An easily expandable log library in Android.
- Uses a chain of responsibility approach to transmit log messages.
- Can attach method name as Tag when you don't specify a tag.
In project gradle (maybe it called settings.gradle.kts) add jitpack
dependencyResolutionManagement {
// ...
repositories {
// ...
maven(url = "")
then, add dependencies in the project (Please refer to the latest version number for release)
You need init LLog before use it. I like init it by StartUp.
LLog.apply {
setDebug(methodNameEnable = true)// If you don't set tag,llog will attach methodName for default tag.
addInterceptor(LogcatInterceptor())// Use Android Log to print log
addInterceptor(LinearInterceptor())// Use channel to ensure that logs printing is linear output
addInterceptor(PackToLogInterceptor())// Just pack interceptor
logWriter = LogDefaultWriter(
formatStrategy = LogWriteDefaultFormatStrategy(),
diskStrategy = FileLogDefaultDiskStrategy(
// Fill in the log write path you specified
logDirectory = context.getExternalFilesDir("log")!!.absolutePath,
logFileStoreSizeOfMB = 2,
logFileMaxNumber = 4
Above code is only an example, you can custom your interceptor and init in your way.
After init, you can use it anywhere.
// normal message
LLog.i(tag = "TAG", msg = "Test a log")
LLog.d(msg = "something log")// LLog will attach the method name for default tag
// Print the exception
try {
val a = 1 / 0
} catch (ex :Exception){
LLog.e(msg = ex)
// You can also use classic writing methods: LLog.e(msg = "error:", exception = ex)
For more details, please refer to the demo and LLog source code.
LLog use minPrintPriority
and maxPrintPriority
control log's print.(when you use LogcatInterceptor)
LLog use minWritePriority
and maxWritePriority
control log's write.(when you use or implement WriteInInterceptor)
You can implement Interceptor
to custom your Interceptor and log system.
For example:
Add a report interceptor(send logs to Remote after how many logs being print, just use our imagination)
And use addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor<T>)
to expand your LLog.
LLog referenced other excellent open-source Android log libraries and blog.