released this
13 May 13:52
Add ability to talk to Consul via Unix Socket
Remove the automatic JSON deserialization attempt of KV values
Add timeout parameter when creating the consulate.Consul instance (#31 ) - Grzegorz Śliwiński
Add ability to specify a different request adapter when creating a consulate.Consul instance (#30 )
Add a flag that will prevent consulate.KV.set_record from replacing a pre-existing value (#29 ) - Jakub Wierzbowski
Add a flag to the consulate cli for the restore command to prevent the replacement of pre-existing values (#29 ) - Jakub Wierzbowski
Add query args to consulate.Health.service (#27 ) - Chen Lei
Removed the ability to override the datacenter in consulate.Session APIs
Address UTF-8 decoding/encoding issues with Python 3
Remove optional simplejson use
Remove default value arg for consulate.KV.get_record
General code cleanup and reduction of duplicate code
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