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racket language experiments witht he 6510 processor language

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C64 assembler

This project is an example project that works as a basis for experiments with rackets' capabilities to define (and interpret) languages, in this case: 6510 assembler opcodes



debugging (in emacs)

  • open 6510-example.rkt
  • C-c C-c to open repl for this file (M-x racket-run-module-at-point)
  • M-x 6510-connected-debugger-mode to enable debugger mode
  • x to execute debugger startup and goto first line of code (M-x 6510-debugger-execute-startup)
  • now hit ? to mode specific commands listed (of the minor mode 6510-connected-debugger
    • b for toggle of breakpoints
    • n for next (single step)
    • p for previous (single step back in time)
    • r run to next breakpoint or brk
    • c move cursor to instruction to be executed next
    • q to quit debugging session


You may execute the example program directly:


This will

  1. translate the given assembler program into the 6510 codes
  2. run an interpreter on that code
  3. and write a 6510-example.d64 disk image and a 6510-example.prg, usable by vice (c64 emulator) (take a look at the commands actually executed by src/asm/6510-reader.rkt)

Another way to run the example is to open src/example/6510-example.rkt in emacs and start racket via C-c C-c. It will open the debugger which allows for close inspection of the assembled program (hit ? then enter to get help) After the program is run you can in addition do one of the following

  • print out a prettified internal representation of the compiled program via (display pretty-program)
  • print out the intermediate translation of the original source code into the internal representation via (display raw-program)
  • start the c64 emulator with the disk image attached to drive 8 and run the following commands w/i the emulator
load "*",8,1
sys 49152

error messages

Error message are somewhat cryptic so I collected some examples to make reading them a bit easier.

If illegal opcodes or other elements are used that are not understood by the compiler, the following error message may occur:

The following error is given, if on line 12 (it's always -1 because of the swallowed first she-bang line), an unknown opcode (e.g. starting with k in column 8) is given:

; .../6510/string:11:8: parse error
;   unexpected: k
;   expected: end of input
; Context:
;  .../6510-reader.rkt:346:0 literal-read-syntax

The following error is given, if on line 12 (off by one, see above), column 14 an opcode operand is expected that may either start with $ (hex number), % (dual number), ( for indirect addressing operands : for label references, A for accumluator operand, an integer for a decimal number operand BUT no implicit may be given (by the opcode identified, in that case it was a jsr)

; .../6510/string:11:14: parse error
;   unexpected: #
;   expected: '$', '%', '(', ':', 'A', integer, or no implicit
; Context:
;  .../6510-reader.rkt:346:0 literal-read-syntax

The following error is given, if on line 35 (off by one, see above), an operand is encountered (starting with $, which is ok) not satifying the number format expected. Expected is a valid operand starting either with #, ... or being an integer w/i the given range BUT no implicit may be given (by the opcode identified, in that case it was a jsr)

; /home/pe/repo/+1/6510/string:34:12: parse error
;   unexpected: $
;   expected: '#', '(', ':', 'A', integer in range [$00,$FF], integer in range [$0000,$FFFF], or no implicit
; Context:
;  /home/pe/repo/+1/6510/6510-reader.rkt:346:0 literal-read-syntax


The 6510-reader.rkt is parsing a non racket text file, transforming it into racket code. The resulting racket code is then transformed via syntax macros into the final racket form which can then be interpreted.

  • 6510.rkt central entry for syntax transformation rules for the translation from 6510 dsl code into 6510 byte/assembler code.


  • 6510.arithmetic-ops.rkt defines arithmetic ops like adc, sbc

  • 6510.branch-ops.rktdefines branch ops like beq, bne

  • defines comparison ops like cmp, cpx, cpy

  • 6510.flag-ops.rkt defines set/clear flag ops like sed, cld, clc

  • 6510.increment-ops.rkt defines decrementing/incrementing ops like inc, dex

  • 6510.logic-ops.rkt defines logical ops like and, ora, eor

  • 6510.memory-ops.rkt defines memory access ops like lda, sta

  • 6510.misc-ops.rkt defines miscellenous ops like brk

  • 6510.shift-ops.rkt defines shifting / rotating ops ror, lsl

  • 6510.stack-ops.rktdefines stack operations php, pla

  • 6510.subroutine-ops.rkt defines jump and return ops like jsr, rts, jmp

  • 6510.transfer-ops.rkt defines transfer ops like txa, txa

  • 6510-utils holds conversion functions and others needed during syntax and execution phase of 6510.

  • 6510-syntax-utils holds functions useful during syntax phase of the transformation.

  • 6510-parser is the parser that takes the text and produces racket 6510 dsl code.

  • 6510-reader is used to parse complete files automatically (using the 6510-parser)

  • 6510-example is an example file using arbitrary 6510 text syntax (making use of the 6510-reader).

  • 6510-example-rs is an example file in racket syntax (no special reader involved)

  • 6510-interpreter holds the interpreter of the bytecode

  • 6510-disassembler allows to produce source code from bytes

  • 6510-debugger allows stepwise execution and inspection of code


The justfile defines all available build commands.

To run tests of a single file, run raco test -y --drdr 6510-parser.rkt for example.

To run all tests, run raco test -y -t -x -j 8 . or just test on the command line or C-c C-x C-j in emacs to select just profile to run .

To build run raco make -v -j 8 src/*.rkt src/ops/*.rkt src/example/*.rkt

To generate coverage for all racket files, run raco cover src/*.rkt and open coverage/index.html



  • translate one module (list of commands) to a linkable binary format (lbf)

  • write a linker that links (statically) multiple modules to one executable prg, resolving all symbols etc.

  • write a loader that dynamically loads modules, and links them in memory

  • allow for constants (absolute/ relative?)

  • TODO: add new command-type (existing: opcode, rel-opcode, bytes, label) that behaves similar to label but resolves to absolute value

  • allow for import / export of symbols

  • generate import/export table

  • TODO: define import/export table format

  • write racket code to resolve multiple files w/ export/import and relocation table (linker) one option is to create a basic loadable program (as done currently for the example)

  • write a mil reader in 6510 code that transforms a string (of arbitrary length) into lisp byte-code

    • TODO: define lisp byte code (see mil)
  • write an interpreter of lisp byte-code in 6510 code

  • write an interpreter of lisp byte-code in mil (bootstrap)

  • write mil reader in lisp-byte-code in mil (bootstrap)

  • write mil compiler, generating 6510 assembly

  • optional: write 6510 code that allows for relocation of code (racket code exists) (loader) this would be helpful to have some kind of os that loads program(s) to execute

  • TODO: find compact representation of relocation table

  • optional: write 6510 code to resolve multiple files w/ export/import and relocation table

  • TODO: find compact representation of import/export table


idea: use same commands as vice monitor (see

  • (g)oto :: goto / jump to the given address
  • (n)ext :: execute the next number of instructions
  • r = :: assign a value to a register (pc, sp, a, x, y)
  • reset :: reset the cpu (0 = soft, 1 = hard ...)
  • (ret)urn :: execute up to (including) the next rts/rti
  • (z) / step :: same as next
  • (c)ompare .. :: compare memory
  • (f)ill .. (, )* :: fill the address range with bytes, repeating
  • (h)unt .. (, )* :: find the given byte sequence in the address range
  • i .. :: display memory as PETSCII text
  • ii .. :: display memory as screen code text
  • (m)em .. display memory
  • (t)/move .. :: move/copy memory
  • (, )* :: write into address
  • a (, )* :: assemble
  • (d)isass .. :: disassemble
  • break (load|store|exec) ( (.. )? (if )?)? :: (list or) set break point, when loading/storing or executing (within) the given address, when condition hits
  • enable
  • disable
  • cond if :: set condition on breakpoint
  • (del)ete :: remove the breakpoint
  • ignore ()? :: ignore the given breakpoint for count times
  • (tr)ace (load|store|exec) ( (.. )? (if )?)? :: (list or) set trace point, when loading/storing or executing (within) the given address, when condition hits
  • (un)til :: create temporary breakpoint at address and run until there
  • (w)atch (load|store) ( (.. )? (if )?)? :: (list or) set watch point, when loading/storing or executing (within) the given address, when condition hits
  • e(x)it :: exit monitor and return to execution
  • (q)uit :: exit monitor
  • help :: print help
  • ~ : display number in decimal, hex, octal and binary

break point = stop in monitor / debugger on read or write or execute trace point = print status but continue running on read or write or execute watch point = stop into monitor / debugger on read or write

  • step-wise debugger ** [X] step ** [X] inspect/change state ** [X] continue ** [X] continue to brealpoint ** [ ] continue to next rts/rti ** [X] back ** [ ] back to previous jmp/jsr interrupt ** [ ] back to breakpoint ** Inspect/change stack ** inspect/change memory ** [X] set additional break points
  • break points ** [X] static break point (on pc) ** conditional break points *** conditional elements ::
    • hit#,
    • memory content comparison,
    • flag test,
    • stack height (sp),
    • stack value comparison,
    • pc value (code line),
    • current opcode (set),
    • current addressing mode ** [X] time travel debugging (backwards) ** time portal (points) :: spots to remember state and navigate to (later)

mil (minimal lisp)

  • keep a clean bootstrapping process in mind

  • define lisp concepts to initially support

    • 1st be able to interpret itself
    • 2nd be able compile itself
    • minimal operations
      • operations/definitions: def, car, cdr, list, quote, quasi-quote, unquote,
    • elements
      • byte, nil, string, symbol, operation
    • map symbol -> code
  • manually translate source -> byte coded ast

  • implement reader (string -> ast)

    • ( a . b ) :: pair
    • ( a . ( b . ( c . nil ) ) :: (list a b c)
    • `( ... ) :: (quasi-quote ... )
    • ,( ... ) :: (unquote ...)
    • '( ... ) :: (quote ... ) data structure pair: encoding
      • 0 = nil
  • write lisp interpreter in (c/6510 code)

  • define lisp extension to allow compilation

    • this lisp should then be used to compile itself to assembly
  • define lisp extensions to incrementally support

    • hygenic macros

implementation without new knowledge

  • wrap multitude of flag-methods in 6510-interpreter into simple set of functions working on arbitrary flags, stored in a register, at some arbitrary position
  • extend pretty print to write comments, too

... with some new knowledge

  • Increase test coverage
  • Implement macros (as in macro assemblers)

... lots of new concepts

Some day

  • Write a language to generate parser combination using an extended ebnf syntax, enriched with code, to allow a more compact and less verbose definition of the syntax/parser used here.


  • Extend interpreter to allow for c64-like output functions when calling rom addresses
  • [-] Emulate text mode (fixed charset) of c64

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racket language experiments witht he 6510 processor language






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