[!info] Updates:
- asset was updated to use copernicus.
- removed clear of GL and texture cach (in new houdini it cause crash in almost 100%)
- Change color and brightness of hdr map highlights.
- Fill highlights with background.
- Align image orientation.
- Convert any highligt to separated light.
Clone this repository, and add path to it in houdini.env file.
HOUDINI_PATH = "path/to/cloned/lighter;&"
The viewer contains a preview of the lights. Here you can rotate the image, interact with individual highlights. Each frame is the border of a bright area that can be edited or made a separate light source. Areas that are part of the image are marked in blue, already separated lights in green.
- Primpath - root xform primitive for new lights.
- Extract Lights - Convert lighter to set of native houdini lights.
- Input HDR Map - input texture
- Output HDR Map - path for baked environment map. Textures for individual lights will save near the environment.
- Bake All Textures - bake textures for environment map and all potentially detachable lights.
- Output HDR Res - resolution of output environment map. (Same as input, 1024x512, 2048x1024, 4096x2048)
- Light Bake Res - texture resolution for individual lights. (64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)
- Light Bake Blur - texture blur (more blur - less details and less noise)
- Detect Map Res - resolution of analisis map (512x512, 1024x512, 2048x1024). It uses for build light bounds.
- Clip Lights - brightess more then this thresold will detect as highlights.
- Blur - blur analisis map if you want to average details.
- Dilate/Erode - expands and then narrows highlights. This parameter is needed to glue a lot of small spots.
- Threshold - threshold for converting highlights into a two-tone image for the trace. Pixels smaller than this value will be black.
- Rotate map - rotate hdr in polar space.
- Master Intensity - intensity for environment light and all separated lights.
- Use EnvLight - create domelight.
- Color Tint - color multiplier.
- Exposure - exposure.
- Name - name of environment light primitive.
- LPE Tag - lpe tag.
- Bake EnvLight Texture - bake only environment map.
- Separate Light - create light fron this highlight
- Fill Background - delete highlight on environment map and fill it with background colors.
- Renderable - make light renderable in karma.
- Color Tint - color multiplier.
- Exposure - exposure.
- Name - name of separated light primitive.
- Lpe Tag - lpe Tag.
- Light Type - avalable types: Distant, Point, Sphere, Disc, Rectangle.
- Distante Angle - angle of spot for distance light.
- Distance - distance between separated light an center. Use this parameter for setting position of light in 3d space. Size will changed automaticaly for save size as in hdr map.
- Use Texture - avalable only for Rectangle light type.
- Bake Light texture - Bake texture only for this highlight.
- Text fields respond to mouse wheel when parameter not selected.
- When clicking on a text field, the value is not selected as in Houdini text fields.
- When you press enter key, while editing the value, it dive inside the lighter node.
- Light shapes multiselection not supported