This repository is the official implementation of paper: "RemovalNet: DNN model fingerprinting removal attack". The RemovalNet is a min-max bi-level optimization-based DNN fingerprint removal attack that is used to delete fingerprint-specific knowledge while maintaining general semantic knowledge of the target model.
Overview of REMOVALNET against DNN ownership verification.
The removal process is conducted on the latent-level and logits-level
to alter the behavior patterns in the latent representation and decision boundary, respectively.
Examples of saliency maps for Layer#2 of the victim model and surrogate model generated by LayerCAM [46].
Decision boundary changes of the surrogate model on CIFAR10.
Example command for model "train(vgg19_bn,CIFAR10)-":
python -m attack.RemovalNet.removalnet -model1 "train(vgg19_bn,CIFAR10)-" -subset CIFAR10 -subset_ratio 1.0 -layer 2 -batch_size 128 -device 0 -tag ''
Please note, put target model in path: model/ckpt/train(vgg19_bn,CIFAR10)-/final_ckpt_s1000.pth !!
The pretrained target model can be downloaded from Google Drive
title={RemovalNet: DNN Fingerprint Removal Attacks},
author={Yao, Hongwei and Li, Zheng and Huang, Kunzhe and Lou, Jian and Qin, Zhan and Ren, Kui},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing},
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