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dougalm committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent af23e1e commit a231326
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Showing 6 changed files with 174 additions and 213 deletions.
180 changes: 90 additions & 90 deletions src/lib/Builder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,23 +29,9 @@ import PPrint
import QueryTypePure
import Util (enumerate, transitiveClosureM, bindM2, toSnocList, popList)
import Types.Simple
import Types.Primitives

-- -- temporary stub
-- peepholeExpr :: a -> a
-- peepholeExpr = id

-- -- === ToExpr ===

-- class ToExpr (e::E) where
-- toExpr :: e n -> Expr n

-- instance ToExpr (Expr ) where toExpr = id
-- instance ToExpr (Atom ) where toExpr = Atom
-- instance ToExpr (Con ) where toExpr = Atom . Con
-- instance ToExpr (AtomVar ) where toExpr = toExpr . toAtom
-- instance ToExpr (TypedHof) where toExpr = Hof

-- === Ordinary (local) builder class ===
-- === builder class ===

class Fallible1 m => Builder (m::MonadKind1) where
rawEmitDecl :: Emits n => NameHint -> Expr n -> m n (Name n)
Expand All @@ -54,32 +40,43 @@ class Builder m => ScopableBuilder (m::MonadKind1) where
:: SinkableE e
=> (forall l. (Emits l, DExt n l) => m l (e l))
-> (forall l. DExt n l => Nest Decl n l -> e l -> m l a)
-> (forall l. DExt n l => RNest Decl n l -> e l -> m l a)
-> m n a

:: (ScopableBuilder m, SinkableE e)
=> (forall l. (Emits l, DExt n l) => m l (e l))
-> m n (Abs (Nest Decl) e n)
buildScoped cont = buildScopedAndThen cont \decls body -> return $ Abs decls body

type Builder2 (m :: MonadKind2) = forall i. Builder (m i)
type ScopableBuilder2 (m :: MonadKind2) = forall i. ScopableBuilder (m i)

-- emitDecl :: (Builder m, Emits n) => NameHint -> LetAnn -> Expr n -> m n (AtomVar n)
-- emitDecl _ _ (Atom (Stuck _ (Var n))) = return n
-- emitDecl hint ann expr = rawEmitDecl hint ann expr
-- {-# INLINE emitDecl #-}
emitDecl :: (Builder m, Emits n) => NameHint -> Expr n -> m n (Name n)
emitDecl hint expr = rawEmitDecl hint expr
{-# INLINE emitDecl #-}

-- emit :: (Builder m, ToExpr e, Emits n) => e n -> m n (Atom n)
-- emit e = case toExpr e of
-- Atom x -> return x
-- Block _ block -> emitDecls block >>= emit
-- expr -> do
-- v <- emitDecl noHint PlainLet $ peepholeExpr expr
-- return $ toAtom v
-- {-# INLINE emit #-}
emit :: (Builder m, Emits n) => Expr n -> m n (Atom n)
emit e = case e of
Block _ block -> emitDecls block >>= emit
expr -> do
v <- emitDecl noHint expr
return $ Var v (getType expr)
{-# INLINE emit #-}

idExpr :: Atom n -> Expr n
idExpr x = PrimOp (getType x) (UnOp Identity x)

declsToExpr :: RNest Decl n l -> Atom l -> Expr n
declsToExpr (RNest ds (Let b e)) (Var v _) | v == binderName b = maybeBlock ds e
declsToExpr ds x = maybeBlock ds (idExpr x)

maybeBlock :: RNest Decl n l -> Expr l -> Expr n
maybeBlock REmpty expr = expr
maybeBlock rdecls expr = Block ty $ Abs decls expr
where ty = hoistType decls (getType expr)
decls = unRNest rdecls

-- TODO: if hoisting fails, push the decls into the data parts of the type
hoistType :: Nest Decl n l -> Type l -> Type n
hoistType decls ty = ignoreHoistFailure $ hoist decls ty

-- if final decl matches var then
-- if there's only one de

-- emitUnOp :: (Builder m, Emits n) => UnOp -> Atom n -> m n (Atom n)
-- emitUnOp op x = emit $ PrimOp resultTy $ UnOp op x
Expand All @@ -99,8 +96,10 @@ type ScopableBuilder2 (m :: MonadKind2) = forall i. ScopableBuilder (m i)
-- atom -> emitDecl noHint PlainLet (toExpr atom)
-- {-# INLINE emitToVar #-}

-- emitDecls :: (Builder m, Emits n, RenameE e, SinkableE e)
-- => WithDecls e n -> m n (e n)
emitDecls :: (Builder m, Emits n, RenameE e, SinkableE e)
=> Abs Decls e n -> m n (e n)
emitDecls (Abs decls result) = undefined
-- runSubstReaderT idSubst $ go decls result where
-- emitDecls (Abs decls result) = runSubstReaderT idSubst $ go decls result where
-- go :: (Builder m, Emits o, RenameE e, SinkableE e)
-- => Nest Decl i i' -> e i' -> SubstReaderT Name m i o (e o)
Expand All @@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ type ScopableBuilder2 (m :: MonadKind2) = forall i. ScopableBuilder (m i)
type BuilderEmissions = RNest Decl

newtype BuilderT (m::MonadKind) (n::S) (a:: *) =
BuilderT { runBuilderT' :: InplaceT Scope BuilderEmissions m n a }
BuilderT { runBuilderT' :: InplaceT BuilderEmissions m n a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans1, MonadFail, Fallible
, Catchable, ScopeReader, Alternative
, MonadWriter w, MonadReader r')
Expand All @@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (BuilderT m n) where

liftBuilderT :: (Fallible m, ScopeReader m') => BuilderT m n a -> m' n (m a)
liftBuilderT cont = do
env <- unsafeGetEnv
env <- unsafeGetScope
Distinct <- getDistinct
return do
(REmpty, result) <- runInplaceT env $ runBuilderT' cont
Expand All @@ -156,43 +155,44 @@ liftBuilder :: (ScopeReader m) => BuilderM n a -> m n a
liftBuilder cont = liftM runHardFail $ liftBuilderT cont
{-# INLINE liftBuilder #-}

-- TODO: This should not fabricate Emits evidence!!
-- XXX: this uses unsafe functions in its implementations. It should be safe to
-- use, but be careful changing it.
liftEmitBuilder :: (Builder m, SinkableE e, RenameE e)
=> BuilderM n (e n) -> m n (e n)
liftEmitBuilder cont = do
env <- unsafeGetEnv
Distinct <- getDistinct
let (result, decls, _) = runHardFail $ unsafeRunInplaceT (runBuilderT' cont) env emptyOutFrag
Emits <- fabricateEmitsEvidenceM
emitDecls $ Abs (unsafeCoerceB $ unRNest decls) result

-- instance (Fallible m) => ScopableBuilder (BuilderT m) where
-- buildScopedAndThen cont1 cont2 = BuilderT $ locallyMutableInplaceT
-- (runBuilderT' do
-- Emits <- fabricateEmitsEvidenceM
-- cont1 )
-- (\rdecls e -> runBuilderT' $ cont2 (unRNest rdecls) e)
-- {-# INLINE buildScopedAndThen #-}

-- newtype BuilderDeclEmission (n::S) (l::S) = BuilderDeclEmission (Decl n l)
-- instance ExtOutMap Env BuilderDeclEmission where
-- extendOutMap env (BuilderDeclEmission d) = env `extendOutMap` toEnvFrag d
-- {-# INLINE extendOutMap #-}
-- instance ExtOutFrag BuilderEmissions BuilderDeclEmission where
-- extendOutFrag rn (BuilderDeclEmission d) = RNest rn d
-- {-# INLINE extendOutFrag #-}

-- instance Fallible m => Builder (BuilderT m) where
-- rawEmitDecl hint ann expr = do
-- ty <- return $ getType expr
-- v <- BuilderT $ freshExtendSubInplaceT hint \b ->
-- (BuilderDeclEmission $ Let b $ DeclBinding ann expr, binderName b)
-- -- -- Debugging snippet
-- -- traceM $ pprint v ++ " = " ++ pprint expr
-- return $ AtomVar v ty
-- {-# INLINE rawEmitDecl #-}
-- -- TODO: This should not fabricate Emits evidence!!
-- -- XXX: this uses unsafe functions in its implementations. It should be safe to
-- -- use, but be careful changing it.
-- liftEmitBuilder :: (Builder m, SinkableE e, RenameE e)
-- => BuilderM n (e n) -> m n (e n)
-- liftEmitBuilder cont = do
-- env <- unsafeGetScope
-- Distinct <- getDistinct
-- let (result, decls, _) = runHardFail $ unsafeRunInplaceT (runBuilderT' cont) env emptyOutFrag
-- Emits <- fabricateEmitsEvidenceM
-- emitDecls $ Abs (unsafeCoerceB $ unRNest decls) result

instance (Fallible m) => ScopableBuilder (BuilderT m) where
buildScopedAndThen cont1 cont2 = BuilderT $ locallyMutableInplaceT
(runBuilderT' do
Emits <- fabricateEmitsEvidenceM
cont1 )
(\rdecls e -> runBuilderT' $ cont2 rdecls e)
{-# INLINE buildScopedAndThen #-}

newtype BuilderDeclEmission (n::S) (l::S) = BuilderDeclEmission (Decl n l)

instance ProvesExt BuilderDeclEmission where
toExtEvidence (BuilderDeclEmission d) = toExtEvidence d

instance BindsNames BuilderDeclEmission where
toScopeFrag (BuilderDeclEmission d) = toScopeFrag d
{-# INLINE toScopeFrag #-}

instance ExtOutFrag BuilderEmissions BuilderDeclEmission where
extendOutFrag rn (BuilderDeclEmission d) = RNest rn d
{-# INLINE extendOutFrag #-}

instance Fallible m => Builder (BuilderT m) where
rawEmitDecl hint expr = do
BuilderT $ freshExtendSubInplaceT hint \b ->
(BuilderDeclEmission $ Let b expr, binderName b)
-- {-# INLINE rawEmitDecl #-}

-- instance Fallible m => EnvReader (BuilderT m) where
-- unsafeGetEnv = BuilderT $ getOutMapInplaceT
Expand All @@ -202,16 +202,16 @@ liftEmitBuilder cont = do
-- refreshAbs ab cont = BuilderT $ refreshAbs ab \b e -> runBuilderT' $ cont b e
-- {-# INLINE refreshAbs #-}

-- instance (SinkableE v, ScopableBuilder m) => ScopableBuilder (SubstReaderT v m i) where
-- buildScopedAndThen cont1 cont2 = SubstReaderT \env ->
-- buildScopedAndThen
-- (runReaderT (runSubstReaderT' cont1) (sink env))
-- (\d e -> runReaderT (runSubstReaderT' $ cont2 d e) (sink env))
-- {-# INLINE buildScopedAndThen #-}
instance (SinkableE v, ScopableBuilder m) => ScopableBuilder (SubstReaderT v m i) where
buildScopedAndThen cont1 cont2 = SubstReaderT \env ->
(runReaderT (runSubstReaderT' cont1) (sink env))
(\d e -> runReaderT (runSubstReaderT' $ cont2 d e) (sink env))
{-# INLINE buildScopedAndThen #-}

-- instance (SinkableE v, Builder m) => Builder (SubstReaderT v m i) where
-- rawEmitDecl hint ann expr = liftSubstReaderT $ emitDecl hint ann expr
-- {-# INLINE rawEmitDecl #-}
instance (SinkableE v, Builder m) => Builder (SubstReaderT v m i) where
rawEmitDecl hint expr = liftSubstReaderT $ emitDecl hint expr
{-# INLINE rawEmitDecl #-}

-- instance (SinkableE e, ScopableBuilder m) => ScopableBuilder (ReaderT1 e m) where
-- buildScopedAndThen cont1 cont2 = ReaderT1 $ ReaderT \env ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,10 +296,11 @@ newtype WrapWithEmits n r =
-- -- === lambda-like things ===

:: (ScopableBuilder m, HasNamesE e)
:: (ScopableBuilder m)
=> (forall l. (Emits l, DExt n l) => m l (Atom l))
-> m n (Expr n)
buildBlock cont = mkBlock =<< buildScoped cont
buildBlock cont = buildScopedAndThen cont \decls result ->
return $ declsToExpr decls result
{-# INLINE buildBlock #-}

-- buildCoreLam
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -685,8 +686,7 @@ buildBlock cont = mkBlock =<< buildScoped cont
-- ProjectProduct i -> reduceProj i x'
-- UnwrapNewtype -> reduceUnwrap x'

mkBlock :: Abs Decls Atom n -> m n (Expr n)
mkBlock (Abs Empty expr) = undefined -- return $ toExpr expr
-- mkBlock :: Abs Decls Atom n -> m n (Expr n)
-- mkBlock (Abs decls body) = do
-- let block = Abs decls (toExpr body)
-- effTy <- blockEffTy block
Expand Down

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