This is a 16 bit processor built on VHDL and uses the Cyclone V device to ensure 1 MB of RAM. Please ensure Cyclone V is installed on your VHDL setup. We use the RISC instruction set here. Built as the course project for CS226, IIT Bombay
The main entity is called iitbproc, it outputs the current value of register 0 and current state (for ease of debugging)
To run the setup please use the supplied testbench (iitbproc_tb.vhd
), simply change the location of the input and output files. The input file contains the assembly code in binary format, to convert assembly code into binary, please use the
script present in example_code
folder. A sample binary file has already been provided by the name input_file.txt
in the same folder.
In the Testbench (iitbproc_tb.vhd
- Change the path of input file (containing instructions to run) on line 36.
- Change the path of output file on line 37.
You can use the
script to convert assembly to binary. We have supplied one example program (fibonacci.asm
) that prints first 21 fibonacci numbers (starting from 1,2,3,5,8..). The output file will contain the value of register 0 so ensure that the output is stored in register 0.
The design documents are in the documents folder, it contains the design specification, the FSM diagram, the RTL diagra, and the FSM state transition table as an excel file.
Submitted by:
Pradipta Bora (190050089)
Harshit Gupta (190050048)
Ankit Kumar Jain (190050019)
Vibhav Aggarwal (190050128)