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Add a builder for incremental computations.
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dougalm committed Jan 3, 2024
1 parent 535243c commit a7d5c6f
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Showing 7 changed files with 277 additions and 67 deletions.
133 changes: 132 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/IncState.hs
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module IncState (
IncState (..), MapEltUpdate (..), MapUpdate (..),
Overwrite (..), TailUpdate (..), Unchanging (..), Overwritable (..),
mapUpdateMapWithKey, MonoidState (..)) where
mapUpdateMapWithKey, MonoidState (..), AllOrNothing (..), fmapIncMap,
IncM, IncVar, liftIncM, runIncM, IncFun, fmapIncVar, incZip2, incUnzip3,
incUnzip2, incZip3, liftMonoidStateIncM) where

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.IORef

import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

-- === incremental computation builder ===

-- We use IO here for IORefs but we could use ST or something else instead
type IncFun a b = a -> IO (b, Delta a -> IO (Delta b))
type IncM = StateT (IO ()) IO
type IncVar a = (a, IORef (Maybe (Delta a)))

liftIncM :: IncVar a -> IncFun a b -> IncM (IncVar b)
liftIncM (x, dxRef) f = do
(y, df) <- liftIO $ f x
dyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
addIncAction do
Just dx <- liftIO $ readIORef dxRef
dy <- df dx
liftIO $ writeIORef dyRef (Just dy)
return (y, dyRef)

-- like LiftIncM but you don't have to bother with the initial values
liftMonoidStateIncM :: IncVar (MonoidState a) -> IO (a -> IO b) -> IncM (IncVar (MonoidState b))
liftMonoidStateIncM v createIncFun = liftIncM v \(MonoidState xInit) -> do
incFun <- createIncFun
yInit <- incFun xInit
return (MonoidState yInit, incFun)

runIncM :: (IncVar a -> IncM (IncVar b)) -> IncFun a b
runIncM f = \x -> do
dxRef <- newIORef Nothing
((y, dyRef), action) <- runStateT (f (x, dxRef)) (return ())
return (y, \dx -> do
writeIORef dxRef (Just dx)
fromJust <$> readIORef dyRef)

fmapIncVar :: IncVar a -> (a -> b) -> (Delta a -> Delta b) -> IncM (IncVar b)
fmapIncVar v f df = liftIncM v \x -> return (f x, \dx -> return $ df dx)

:: forall k a b. Ord k
=> IncVar (M.Map k a) -> (k -> IncVar a -> IncM (IncVar b)) -> IncM (IncVar (M.Map k b))
fmapIncMap v f = liftIncM v \m -> do
initDfsAndResults <- flip M.traverseWithKey m \k x -> runIncM (f k) x
let initResults = (fst <$> initDfsAndResults) :: M.Map k b
let initDfs = (snd <$> initDfsAndResults) :: M.Map k (Delta a -> IO (Delta b))
dfsRef <- newIORef initDfs
return (initResults, deltaComputation dfsRef)
:: IORef (M.Map k (Delta a -> IO (Delta b)))
-> MapUpdate k a -> IO (MapUpdate k b)
deltaComputation dfs dxs = MapUpdate <$> do
flip M.traverseWithKey (mapUpdates dxs) \k -> \case
Create x -> do
(y, df) <- runIncM (f k) x
modifyIORef dfs (M.insert k df)
return $ Create y
Replace x -> do
(y, df) <- runIncM (f k) x
modifyIORef dfs (M.insert k df)
return $ Replace y
Update dx -> do
df <- fromJust <$> M.lookup k <$> readIORef dfs
Update <$> df dx
Delete -> do
modifyIORef dfs (M.delete k)
return Delete

incUnzip2 :: IncVar (a, b) -> IncM (IncVar a, IncVar b)
incUnzip2 v = do
x <- fmapIncVar v (\(x, _) -> x) (\(dx, _ ) -> dx)
y <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, y) -> y) (\(_ , dy) -> dy)
return (x, y)

incUnzip3 :: IncVar (a, b, c) -> IncM (IncVar a, IncVar b, IncVar c)
incUnzip3 v = do
x <- fmapIncVar v (\(x, _, _) -> x) (\(dx, _ , _ ) -> dx)
y <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, y, _) -> y) (\(_ , dy, _ ) -> dy)
z <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, _, z) -> z) (\(_ , _ , dz) -> dz)
return (x, y, z)

zipIncVar :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncM (IncVar (a, b))
zipIncVar (x, dxRef) (y, dyRef) = do
let xy = (x, y)
dxyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
addIncAction do
Just dx <- liftIO $ readIORef dxRef
Just dy <- liftIO $ readIORef dyRef
liftIO $ writeIORef dxyRef (Just (dx, dy))
return (xy, dxyRef)

zipWithIncVar :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> (a -> b -> c) -> (Delta a -> Delta b -> Delta c) -> IncM (IncVar c)
zipWithIncVar x y f df = do
xy <- zipIncVar x y
fmapIncVar xy (uncurry f) (uncurry df)

incZip2 :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncM (IncVar (a, b))
incZip2 x y = zipWithIncVar x y (,) (,)

incZip3 :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncVar c -> IncM (IncVar (a, b, c))
incZip3 x y z = do
xy <- zipWithIncVar x y (,) (,)
zipWithIncVar xy z (\(a,b) c -> (a, b, c)) (\(a,b) c -> (a, b, c))

instance (IncState a, IncState b, IncState c) => IncState (a, b, c) where
type Delta (a, b, c) = (Delta a, Delta b, Delta c)
applyDiff (x, y, z) (dx, dy, dz) = (applyDiff x dx, applyDiff y dy, applyDiff z dz)

instance (IncState a, IncState b) => IncState (a, b) where
type Delta (a, b) = (Delta a, Delta b)
applyDiff (x, y) (dx, dy) = (applyDiff x dx, applyDiff y dy)

addIncAction :: IO () -> IncM ()
addIncAction action = modify \curAction -> curAction >> action

-- === AllOrNothing class ===

class (forall a. IncState (f a)) => AllOrNothing f where
fmapAllOrNothing :: IncVar (f a) -> (a -> b) -> IncM (IncVar (f b))

instance AllOrNothing Unchanging where
fmapAllOrNothing v f = fmapIncVar v (\(Unchanging x) -> Unchanging (f x)) (const ())

instance AllOrNothing Overwritable where
fmapAllOrNothing v f = fmapIncVar v (\(Overwritable x) -> Overwritable (f x)) (fmap f)

-- === Delta type family ===

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49 changes: 23 additions & 26 deletions src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Live.Eval (
watchAndEvalFile, EvalServer, CellsState, CellsUpdate,
NodeList (..), NodeListUpdate (..), subscribeIO, cellsStateAsUpdate) where
watchAndEvalFile, EvalServer, CellState (..), CellUpdate (..), CellsState, CellsUpdate,
NodeList (..), NodeListUpdate (..), subscribeIO,
CellStatus (..), nodeListAsUpdate, NodeId) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ import Types.Source
import TopLevel
import ConcreteSyntax
import MonadUtil
import RenderHtml

-- === Top-level interface ===

Expand All @@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ sourceBlockEvalFun cfg resultChan env block = do
let cfg' = cfg { cfgLogAction = send resultChan }
evalSourceBlockIO cfg' env block

cellsStateAsUpdate :: CellsState -> CellsUpdate
cellsStateAsUpdate = nodeListAsUpdate

-- === DAG diff state ===

-- We intend to make this an arbitrary Dag at some point but for now we just
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,17 +150,6 @@ newtype EvaluatorM a =
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Actor (EvaluatorMsg))
deriving instance IncServer CellsState EvaluatorM

instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
CellUpdate s o <> CellUpdate s' o' = CellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')

instance Monoid CellUpdate where
mempty = CellUpdate mempty mempty

instance IncState CellState where
type Delta CellState = CellUpdate
applyDiff (CellState source status result) (CellUpdate status' result') =
CellState source (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')

instance DefuncState EvaluatorMUpdate EvaluatorM where
update = \case
UpdateDagEU dag -> EvaluatorM $ update dag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,7 +201,7 @@ data CellStatus =
| Inert -- doesn't require running at all
deriving (Show, Generic)

data CellState = CellState SourceBlockWithId CellStatus Outputs
data CellState = CellState SourceBlock CellStatus Outputs
deriving (Show, Generic)

data CellUpdate = CellUpdate (Overwrite CellStatus) Outputs deriving (Show, Generic)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +277,7 @@ launchNextJob = do
curEnv <- (!! cellIndex) <$> getl PrevEnvs
let nodeId = nodeList !! cellIndex
CellState source _ _ <- fromJust <$> getl (NodeInfo nodeId)
if isInert $ sourceBlockWithoutId source
if isInert source
then do
update $ AppendEnv curEnv
Expand All @@ -307,7 +293,7 @@ launchJob cellIndex nodeId env = do
threadId <- myThreadId
let jobId = (threadId, nodeId)
let resultsMailbox = sliceMailbox (JobUpdate jobId . PartialJobUpdate) mailbox
finalEnv <- jobAction resultsMailbox env $ sourceBlockWithoutId source
finalEnv <- jobAction resultsMailbox env source
send mailbox $ JobUpdate jobId $ JobComplete finalEnv
let jobId = (threadId, nodeId)
update $ UpdateCurJob (Just (jobId, cellIndex))
Expand All @@ -324,7 +310,7 @@ processDagUpdate (NodeListUpdate tailUpdate mapUpdate) = do
envs <- getl PrevEnvs
update $ UpdateEnvs $ take (nValid + 1) envs
update $ UpdateDagEU $ NodeListUpdate tailUpdate $ mapUpdateMapWithKey mapUpdate
(\cellId (Unchanging source) -> initCellState cellId source)
(\_ (Unchanging source) -> initCellState source)
(\_ () -> mempty)
getl CurRunningJob >>= \case
Nothing -> launchNextJob
Expand All @@ -351,16 +337,27 @@ isInert sb = case sbContents sb of
EmptyLines -> True
UnParseable _ _ -> True

initCellState :: NodeId -> SourceBlock -> CellState
initCellState cellId source = do
initCellState :: SourceBlock -> CellState
initCellState source = do
let status = if isInert source
then Inert
else Waiting
CellState (SourceBlockWithId cellId source) status mempty
CellState source status mempty

-- === ToJSON ===

instance ToJSON CellState where
instance ToJSON CellStatus
instance ToJSON CellUpdate
instance (IncState s, ToJSON s, ToJSON (Delta s)) => ToJSON (NodeListUpdate s)

-- === IncState and related instance ===

instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
CellUpdate s o <> CellUpdate s' o' = CellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')

instance Monoid CellUpdate where
mempty = CellUpdate mempty mempty

instance IncState CellState where
type Delta CellState = CellUpdate
applyDiff (CellState source status result) (CellUpdate status' result') =
CellState source (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/Live/Web.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

-- import Paths_dex (getDataFileName)

import RenderHtml
import Live.Eval
import TopLevel

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ resultStream :: EvalServer -> StreamingBody
resultStream resultsServer write flush = do
sendUpdate ("start"::String)
(initResult, resultsChan) <- subscribeIO resultsServer
sendUpdate $ cellsStateAsUpdate initResult
forever $ readChan resultsChan >>= sendUpdate
(renderedInit, renderUpdateFun) <- renderResults initResult
sendUpdate renderedInit
forever $ readChan resultsChan >>= renderUpdateFun >>= sendUpdate
sendUpdate :: ToJSON a => a -> IO ()
sendUpdate x = write (fromByteString $ encodePacket x) >> flush
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