location

By default when using magic date keywords - it uses the current time of the machine that the binary is run on. However in some cases, the binary might be run on a server running in UTC, for cases like this your might want to change what "TODAY" means when the time locations differs from UTC greatly.

The time location should be one of the values under the TZ Database name column here

time_location: America/New_York