🔧 Dotfiles, including Oh My Zsh, P10K, Brew and .macos.
Install it on the command line first, it will ask for permission.
xcode-select --install
git clone https://github.com/guillaumecatel/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
Sync the files.
Apply macOS settings.
Install Homebrew and OhMyZSH.
Install tools and applications with Homebrew bundle.
brew bundle
This makes use of the Brewfile definitions.
mas is used to install apps from the app store, and is itself installed with Homebrew first in the Brewfile.
On major version upgrades, binaries might be incompatible or need a local rebuild. You can enforce a reinstall by running the two commands below, the second command only reinstalls all application casks.
brew reinstall $(brew list)
brew reinstall $(brew list --cask)
When Xcode and compilers break, re-install the command line tools.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install