Factoyd is a React app with Redux and Thunk for state management, running on a Rails backend. The more you learn about the world, the richer your experience of it can be—Factoyd aims to make that process of enrichment as seamless, easy, and fun as possible. Users can upload (sourced!) facts about the world: for instance, that otters have a special pouch on their body where they keep their favorite rock, or that John Steinbeck's puppy ate the first half-finished draft of Of Mice and Men. Then they can subscribe to any facts that catch their fancy, and Factoyd will text that information to their phone via the Twilio API on a spaced reptition basis, automating the process of learning.
Full YouTube demo here: https://youtu.be/VqS5TqTSGkE
Heroku deployment here: https://factoyd.herokuapp.com/
Frontend repo here: https://github.com/grandballoon/mod_5_frontend
Happy learning!