This role allows for construction of an AMI for an application.
Since this role interacts with AWS, we require the boto
library be installed.
These variables must be set in order for the role to run.
aws_access_key: # Or the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable can be set
aws_secret_key: # Or the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable can be set
aws_region: # Or the AWS_REGION environment variable can be set
ami_builder_base: # ID of the AMI to build off of
These are variables shared across some AWS-related roles that are used to provide defaults for other variables.
aws_application_name: my-application
aws_tags: {}
In order to access the instance used to create the AMI we first have to create an SSH key to access the instance with.
# The path to the SSH public key for accessing the AMI builder
ami_builder_key_file: "~/.ssh/"
# Controls the name of the SSH key used to access the AMI builder instance
ami_builder_key_name: "{{ aws_application_name }}-key"
You can control the attributes of the instance used to create the AMI with the following variables.
ami_builder_instance_type: t2.nano
application: "{{ aws_application_name }}"
role: ami-builder
ami_builder_tags: "{{ ami_builder_default_tags | combine(aws_tags) }}"
The created AMI will be registered under the name application_ami
for the host running the role with the following attributes:
ami_builder_ami_name: "{{ aws_application_name }}-{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 | regex_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '-') }}"
The role should be included 2 separate times. Once to create the AMI builder, and once to finalize the AMI.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- { role: cdriehuys.ami-builder, ami_builder_task: create }
- hosts: amibuilder
- debug:
msg: Perform some task on the AMI builder
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- { role: cdriehuys.ami-builder, ami_builder_task: finalize }
Chathan Driehuys ([email protected])