v15.5.0 (2021-01-26)
Bug Fix 🐞
- #2852 introspectionFromSchema: enable 'specifiedByUrl' by default (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2855 introspection: Add missing support for deprecated input values (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2859 separateOperations: distinguish query and fragment names (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2876 Replace 'localeCompare' with function independent from locale (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2893 Fix handling of input objects with 'length' property (@IvanGoncharov)
Docs 📝
- #2849 README: add instructions on using experimental features (@robrichard)
Polish 💅
7 PRs were merged
- #2847 Add tests for supporting Iterable collections across the lib (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2851 tests: update 'getIntrospectionQuery' tests to use custom matchers (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2858 separateOperations-test: refactor tests to look like snapshots (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2868 Extract types for normalized configs into named types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2878 fix: type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration (@saihaj)
- #2879 fix: no need to mark param optional if default value is given (@saihaj)
- #2889 Simplify isAsyncIterable (@IvanGoncharov)
Internal 🏠
7 PRs were merged
- #2831 build: add support for experimental releases (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2836 CI: test on node 15 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2837 Flow: remove support for measuring Flow coverage (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2838 TS: exclude integration tests from root tsconfig.json (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2840 resources: use named groups in RegExp (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2886 Use correct flags for rmdir/mkdir functions (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2891 benchmark: fix temp dir creation (@IvanGoncharov)
Dependency 📦
5 PRs were merged
- #2835 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2844 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2850 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2884 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
- #2890 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
Committers: 3
- Ivan Goncharov(@IvanGoncharov)
- Rob Richard(@robrichard)
- Saihajpreet Singh(@saihaj)