Releases: guilhermeg2k/anilib
Releases · guilhermeg2k/anilib
Version 0.9.3 (Komi-San)
- Fix bug that was mading some subtitle overfloat videoplayer
Version 0.9.2 (Komi-San)
- Implements italic subtitles and improves positioning
Version 0.9.1 (Komi-San)
- Fix subtitles align
Version 0.9.0 (Komi-san)
- Migrate from native HTML5 WebVTT Subtitle engine to a custom Ass (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (Advanced SubStation Alpha) engine
- Fix sync anime data with anilist not working (on the anime page)
- Fix not being able to update the library when a subtitle has slashes on the name or on the code
- Fix not being able to update the library when an anime doesn't has scores
- MIGRATION GUIDE 0.8 -> 0.9
Version 0.8.0 (Tokoyami)
- Backend migration to TRPC
- Database migration to SQLITE
- Change extracted files folder organization
- Download anime cover and banner instead of using direct anilist image url
Version 0.7.0 (Shouei Barou)
- New feature to configure subtitles appearance (only supported when the subtitle .vtt file was extracted from the episode file)
- Size
- Color
- Background Color
- Refactor Player Component Code
- Improve ffmpeg commands
Version 0.6.0 (genryuusai)
- Added preview when hover video player timeline
- Fixed video player keyboard shortcuts
- Remove comments from video subtitles
- Some layout improvements
- Several internal code improvements
Release 0.5 (Nanami)
- Library Status Events: Library update is now done on the background and the update status is sent to the client by websockets
- Episode Sort: Episodes are sorted now based only on the numbers present on the title
- Remove special characters from episode name generation
- Fixed showing null when number of episodes was unknow