- Read this paper to understand about the Friction finger environment.
- Checkout the dev branch of this repository WIHM for Variable friction finger using visual servoing and motion planner to find a working code of VF finger planning and control with Modified A* planner and visual servoing.
- Checkout the master branch, if you just want the driver code for controlling the Variable friction finger gripper.
:Contains the agent description.env.py
: Contains the environmet description.monitor.py
: Conatins the code for interaction between agent and the environment..main.py
: Run this file in the terminal to check the performance of your agent.Policy.txt
: Contains the policy for the given environment(specific goal state).Q_table.txt
: Contains the Q_table for all the state in the state action space.test_policy.py
: Contains a testing code where any valid start state can be given and based on the polcicy stored in policy.txt, a plan will be generated and plotted.
Set the hyperparameters for the agent in agent.py. [default values are given here]
- epsilon=1.0
- epsilon_decay=0.0001
- epsilon_min=0.0003
- alpha=0.7
- gamma=0.995 Note: gamma is set using the thumb rule: 1-1/No of steps needed to ccomplete an episode
Friction finger environment is defined in env.py which follows the same structure with the paper defined above. - Statespace: (L,R,theta) (7<=L,R<=12), theta=(-90,0,90)
- Actionspace: (0-5):Left Slide up, Left Slide Down, Right Slide Up, Right slide Down, Rotate Clockwise, Rotate Antiiclockwise
Friction finger environment defined in a new setting.(inside New_state_action_space_RL_test folder)
- Statespace:(x,y,theta,friction_surface_setting) (7<=L,R<=12), theta=(-90,0,90), friction_surface_setting=('lh','hl','hh')
- Actionspace:(0-4),Actuator left, Actuator right, Set friction 'lh', Set friction 'hl', Set friction 'hh'
Friction finger environment for a multi goal setting.(inside Multi_goal_training)
- Statespace:(x,y,theta,friction_surface_setting,(goal_L,goal_R,goal_theta)) (7<=L,R<=12), theta=(-90,0,90), friction_surface_setting=('lh','hl','hh')
- Actionspace:(0-4),Actuator left, Actuator right, Set friction 'lh', Set friction 'hl', Set friction 'hh'
Number of episodes and Max_number_of_steps in an episode can be set in monitor.py
- Inside main.py
- Create an object for the agent with required hyperparameters.
- Create an object for the corresponding environment by defining the goal.
- Create an object of monitor defining the number of training episodes and max number of steps in an epsiode.
- Run python main.py to train the agent.
- After the completion of the training, Q_table.txt and Policy.txt will be created.
- The generated policy can be tested by specifying any start state in test_policy.py and running the code. A plot will be generated showing the path in cartesian space from start to goal state.
Start Pose: (10.6,7.9,-90) Goal Pose: (7.9,7.2,90)
Start Pose: (7.9,7.2,-90) Goal Pose: (7.9,7.2,90)
Start Pose: (7.0,7.0,-90) Goal Pose: (7.9,7.2,90)