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This project is for architecting a secure web application using natgateway, bastion host and application load balancer on AWS via terraform as code

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This project is for architecting a secure web application using natgateway, bastion host and aplication load balancer hosted on aws using terraform

This project will create a bastion host for securing access to login to private ec2 web servers that are hosting web application and attached to an application load balancer


Check diagram for the design of this end project


terraform v0.12, python-pydot, python-pydot-ng and graphviz for resource graph visualization

AWS provider version auto installed from terrafrom init

  1. Installing terraform provider [manual] (

    • To install terraform, find the right package for your system from [downloads] ( Select the right package, right click and copy link location
    • download the package using wget or curl: wget paste link location
    • unzip the package: unzip
    • terraform runs as a single binary. any other files in the package can be safely removed and terraform will still function. Move the terraform binary to one of the locations like /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and include PATH.
    • mv ~/terraform /usr/local/bin/teraform
    • set PATH to reflect the binary. Refer to link in step 1 for installation and setup binary
    • verify the installation: terraform -h
  2. Installing python-pydot,python-pydot-ng and graphviz for graph visualization:

    • sudo apt install python-pydot python-pydot-ng graphviz


  1. Load AWS credentials from file. I have exported the default region to us-west-2 but can be defined during plan using variable. Not recommended for production env using shared credential file, instead a better approach to be using STS credentials

  2. All the code related to ec2, vpc, storage will be under modules and for each environments for dev and prod can be created under environments directory. Always run from the envirnments main directory for terraform plan, apply, destroy and pull modules for code reusability

  3. Terraform flow:

1. Initialize the plugins for the provider and sync the terraform backend
   - terraform init

2. To validate the syntax for terraform config files
   - terraform validate

3. To output the terraform resource config out to an output plan file before applying changes.
   - terraform plan -out=tfplan

4. Apply changes to the terraform plan
   - terraform apply tfplan

5. View resources.
   - terraform show

6. Destroy changes to the resources or tear down the infrastructure.
   - terraform destroy -auto-approve

Resource graph

Resource graph of the terraform plan. I have used graphviz to analyze it

sudo apt install -y python-pydot python-pydot-ng graphviz

terraform graph | dot -Tsvg > images/resource-graph.svg


Apply complete! Resources: 28 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

State path: terraform.tfstate


S3_bucketname = bucket name is s3 bucket id is aws-terraf-59880

a-loadbalancer-dnsname =

bastion_vm-sg = sg-059bfc608f0a3cd49

bastionhost-publicip = [

ec2-private_vm-securitygroup = sg-07cebb2ef2106025b

ec2-private_vm_ips = [

ec2_keypair = the keypair name is tfs-key

internetgateway-id = igw-00df530ff48a2e344

loadbalancer-secgroup = sg-08e7b14e64ef2fb90

natgateway-publicip =

privatesubnets = [

publicsubnet = [

vpc-id = vpc-01e28e0dba8de4bd4

Setup of web application

login to bastion host first to configure the apache on the private ec2 servers since ssh access is blocked to web ec2 instances from ooutside

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ssh [email protected]

Permission denied (publickey).

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ eval `ssh-agent`

Agent pid 5476

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ssh [email protected]

Permission denied (publickey).

add your private key used for ssh access 

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ssh-add /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pem 

Identity added: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pem (/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pem)

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ssh -A [email protected]

Last login: Sat Sep 28 04:04:09 2019 from

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux AMI

2 package(s) needed for security, out of 6 available

Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.

Now login to the private ec2 web servers and from bastion host to configure apache and index page. below commands on both vm's
 ec2-user@ip-10-123-1-83 ~]$ ssh [email protected]

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:meBMpXzxI4qaEaQ5PeX8C9eThd7ztNL7jx//jwUED7k.

ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:fb:10:22:74:99:87:55:b8:56:f0:2c:0e:21:98:15:1e.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux AMI

[ec2-user@ip-10-123-3-41 ~]$ 

  sudo yum update -y

  sudo yum install -y httpd

  sudo service https start

  sudo chkconfig httpd on

  echo "<h1>Hellow world! this web application built on AWS using terraform</h1>" | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html

Repeat the same on other private ec2 vm

Check the result on load balancer dns

copy and paste load balancer dns in a browser to view the result

screenshot attached on

Future work

  1. Need to create an elastic ip and attach it to the bastion host just in case if the bastion host need a reboot in any case it might lose the public ip #---taken care in this new commint --
  2. store terraform state file in s3 backend for availability and disaster recovery ## Done and logic is pushed
  3. configure user data scripts to deploy web servers during boot


This project is for architecting a secure web application using natgateway, bastion host and application load balancer on AWS via terraform as code







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