Managed by chezmoi
OS: macOS, Arch Linux, Windows 11
- zsh
- curl
- pwsh (windows)
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init \
--promptString email="[email protected]" \
--promptString name="Gwon Seonggwang" \
Keybase or GnuPG
# Keybase
keybase pgp export | gpg --import # import public key
keybase pgp export --secret | gpg --allow-secret-key --import # import private key
# GnuPG
## export keys
gpg --output public.pgp --armor [email]
gpg --output private.pgp --armor --export-secret-keys [email]
## import keys
gpg --import private.pgp
gpg --import public.pgp
- Setup age
gpg - Separate between headless and desktop environment.
- Support XDG Base Directory of JetBrains products and Gradle.
- Support my windows computer.