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Send notifications about pull requests(PR) to chats. Supported chat platforms - Telegram


How it works

  • Sends a message in format

[<CLOSED|OPEN|MERGED>] <PR title> <PR url> - message header

  • if the status of the PR has changed eg its closed,opened,merged. prnotifybot will edit the notification message and reflect those changes in its header
  • if some one pushed code to the source branch of the PR. Notification message for this PR will be edited and new line will be added

<timestamp> <user> pushed

  • if someone created/edited/deleted a comment or issue comment. Notification message for this PR will be edited with a new line

<timestamp> <user> <created|deleted|edited> [comment](<link_to_comment>)

  • if someone approved the PR Notification message for this PR will be edited with a new line

<timestamp> <user> approved :heavy_check_mark:


Currently prnotifybot stores message ids and thier corresponding messages in memory. So after restart of the app new pr notification messages will be sent if one of the events described in How it works occur



Not supported yet (TBD)


  1. Register an app using
  2. Copy App api_id and App api_hash
  3. Clone this project
  4. Copy .env.example from project root to .env eg cp ./.env.example ./.env
  5. Adjust variables in .env file. where
  • TG_API_ID - App app_id copied from step 2
  • TG_API_HASH - App app_hash copied from step 2
  • TG_CHAT_NAME - Name of the channel or chat where to send notifications
  • WH_SECRET - Optional secret, used to authenticate the hook comes from Github
  1. In root of the project run docker-compose up -d
  2. Run docker attach prnotifybot
  3. Enter your phone number and press enter
  4. Enter the authentication code that is sent to one of your telegram sessions
  5. Under your github project goto Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook
  • Set payload URL to <http|https>://your_host/webhooks/pr. EXAMPLE:
  • Set content type application/json
  • Set send me everything option
  • Save
  1. Make a PR you should recieve a notification in the chat defined in TG_CHAT_NAME


Pr notification bot






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